
茂林修竹  mào lín xiū zhú








  • 前与秀山寺遥遥相对,背后倚茂林修竹的月光山。
    Temple before the show and a distant relative, Reliance behind Mau Lam Xiuzhu Moonlight Hill.

  • 从山下仰望,殿宇呈瑞,茂林修竹,悬崖峭壁上飞濂挂瀑。
    Looking up from the foot of the mountain, temples Cheng-rui, Lam Xiuzhu, hanging cliff flying waterfall Mrs.

  • 由于气候条件较其他四岳为好,处处是茂林修竹,终年翠绿;
    Due to weather conditions is better than the other four mountains, everywhere is the Wooded, and bamboo , year-round green;

  • 南岳衡山处处是茂林修竹,还有很多动物栖息,而且游客不是很多。
    Heng Mountain, the south Yue, most famous for the forest and the nice plant and animal habitats, also not heavily visited.

  • 校内山水辉映、楼群错落、茂林修竹、绿树繁花,其幽雅恬静宜人读书。
    Landscape school embraced the scattered buildings, Lam Xiuzhu, tree flowers, its elegant tranquil and pleasant reading.

  • 再逛小区,小桥流水、凉亭假山、茂林修竹,步步为景、处处诗情画意。
    Then visited areas, small bridges down, pavilion rockery, Mau Lam Xiuzhu, step for King, all emotions.

  • 东湖公园的山涧溪流、桃花夹岸,有茂林修竹之属,处身其间妨似世外桃源
    East Lake Park Shanjian streams, peach Gaan, of the Mau Lam Xiuzhu, is found nuisance which might Xanadu;

  • 涡河北岸的汤陵,丘阜巍然,茂林修竹,松柏森森,是世代被人们敬仰的商朝建立者成汤王之墓。
    Wohe on the north shore of the Tang Ling, Chiu Fu Wei-ran, Lam Xiuzhu, Songbaisensen, is revered for generations by people who set up the Shang Dynasty Tomb of King Tang.

  • 康乐公旧居早已无存,后人甚至无从考证马岗顶的茂林修竹间,是否曾经响起过他优雅的木履声。
    Leisure former places of residence has been no public deposit, or even future generations of Wucongkaozheng Ma Gangding Mau Lam Xiuzhu, whether he had sounded too elegant Mulv sound.

  • 这二处位于入口内,地形起伏多变,茂林修竹,清流潺潺,清池内白鹅游水,给人以清秀怡人的观感。
    This two at the entrance, the terrain volatile, Mau Lam Xiuzhu, a clean Chan Chan, Qingchi within the White Geese swim, Qingxiu pleasant to people's perception.

  • 在离儋州市城北10公里的洛基镇有个屋基村,这里到处是茂林修竹,栖息着上万只白鹭,人们把这里称为“白鹭天堂”。
    Danzhou City in the north of the city, 10 km from the Rockies town of Wu Ji Village, is everywhere here Mau Lam Xiuzhu, the habitat of the Shang Wanzhi egret, the people here called "egret paradise."

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