
节外生枝  jié wài shēng zhī








  • 快要达成协议的时候, 对方又节外生枝
    An agreement was about to be reached when the other side raised new issues.

  • 计算机可能被证明是一种节外生枝
    the computer could prove a digression.

  • 聪明的老婆从不给老公有时间三思,省得节外生枝
    A wise wife never gives her husband time to have second thoughts.

  • 接著便准备带了林氏母女一同前去,免得又节外生枝
    Then he was ready to take Dr. Lin and her daughter with him in case anything unexpected might happen.

  • 班尼叔叔给了我一笔钱,将我送到这,不会再节外生枝
    And then when I done my time, Uncle Benny, he gives me my portion, sends me out here so I can't get into trouble.

  • 他完全不想让事情节外生枝,直到新上台的英国政府举办公民投票。
    He dismisses the idea of spinning things out until a new British government can call a referendum.

  • 不要再节外生枝了,我们只需要按老板说得去做,就会尽快离开这。
    Don't make this harder than it has to be we just do what the boss says So we can all get off here early.

  • 对中国而言,与查韦斯及其盟友的国际纠葛并非诱人之事,而是节外生枝
    For China, the international entanglements of Mr Chávez and his friends are a complication rather than an attraction.

  • 小克说谈判太不顺了,总有没完没了的节外生枝,他可不想因谈不成而赋闲半年。
    He said: the negotiations were very hard, there are excuses again and again. I don't need a break of half a year.

  • 如果俱乐部的管理层节外生枝,那肯定会有问题,很可能将在未来导致一场官司。
    So there's a problem and a possibility that if the administrator goes down another route then there could be further legal battles.

  • 同样地,先去做你真正想做的事,因为夜长梦多,一整天下来计划难免会节外生枝
    Equally, do the thing you really want to do first, as often plans go awry as the day goes on.

  • 教师的教和学生的学在课堂上最理想的进程就是完成预定的教案,而不是“节外生枝”。
    Teachers teach and students learn in the classroom is the best process is scheduled to complete the lesson plans, rather than "complicate the issue."

  • 这就是计算机设计师在工作中必须与存储器设计人员一道考虑的仅有的一点节外生枝问题。
    This only one of the trade-offs must be considered by the computer architect working with the memory designers.

  • 例如当着你们如此急切地要求谈判的时候,忽然判决冈村宁次无罪,这难道不是节外生枝吗?
    Didn't you cause complication, for instance, by suddenly declaring Yasuji Okamura not guilty at a time when you were so anxious for negotiations?

  • 这一步如果判断错误,屏蔽和接地设计就会出错,最后的效果可能适得其反,甚至节外生枝
    Improper shielding and grounding, based on faulty identification of any of these elements, may only make matters worse or create a new problem.

  • 过去几年来,它耍尽了花招,在谈判中不断节外生枝,设置种种障碍,阻挠435号决议的执行。
    Over the past years, it played all kinds of tricks to create side issues and obstacles in the negotiations on the implementation of Resolution 435.

  • 好事多磨是中国的古理了,节外生枝本不出奇,但这回生出的“枝节”可是我们万万没有想到的。
    road to happiness is strewn with the ancient Chinese science, and this issue is not surprising, but to produce "minor" But we never expected.

  • 经验表明,如果向对方提供学校、诊所、医院,或者哪怕只是衣物食品,都会导致很多节外生枝的问题。
    Experience has shown that when facilities such as schools, dispensaries, hospitals, or even clothes and food are offered to the people being taught, many complications arise.

  • 大部分工人都满意工资增加10%;所以,彼得建议提出进一步要求的时候,人们都叫他不要节外生枝了。
    Most of the workers were satisfied with a 10% increase in wages, and so when Peter suggested making further demands, he was told not to rock the boat .

  • 但如果赞成票与反对票十分接近,且当时的结果对多数党有利,主持人会立即宣布表决结果,以免节外生枝
    However, if in favor and against are very close, and the result was favorable to the majority party, immediately announced that it will host the outcome of the vote in order to avoid complications.

  • 霍尔特说,“我不管是不是安全问题,我们就是不想再节外生枝了,要知道我们现在每隔一两天就要打一场比赛!”
    We had a great chance to win the game and we just didn't play well enough in the fourth quarter.

  • 而那个离开的球员会是古格列尔莫。斯腾达多,他十分接近加盟博洛尼亚或那不勒斯,但是看起来现在情况有点节外生枝
    The player intended to quit Lazio is Guglielmo Stendardo, that seemed very close to move to Bologna or Napoli but whose situation seems now stuck.

  • 任何一位有心细读我的作品的读者都会发现,即使作品是直截了当的宣传鼓励,也包含著许多职业政客视为节外生枝的点缀。
    Anyone who cares to examine my work will see that even when it is downright propaganda it contains much that a full-time politician would consider irrelevant.

  • 任何一位有心细读我的作品的读者都会发现,即使作品是直截了当的宣传鼓励,也包含着许多职业政客视为节外生枝的点缀。
    Anyone who cares to examine my work will see that even when it is downright propaganda it contains much that a full-time politician would consider irrelevant.

  • 任何一位有心细读我的作品的读者都会发现,即使作品是直截了当的宣传鼓动,也包含着许多职业政客会视为节外生枝的点缀。
    Anyone who cares to examine my work will see that even when it is downright propaganda it contains much that a full-time politician would consider irrelevant.

  • 业务成交或签订合同后,要在十分钟内找“借口”离开客户,防止客户签约后出现常见的“吃亏、后悔”情结,避免节外生枝
    You had better find excuses to leave in ten minutes when you just make a deal with your customers because they maybe regret later.

  • 我之前一再跟我司相关人员强调此次参展只展示m8。现在却节外生枝。对此我很恼火,今天我们的展台已经正常并继续展示m8…
    I've told all the relative member again and again to take only M8 to expo, but there are still exceptions, and we will go on doing the show of M8.

  • 有时候,事情会偏离我们预想的轨道,节外生枝常会让人很沮丧,但只要我们有足够的耐心,那些枝条说不定会绽放出异彩的契机。
    Sometimes things don't always go according to the way we plan. This often causes frustration. But if we're patient enough, these little glitches can blossom in to golden opportunities.

  • 他这样宣称之后便是一阵有所期待似的沉默。汤普森突然想起他要打个电话,这才打破了沉默。我们利用这个节外生枝的机会改变了话题。
    The pregnant silence that followed this assertion was broken by Thompson's suddenly recalling that he had a phone call to make and we made the most of this diversion to change the subject.

  • 杰克逊昨晚在布鲁克林一个教堂里,正式开始了他在纽约的竞选活动。他说“我们要用最正当的方法竞选,避免节外生枝,以及毫无意义的乱吼乱叫。”
    Jackson, officially opening his New York campaign last night in a Brooklyn church, said he wanted to"keep our campaign on the high road, avoid the diversions and the catcalls that have no meaning."

  • 节外生枝造句相关
