
自我解嘲  zì wǒ jiě cháo







  • 他现在甚至比较愿意自我解嘲了。
    He's even more willing to poke fun at himself.

  • 能够自我解嘲是一项很重要的技巧。
    Being able to laugh at yourself is a valuable skill.

  • 我不知道怎么开始,只能自我解嘲
    I had no idea how to begin, except to laugh at myself.

  • 这种自我解嘲引来了很多笑声。
    Even more laughs came when they were right.

  • 我们喜欢第一夫人那种自我解嘲的幽默。
    And we love self-deprecating humor like we saw from the First Lady, " says Mr. Lichtman."

  • 我们喜欢第一夫人那种自我解嘲的幽默。
    And we love self-deprecating humor like we saw from the First Lady, " says Mr."

  • 我本害怕嘲人,直到我学会如何自我解嘲
    I was afraid of being jeer , till i learn how to jeer myself back.

  • 她知道如何自我解嘲,也知道如何关心别人。
    She knows how to laugh at herself and how to take care of others.

  • 若遭遇失败,我们会自我解嘲说都是环境的错。
    When we get failure, we may attribute it to the bad conditions.

  • 「我是问你什时候出发?」文祥只好自我解嘲
    "I was asking you about our ET, . " Wen Xiang said self-mockingly.

  • 其中一个原因是他很有点幽默感,很能自我解嘲
    One reason was that he had a sense of humour and could take a joke at his own expense.

  • 别的事都能束之高阁也,然后自我解嘲地微笑,睡去吧。
    Anything else can be shelved also, and then a smile of self-mockery, sleep bar.

  • 亚伯拉罕·林肯曾用自我解嘲的才智帮助他度过许多难关。
    Abraham Lincoln's ability to laugh at himself sustained him through his many adversities.

  • 如果我有机会送个礼物给下一代,我会送他们自我解嘲的能力。
    If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability to laugh at yourself .

  • 它给了人们一个自我解嘲的机会,让人们对他们熟悉的事情发笑。
    They give people an opportunity to laugh at themselves and at familiar situations.

  • 它给了人们一个自我解嘲的时机,让人们对他们熟识的事情发笑。
    They give people an opportunity to laugh at themselves and at familiar situations.

  • 它给了人们一个自我解嘲的机会,让人们对他们熟悉的事情发笑。
    Young people who are not always sure of how to act can smile at their awkwardness.

  • 自我解嘲有时很奏效,笑声使人们驱散了认为里根好斗并起劲地干蠢事的那种印象。
    Ego try to explain things away when been laughed at sometimes very be successful, laugh makes people broke up think Reagan is bellicose and the sort of impression of vigorously ground fool about.

  • 巴菲特说,这些天来,我绝对比几个月前要受欢迎。但随后他又自我解嘲说,我的起点也低。
    'I'm definitely more popular than I was a few months ago, ' he says -- and then quips: 'But I started from a low base.

  • 有一次,小布什总统竟被一块椒盐卷饼噎住,在晕过去时,他正要在其他人笑话他之前自我解嘲
    When President George W. Bush choked on a pretzel15) and passed out, he was making jokes about it before anybody else.

  • 如果他们能以一种更轻松的方式接受抗议行为,甚至偶尔可以自我解嘲的话,也许管他们叫独裁者的抗议人士会更少。
    If they can accept protests in a more light-hearted manner, and laugh at themselves occasionally, then maybe fewer protesters will call them dictators.

  • 现在,认为它看上去像自我解嘲啊想到像梦破灭的想法也应再度活跃起来要读好书很多高中看起来让你失望,其他不想那个。
    Now think of it looked like the self-mockeryAh think of the high school Looks like a lot of ideas Dreams shattered should also perk up again To read good books let you down The rest did not want the.

  • 我坚信伦敦会展现它自己的文化,我也希望那种文化是自我解嘲的,幽默的,而且和北京那种死板的过度的安全感截然不同的。
    London will offer I am sure its own type of culture which hopefully will be self deprecatory, humourous and a far cry from the sterility and overt security of Beijing.

  • 当现场的人们因布什的口误爆发出一阵笑声时,布什自我解嘲地说:“她(女王)看我的样子就像一个母亲在看她犯了错的孩子。”
    "She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child, " Bush said as the crowd burst into laughter.

  • 当现场的人们因布什的口误爆发出一阵笑声时,布�-自我解嘲地说:“她(女王)看我的样子就像一个母亲在看她犯了错的孩子。”
    "She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child, " Bush said as the cr xwd burst into laughter.

  • “我正要拿点喝的给玫,她累得不行了,可是不小心有人撞了我,你看我现在多精彩”,乔的眼睛一边懊恼地扫过弄污的裙子和跟咖啡一样颜色的手套,一边自我解嘲地说。
    I was trying to get something for Meg, who is very tired, and someone shook me, and here I am in a nice state, answered Jo, glancing dismally from the stained skirt to the coffee-colored glove.

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