
荆棘丛生  jīng jí cóng shēng






  • 通往伟大之路,必然荆棘丛生
    It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.

  • 每个生命都有它的玫瑰和荆棘丛生
    Every life has its roses and thorns.

  • 荆棘丛生,把小麦都盖没了。
    Thorns sprang up and choked the wheat.

  • 这条新路上是荆棘丛生的。
    The new path was a thorny one.

  • 我好想陪伴你无论是高山峡谷,荆棘丛生
    I is it accompany you no matter alpine barranca , overgrown with brambles to really want;

  • 前方即使荆棘丛生
    Even if the problems in front of thorns.

  • 乌鸫啊,你狂野的哨音在荆棘丛生的溪谷回荡。
    Ye wild whistling blackbirds in yon thorny den.

  • 我们只会看到贫瘠的土地,野草疯长,荆棘丛生
    We should see nothing but barren fields, overrun with weeds and briers;

  • 我们只会看到贫瘠的土地,野草疯长,荆棘丛生
    We should see nothing but barren fields, overrun with weeds and biers;

  • 我们只会看到贫瘠的土地,野草疯长,荆棘丛生
    We should see nothing barren fields, overrun with weedsbiers;

  • 家乡的小路,曲折蔓延,荆棘丛生,好似人一生的坎坷。
    Cul-de-sac home, and turns the spread of difficulties arising, as if the rough in his lifetime.

  • 我独自一人穿越荆棘丛生的无尽暗夜,我已筋疲力尽,遍体鳞伤。
    I traverse though the dark night that full of throng. I have been tired out, beaten and hurt.

  • 玩家面临的挑战将有滚石,方块,荆棘丛生的陷阱,水坑等等等等。
    Rolling stones, cubes, pitfalls thorns and water have to be combined.

  • 古墓是这个荆棘丛生的世界的支柱和轴心,将成为游苔莎最后的归宿。
    The barrow, being the pole and axis of this heathy world will become her last home.

  • 天下原本没有路,在荆棘丛生的地上践踏的次数多了,脚下就有了一条路。
    The world didn't and trample on the ground of thorns up, now have a path.

  • 当你的扬中,只有荆棘丛生的荒岭,干涸绝望的沙漠,你能够快乐的面对生活的一切吗!
    When you Yangzhong the only thorny problems of shortage of Ridge, dry desert of despair, you can be happy living in the face of it all!

  • 我和卢克呆呆地望着那块杂草遍地荆棘丛生的草地,那上面好象从来没有建过任何房子。
    Loch and I stared at the grassy stretch of land, overgrown with weeds, plants and thorny brambles. It was as if the house had never existed at all.

  • 为了让新内阁顺利通过议会这一关,内贾德踏上了一条荆棘丛生的道路,但这才刚上路呢。
    These may be just the opening shots in what may be a sticky process to win parliament's approval of a new cabinet.

  • 请与我同行,不管眼前是浓云还是迷雾,不管脚下是烁石密布还是荆棘丛生,请与我同行吧!
    please with my colleagues, whether immediate or fog is , whether stone at the foot of the luminous clouds or thorns problems, please let my colleagues!

  • 同学们、老师们,构建和谐校园需要我们大家共同的努力,任前方荆棘丛生我们将持之以恒。
    The classmates, the teachers, set up harmonious campus to need our common effort, allow front beset with difficulties we will persistent.

  • 同学们、老师们,构建和谐校园需要我们大家共同的努力,任前方荆棘丛生,我们将持之以恒。
    Teachers the schoolmates, construct the harmonious campus to need our everybody common endeavor, no matter what front overgrown brambles, we will persevere.

  • 投资者们明知前路荆棘丛生,但在如此富有历史情调的地点占据一席之地的良机,实在不容错过。
    Although investors knew hurdles still lay before them, the chance at getting in on such an historic location was too much to pass up.

  • 和平运动者在北爱尔兰问题(注1)基本结束十多年以后称:在探究完整真相的道路上仍荆棘丛生
    In Northern Ireland more than a decade after the "Troubles" largely ended, peace activists say there are still huge obstacles to a search for the full facts.

  • 虽然,人人都在走着自己的人生道路,然而在这些道路上,荆棘丛生,暗礁遍布,陷阱隐匿,法网环绕。
    Although everyone walked their own path in life, but on these roads, thorns mushrooming all over the reef, hidden traps, net surround.

  • 人生路上有风有雨,到处是荆棘丛生,只有我们去奋斗,去拼搏,就一定会有鲜花和掌声在等待着我们。
    The wind on the road of life there is rain, there is going to crop up only if we go to fight, to struggle, it will be waiting with flowers and applause from us.

  • 每当我心灵疲惫的时候,总有那嫣然灿烂的笑容振奋我的精神,让我在荆棘丛生的人生旅途不显得厌倦和畏惧。
    Whenever my mind, when weary, there is always that sweet smile inspiring my spirit, let me journey in life have arisen in the thorns do not seem tired and fear.

  • 任何畏惧都是虚幻--你以为面前荆棘丛生,实际上都是纸老虎,有的只是机遇,要你执著不懈,争取些许成功。
    Any dreads all is unreal--You front thought overgrown brambles, in fact all are a paper tiger, some is only the opportunity, wants you rigid unremitting, strives for the trifle to be successful.

  • 沿着这条基本路线,局势不会有所改进,因为德国党在它自己和本阶级之间设置了一条最后通牒主义的荆棘丛生的樊篱。
    Along this line, which is fundamental, the situation is not improving, because the German party has placed between itself and the class the thorny hedge of ultimatism.

  • 我们的局面依然是荆棘丛生的,在后卫线上的伤病危机让我们为对手的每一次进球而忧心。但我们的反击非常不错,踢得很好,也把握住了进球机会。
    The fact we were still in an emergency situation in defence with all our injuries meant that early goal made us feel insecure, but we reacted well with some good football and scoring opportunities.

  • 一个好一点的文凭在这个现实的社会来说是…不可或缺的,由此,(为了不让我的梦想在荆棘丛生的社会丛林间漏气,)我会专心念书专心学习,只要能够润色出我梦想最起码的形状。
    A solid degree is a must under the circumstances of realistic society. Therefore, I'll read and learn as long as I could continuously concentrate on my current shapes of dreams.

  • 荆棘丛生造句相关
