
莫名其妙  mò míng qí miào








  • 她的行为使我莫名其妙
    Her conduct is a mystery to me.

  • 他一声不吭就走了, 真叫人莫名其妙
    It is quite baffling that he left without a word.

  • 莫名其妙地生起气来。
    She got angry without rhyme or reason.

  • 莫名其妙的心理很难过怎么办?
    Is indescribable psychology very sad how to do?

  • 她一向对蛇有一种莫名其妙的恐惧。
    She has always had a complex about snakes.

  • 莫名其妙的好运气,没有东西可代替。
    There is no substitute for in comprehensible good luck.

  • 那个人跟我说了些非常莫名其妙的话。
    A: That man said something very strange to me.

  • 为什么会莫名其妙的烦躁,!
    Why to meet indescribable be agitated, !

  • 对于真正的人,这个死亡率莫名其妙
    And that ratio is what matters to real people.

  • 为什么我的皮肤会莫名其妙的感觉痒啊?
    Why is the feeling with my can indescribable skin urticant?

  • 请不要说莫名其妙的话。
    Please don't say absurd things.

  • 而计算机科学对此兴趣寥寥,就更莫名其妙了。
    The lack of interest from computer science is more baffling.

  • 有些听起来莫名其妙的事情可能会带来无限帮助。
    Something which sounds ridiculous has the potential to be of enormous help.

  • 我就是觉得这事莫名其妙,但它确实已经发生了。
    I was just wondering about that myself. But it had happen.

  • 经常会莫名其妙的产生罪恶感,这是抑郁症的一种吗?
    Via regular meeting indescribable generation injustice feels, one kind this is depressed disease?

  • 此刻我只好又干了一连串莫名其妙、毫无意义的事情。
    I now had to carry out a second series of useless, illogical actions.

  • 假如他们真的没感情,自然会离婚,而不是整日对你说些莫名其妙的话。
    If they really have no feelings, it will naturally divorce, and not the day you say so baffling.

  • 如果她们真的没感情,自然会离婚,而不是整日对你说些莫名其妙的话。
    If they did not really emotional, will divorce, rather than on the day you say why.

  • 有时候我一个人在街上走,莫名其妙的只想一个人,莫名其妙的只想走。
    Sometimes I take a person in the street, the only wish a bewildered, baffled the just want to go.

  • 在黏糊糊的黄昏中,一缕莫名其妙的蒸汽向左上方冉冉升腾,使你咳嗽起来。
    An unnatural wraith of steam rising to the left in the humid evening is what is making you cough.

  • 许多人类形体中的处于已经存在于统一中的幻像内,他们莫名其妙地感觉“已提升”。
    Many in human form are in a fantasy that they already exist in unity, that they somehow "have already ascended".

  • 她的帽子已经被推掉,白雪辉映着她的黑发,现在他对她产生了一种莫名其妙的温柔感。
    Her hat had been pushed off, an the snow shining on her dark hair. He now felt a strange gentleness for her.

  • 那种认为由撒切尔夫人领导,保守党就只能对东南部郊区有号召力的看法,真是莫名其妙
    It was indeed a quaint notion that under Mrs Thatcher the Troy Party would only appeal to the suburban south-east.

  • 当她回头对她的一个哥哥微笑时,迈克尔就莫名其妙地朝那个年轻人杀气腾腾地瞪了一眼。
    When she turned to smile at one of her brothers Michael gave that young man a murderous look without even realizing it.

  • 为了维系这个他们感到无法控制或是莫名其妙的习惯,许多人都已负债累累,达数万美元之多。
    Many have accumulated tens of thousands of dollars in debt to feed a habit they find unable to control or understand.

  • 不幸地,我的眼睛莫名其妙地损坏了整体旅行,我真正地享受,并且在那片刻,我认为我会失明!
    Unfortunately, my eye somehow spoiled the whole trip, which I really enjoyed, and at that moment, I thought I would go blind!

  • 遗憾的是,这个控件的编辑窗口部分是无界的。允许用户自由输入界限以外的值,甚至是莫名其妙的垃圾。
    Unfortunately, the edit window portion of this control is unbounded, leaving users free to ter values that are out of bounds or even unintelligible garbage.

  • 在这种莫名其妙的恐惧里,唯有那些有雪的冬季里的快乐能够重燃我的希望之火,让我感到无懈可击的安全。
    In this inexplicable fear, the only snow of the winter that's happy to re-ignite the fire of my hope, I feel perfect security.

  • 当他们走近庄园,斯奎拉朝他们蹦蹦跳跳地走过来,他一直莫名其妙地没有参加战斗,而此时却高兴得摇头摆尾。
    As they approached the farm Squealer, who had unaccountably been absent during the fighting, came skipping towards them, whisking his tail and beaming with satisfaction.

  • 令人没趣的是,许人女人总是受伤,因为男人在家里时不说话,同时许多男人感到沮丧,他们莫名其妙地让另一半失望了。
    What's not funny is that many women are hurt when men don't talk to them at home, and many men are frustrated when they disappoint their partners without knowing why.

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