
落花流水  luò huā liú shuǐ







  • 你一定能把他们打得落花流水的。
    You are gonna blow them out of the water.

  • 我们球队把他们的打得落花流水
    Our team beat theirs with a vengeance.

  • 落花流水春去也,“神”怎麽甘心?
    Spring also trounced, "God" how willingly?

  • 我们队今晚会将他们打得落花流水
    Our team's gonna mop the floor with them tonight.

  • 妳将打的他们落花流水
    You're gonna blow them out of the water!

  • 你一定会把他们打得片甲不留(落花流水)。
    You're gonna blow them out of the water.

  • 我们最后一场比赛可真把他们打得落花流水
    We really caned them in the last match.

  • 我同我侄女下国际象棋时,她把我打得落花流水
    I played my niece at chess and she gave me a right hammering.

  • 两人再度联手,将网上的其他玩家打得落花流水
    They re-join the other players online will play Luohualiushui.

  • 上周的友谊赛冠军联队把本地球队打了个落花流水
    The state champions routed the home team at a friendship match last week.

  • 告诉你吧,星期六下午我们会把你们打得落花流水
    I tell you, we're going to clean your clock Saturday afternoon!

  • 锦屏叠翠盖图中。天涯何处无芳草,落花流水总是情。
    The falling flowers and running streams know our feelings.

  • 其结果,把几千年封建地主的特权,打得个落花流水
    As a result, the privileges which the feudal landlords enjoyed for thousands of years are being shattered to pieces.

  • 本:我说大伙再加把劲,一定要把库斯曼家杀得落花流水
    Ben: Come on guys get it together. We've gotta kill the Koosmans this year.

  • 这样,一片雨云的分化取决于较大与较小的雨滴下落花流水的速度。
    The polarization of a thundercloud may thus be due to the rates at which large and small raindrops fall.

  • 但是那些自己球队被红杉队打得落花流水的教练们可不愿思考这些哲学。
    But the coaches on the other side of Redwood City's lopsided scores were disinclined to be so philosophical.

  • 至此,我军给予敌军一记漂亮的回马枪,打得敌人落花流水,惨败而逃。
    Till now, our military gives the enemy a beautiful shot back , which makes the enemy flee embarrassingly.

  • 我听说敌人的部队明日拂晓就将抵达,无疑他们很快就会被我们打得落花流水。呼-哈!
    xfhsm_ENG:I hear that enemy troops are close by. Our services will no doubt soon be needed. Hoo-ah!

  • 今天,我虽然输了,但是很高兴,因为前几天,爸爸被我杀得落花流水,他今天有进步了。
    Today, although I lost, but very pleased, because a few days ago, my father was running neck and Lahualiushui, he had some progress today.

  • 千万不要跟一个无赖争吵,因为他会把你拉到他的水准,再以他丰富的经验赢你个落花流水
    Never argue with a dumbass, because he will bring you down to his level and beat you with experiences. Agree?

  • 的确!如果不是这样,恐怕这十年一遇的飓风现在已经把我们打得落花流水了。-真是幸运!
    Exactly! If it wasn't there, we'd be getting hit with one of the worst hurricanes of the past decade right now. -Incredible.

  • 结果法军被大量隐蔽的越盟炮兵包围。那些炮兵在四周山顶上,居高临下,把法军杀得落花流水
    Consequently, the French were surrounded by plenty of hidden artillery units on the mountain crests overlooking them, who proceeded to rip the French to pieces.

  • 许多华尔街顽固的乐观主义者如今已经被打得落花流水,但那些仍没倒下的开始转而研究起微积分来。
    MANY of the diehard optimists on Wall Street have been beaten to a pulp by now, but those still standing have fallen back on a nifty bit of calculus.

  • 这开始发生时,泰勒先生正在楼上。他与店员动手向窗外投掷家具,椅子,桌子飞落花流水在拱廊街上。
    When this was happening, Mr. Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff began to throw furniture outside the window, chairs and tables went flying into the arcade.

  • 当这一切发生的时候,泰勒先生还在楼上。他与店员动手向窗外投掷家具,椅子,桌子飞落花流水在拱廊街上。
    while this was going on, mr. taylor still upstair. he and his staff began threwing furniture, chairs and table out of the window, flying into the arcade.

  • 联合了一个背叛曹操的原来黄巾军的人,叫刘辟,他们两个人在许都周围去骚扰曹操,最后被曹军打得落花流水
    A joint betrayal of the original Huang Jin Cao Cao Jun, Liu Pi is called, in both of them are around to harass Mr. Cao Cao, Cao was the final trounced.

  • 亚利桑那红雀队在比赛只剩下二十二分钟时,以二十三比三将芝加哥熊队打得落花流水,但让人跌破眼镜的事发生了。
    The Arizona Cardinals were beating the Chicago Bears 23-3 with only 22 minutes left in the game, but then a really unusual thing happened.

  • 好吧,各位,听我说,要是我们开动脑筋,全力冲撞,我们今天会把他们打得落花流水,为去年我们在他们手下惨败报仇雪恨。
    Okay, listen to me, men. If we use our heads and hit those guys as hard as we can, we'll lick them good today and get even for the way they beat us last year.

  • 把她的骨盆弯成了弓形,越来越高,直到在她生命中第一次她达到落花流水的高潮、感觉到他的硬度失效、然后她大腿上精液的悚然狂流。
    arching her pelvis higher and higher until for the first time in her life she reached a shattering climax, felt his hardness break and then the crawly flood of semen over her thighs.

  • 魔鬼们见他们势单力薄,并不把他们放在眼里。但是,吃了最最好吃的黄米面团后精力充沛的桃太郎和伙伴们并肩作战,瞬间就把魔鬼们打得落花流水
    The ogres laughed at him, but the dog ran in and bit them as Momotaro fought using his sword. Momotaro and his companions, having eaten the best millet cookies of Japan, knew no fear and were strong.

  • 落花流水造句相关
