
莫可名状  mò kě míng zhuàng








  • 站在树下,仿佛置身在绿色大厦里莫可名状
    Standing under a tree, feel like being in the green building where Mokemingzhuang.

  • 但是,尽管我有些莫可名状的害怕,我绝不会后悔自己的决定。
    But, terrified as I was, I couldn't bring myself to regret the decision.

  • 透明天使的你,就这样牵动着无数心绪而教人有那么多的莫可名状
    Transparent angel you, like this affect the innumerable state of mind to teach the human to have that many indescribable.

  • 你会突然产生一种莫可名状的伤感,牢牢的占据在你的思想,让你动弹不得;
    you will feel a kind of feeling unexpected and nondescript which hold your thinking tightly and you can't let it go;

  • 莫可名状地,湖人今天对黄蜂这支处于联盟顶级的进攻型球队打出了几乎是今年最好的防守。
    For some reason, the Lakers played some of their best defense of the year against one of the league's top offensive teams.

  • 虽然,人活在繁华的生活中,但大多数的人,内心弥漫着一股莫可名状的处空,苦闷和抑郁。
    Although most people have the essentials of living taken care of, they still have an undefinable emptiness within their hearts.

  • 而一想到死,那种莫可名状的恐惧,就如泰山崩顶一般,哗啦一声,连整个宇宙都翻转了过来。
    And when they thought of death, an indescribable fear overwhelmed them, like the roar of a great mountain collapsing. Their whole universe was turned up side down.

  • 我们停靠的所有地方,虽因时间短促没有留下特别的印象,但却使我的心头蒙上了一种莫可名状的难以忍受的感觉。
    Nowhere did we stop long enough to get a particularized impression, but the general sense of vague and oppressive wonder grew upon me.

  • 莫可名状的城市接触创造了一种动态——可能对那些希望得到一种明信片式惬意的旅行者来说是刺耳的,但这就是在拉萨的西藏人的生活。
    The anonymity of urban interaction creates a dynamic that can be jarring for tourists who expect a postcard easiness, but it is the way of life for Tibetans in Lhasa.

  • 这些年轻人运用了不同的媒介来投射自己,言说着莫可名状的神秘感:毕建业臆造了一个人人向往的乐园,没有慌张,无需烦恼,傲慢地任想象无拘无束地驰骋;
    These young artists used a variety of media as the language to make their works so charming:Bi Jianye sets up a fairyland with no panic and troubles, so as to release the imagination allodiality;

  • 这些年轻人运用了不同的媒介来投射自己,言说着莫可名状的神秘感: 毕建业臆造了一个人人向往的乐园,没有慌张,无需烦恼,傲慢地任想象无拘无束地驰骋;
    These young artists used a variety of media as the language to make their works so charming: Bi Jianye sets up a fairyland with no panic and troubles, so as to release the imagination allodiality;

  • 莫可名状造句相关
