
草草了事  cǎo cǎo liǎo shì








  • 通常他们早餐,中餐都是草草了事
    Thy usually eat breakfast and lunch in a hurry.

  • 每每信誓旦旦要减肥,却总是草草了事
    Often vowed to lose weight, but it always has been too hasty.

  • 已经没有感觉了,就是做也是草草了事
    There is no feeling that is too hasty to do.

  • 因此,网络租房是一种便捷的手段,但不能草草了事
    Therefore, the rental network is a convenient means, but not Caocaoleshi.

  • 虽然在考试时加紧努力,但是却在作业方面草草了事
    I should admit that I did a very simply job for my assignments, even I study hard for my exam.

  • 递补颁奖仪式通常冷冷清清草草了事,既没有领奖台,也不奏国歌。
    Makeshift medal ceremonies often have no podium, no anthem, and little fanfare.

  • 有些早早在地铁里买个便当草草了事(有的为赶时间,有的是要节省)。
    Somebody would buy a "bento" (a kind of Japanese fast-food box) in the train and wolf it off (for saving time or money).

  • 大多数美国人吃早午餐草草了事,除非是在社交、公务或家人欢聚的场合。
    Most Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly unless it is a social, business, or family occasion.

  • 我的朋友们一致反对我不顾自己的名声,得不到什么赔偿就这样草草了事
    All my friends were unanimous not to let me so far neglect my character as to adjust a thing of this kind without reparation.

  • 你不会随随便便接受某件事情就继续,大略了解表面就草草了事你不会满意;
    You don't simply take things as they are and move on; you're not content skimming along on the surface;

  • 他用了大约30分钟给我理发,并未因为有其他的顾客在排队等候而草草了事
    It took him about 30 minutes to finish and he rushed not when there were other clients queuing up for their turns.

  • 专家说,有数百万人因为支付不起度假和餐馆的消费,而选择吃快餐草草了事
    Experts say millions who can no longer afford restaurant meals or holidays are opting for a 'quick-fix' treat instead.

  • 别为了赶时间而草草了事。匆忙之间会造成失误。既然做事,就一次把它做好。
    Stay focused and don't get pressured by the ticking clock. Hastiness will lead to careless mistakes. If you are going to do a job, do it right once.

  • 他们技术高明的主要原因就是对结肠内壁进行彻底仔细的检查,反对草草了事
    A major factor in their success was taking enough time to examine the colon thoroughly, as opposed to rushing through the procedure.

  • 世界上所有的天才艺术家绝对不会对自己的作品草草了事,不会偷懒和拖拖拉拉。
    All the talent in the world won't make up for rushed work, laziness, or procrastination.

  • 大多数美国人吃早餐、午餐都是草草了事,除非是在社交、公务或家人欢聚的场合。
    Most Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly unless it is a social, business, or family occasion.

  • 许多成年信徒也需要有这样的提醒:祷告不应只在饭前或睡前咕哝几句、草草了事
    Many adult believers also need to be reminded that their prayers should be more than a mumbled ritual before eating or falling asleep.

  • 至少,他们在谈起我时,“这位为人楷模的人自忖,”会认为裁并非未尽公职或草草了事!“
    "At least, they shall say of me, " thought this exemplary man, "that I leave no public duty unperformed, nor ill performed! "

  • “至少,他们在谈起我时,”这位为人楷模的人自忖,“会认为裁并非未尽公职或草草了事!”
    "At least, they shall say of me, " thought this exemplary man, "that I leave no public duty unperformed, nor ill performed! "

  • 但如果你想有机会给他们办一场盛大的婚礼,而不是请上几个亲友草草了事,那你就该到股市冒一冒险。
    But if you want the chance of giving them a wonderful wedding instead of just feeding a few guests, then you should take the risk of investing in equities.

  • 因此主持人的语言技巧不能粗枝大叶,草草了事,只有更好的运用语言技巧才能让个节目生动和活力起来。
    The anchor person language artifice can not sketchy , do a thing carelessly therefore , the ability wielding language artifice only when much better lets the vivid sum of program vigour get up.

  • 为免看完楼后与中介公司有任何争拗,签字前谨记一定要看清“看楼纸”上所写的内容,切草草签个字了事
    After reading, and to avoid any disputes intermediary companies, the signature must clearly bear in mind that the former "Kanlou paper, " wrote the content is just another sign characters.

  • 富力集团董事长李思廉醉意朦胧中走上发言席,简短的祝词不满10句话就草草了事,原来,他为了庆祝交易成功,中午已经喝高了。
    bodied Group chairman Lee Lim on the floor, I seemed easy, short message with 10 words on the wind, the original, to celebrate his successful transactions, which have been drinking high.

  • 政客们总是虚应故事地对公司总裁们进行质疑,到头来,再申斥一顿就草草了事(除了安然一案是个例外),这样的场景,我们都看腻了。
    We're tired of seeing politicians make slim attempts to question CEOs, and in the end do nothing but scold them (Enron being the exception). Mr.

  • 他们周末的作业常常草草了事,关于作业的内容他们什么也不知道,导致在周一的时候老师很不高兴,也经常威胁他们要让他们全班都不及格。
    Their weekend homework is usually done in such a hurry that on Monday teachers are unhappy , and often threaten to fail whole classes because they knew nothing about it.

  • 原因相信是时间安排不当,之前的选手用过长时间,而之后的却草草了事。(很多甚至无发展现准备已久的才艺)再来,她告诉我说今年的评审也很让人觉得难过。
    About the main theme "recycle", if you weren't much prepare on this theme judges would understand and i personally think it won't really minus off marks on this subject.

  • 他认为读者需要注意的一点是,哈利•杜鲁门(HarryTrumen)不顾温斯顿•丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)的反对,坚持要求对纳粹进行审判,并且希望将纳粹党魁草草处决了事
    He reminds readers that Harry Truman insisted on the trials, over the objections of Winston Churchill, who simply wanted the Nazi leaders summarily executed.

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