
视死如归  shì sǐ rú guī








  • 她在敌人铡刀前,视死如归,毫无惧色。
    She faced death calmly and unflinchingly before the enemy's chaff-cutter.

  • 站在天桥最高处,摆出视死如归的姿态。
    Standing on top of the high bridge, I would pose an indomitable gesture.

  • 如风烛残眠,视死如归
    Like wind candle remnant sleep, face death unflinchingly;

  • 神兵战士从天而降,他们临难无惧、视死如归
    Fighting soldiers from the sky, Fearless men who jump and die. (Repeat)

  • 公鸡-勇气,时刻准备投入战斗并且视死如归
    Cock - Courage always ready for battle ready to fight to the death.

  • 神兵战士从天而降,他们临难无惧、视死如归
    Fighting soldiers from the sky, Fearless men who jump and die.

  • 他们像水兵,曾视死如归地与破碎的战舰共沉没;
    like sailors they have gone down unflinchingly to their death in shattered ships;

  • 塔塔尔枪骑兵身穿传统鳞甲,手持骑枪长剑,作战视死如归
    Tartar Lancers ride into battle dressed in lamellar armour and with a sharpened sword in hand.

  • 在朋友面前,对你说“我爱你”之前,他那种视死如归的样子。
    The way he would die before saying"I love you" in front of his friends.

  • 如果我生命的旅程只到今夜为止,我也可以问心无愧地视死如归
    If I the vital itinerary arrives the tonight, I too can then see the dead with a clear consciencely if return.

  • “虽死何惧,丹心汗青”:歌颂文天祥视死如归的爱国主义精神。
    "why should we be afraid Suisi, Han Qing loyalty": Wen praises death of the spirit of patriotism.

  • 在朋友面前,对你说:”我爱你”之前,他们那种视死如归的样子。
    The way they would be die before saying "I love you "infront their friends.

  • 在朋友面前,对你说:”我爱你”之前,他们那种视死如归的样子。
    The way they would be die before saying "I love you " infront their friends.

  • 成千上万的机车工程师们视死如归,只要他们能保护乘客的安然无恙
    Brave engineers on thousands of locomotives are not afraid of sudden death if they can save their passengers from harmful accidents.

  • 贝贝一副视死如归的表情:“哼,反正你也不喜欢我了,我自杀算了!!”
    " Bei Bei the expression of a pair of face death unflinchingly: "Hum, anyway you also do not like me, my suicide calculated! ! ! !

  • 在朋友面前,对你说:”我爱你”之前,他们那种视死如归的样子.汽车。
    The way they would be die before saying "I love you " infront their friends.

  • 对死亡视死如归的坦述,表达了她对生命终极意义的感悟和对生命永恒的追求。
    stating unafraid of death expresses her comprehending ultimate significance of life and her pursuing to life eternal.

  • 你又怎不被先贤们那视死如归,要杀敌雪恨,收复国土的英雄气概所深深打动!
    How can you say that our predecessors could not be death, it is necessary to avenge enemy, to regain the heroic spirit of the land deeply moved!

  • 字里行间的坚定与决绝,不容半点余地,大有“视死如归”的劲头与小品舞台说再见。
    Between the lines strengthening and renounces, does not accommodate the least bit leeway, had "was unafraid of death" the strength and the sketch stage greatly says.

  • 他们身穿传统鳞甲,手持骑枪长剑,作战视死如归,决意用生命洗清曾经战败的奇耻大辱。
    When called on to defend their lands, they ride into battle dressed in lamellar armour and with a sharpened sword in hand, determined to succeed at the task they have once failed before.

  • 我们发现被公开坦白的对待的病人能更好的处理死亡的接近并且最终能达到一种视死如归的境界。
    We found out that patients who had been dealt with openly and frankly were better able to cope with the approach of death and finally to reach a ture stage of acceptance prior.

  • 他是那么的视死如归,向同伴要了十块吗啡以加快结束自己的生命,最后终于英雄似的向死神走去。
    He is so Shisirugui, to be companions of the 10 morphine to speed up the end of their lives and finally heroes like going to death.

  • 这样,这场运动就沦为当今普通政党的地位,再也没有力量面对敌对命运,也丧失了视死如归的勇气。
    Thus the Movement sank to the common political party level of the day and no longer had the strength to face a hostile fate and defy the risk of martyrdom.

  • 在战斗中他们视死如归,渴望通过一个真正的敌人来验证他们伟大的技能,证明在战场上没有第二强者。
    In battle they are deadly opponents, eager to practise their great skills on real enemies, in an arena where there is no room for second best.

  • 你不要怕这刽子手,反该对得起你的哥哥们,视死如归,好叫我在天主显示仁慈的时候,可迎接你的哥哥们和你!
    Do not be afraid of this executioner, but be worthy of your brothers and accept death, so that in the time of mercy I may receive you again with them.

  • 行刑前夕,黑尔获准写了些信,但都被狱卒毁掉。那狱卒认为「绝对不可叛乱分子知道,他们有人能够视死如归」。
    Though Hale was allowed to write letters on the eve of his execution, they were destroyed by his jailer, who felt that "rebels should never know they had a man who could die with so much firmness."

  • 考试那天终于到了,可能有了考中级的经验,这次的我踏入考场以后显得出奇的平静,仿佛有一种视死如归的感觉。
    That's enough for me. When the final day befell, probably due to my last time's experience, I showed great composure after I stepped into the classroom.

  • 尽管阿拉伯地区以生产锋利匕首著称,他们却使用长剑盾牌作战,其视死如归的悍勇令这些剑士成为战场上的杀戮机器。
    On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield, as opposed to the daggers of their trade. Having no fear of death makes these men especially deadly.

  • 政治上的弱者,精神上的强者,豪迈的抒发自己的故国之思,爱国之情,丝毫不畏惧,宛如一个视死如归的勇士,这个无奈的人。
    Politically weak, the spirit of the strong, proud of their native country to express the thinking, patriotic feeling, does not fear death like a warrior, the helpless people.

  • 被捕后,视死如归,慷慨就义。新中国成立后,政府和人民为纪念徐锡麟,先后将大通学堂、东浦热诚小学、徐锡麟故居等列为省、县级的文物保护单位。
    After new China was founded, the Government and people to commemorate Xu Xilin, Chase will have Hall, Dongpu enthusiasm primary, Xu Xilin, such as a home province, the county's heritage Care unit.

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