
自力更生  zì lì gēng shēng







  • 上帝帮助那些自力更生的人。
    God helps those who help themselves.

  • 独立自主、自力更生地建设和巩固国防。
    Building and consolidating national defense independently and through self-reliance.

  • 我们既自力更生,同时又完全依赖他人;
    We are self-reliant and at the same time completely dependent.

  • 要不是自力更生的政策,我们怎能成功呢?
    How else could we have succeeded but for the policy of self-reliance?

  • 他们的成功是自力更生、艰苦奋头斗的结果。
    Their success resulted from self-reliance and hard work.

  • 钥匙儿童正面的影响包括较独立、自力更生
    Positive effects of being a latchkey child include independence and self-reliance.

  • 中国独立自主、自力更生地建设和巩固国防。
    China builds and consolidates its national defense independently and through self-reliance.

  • 但是我很享受这样的生活,自力更生,自得其乐。
    But this is a life I enjoy very much, all by myself, for myself.

  • 但我能够自力更生,我做到了,这让我信心十足。
    But I did, and I'm better for it.

  • 这种自力更生的精神是美国中产阶级最重要的一条育儿观。
    Such self-reliance is a principal value of children rearing in middle class America.

  • 我们能够理解毛主席满怀自豪提出自力更生政策时的心情。
    Chairman Mao might have spoken with understandable pride of his policy of self-reliance.

  • 动物间没有贫穷,因为他们自力更生,不知道等级与剥削。
    There is no poverty among animals, because they live on their own, ignorant of hierarchy and exploitation.

  • 自力更生的基础上利用外贸引进先进技术的原则将不会改变。
    The principle of introducing advanced technology with foreign capital on the basis of self-reliance will remain unchanged.

  • 这是一种自力更生的生活。我们食用的果蔬几乎都是自己种的。
    It's a self-reliant sort of life. We grow nearly all of our fruits and vegetables.

  • 许多年龄较大的中国年轻人,可以自力更生,不必父母经济支援。
    Many Chinese youngsters are old enough to earn their keep without asking their parents for financial assistance.

  • 这家公司借不到资金使自己的工厂现代化,他们只得靠自力更生了。
    Unable to borrow capital to modernize its plant, the company was forced to pull itself up by its own boot laces.

  • 他会临时带走你通常所拥有的支援,你需要学习新的发展方法,然后自力更生
    By temporarily taking away your usual sources of support you will learn new ways to develop and grow independently.

  • 以威利豪,一个自力更生的格拉斯哥商人和对于工党重大的捐赠者的情况为例。
    Take the case of Willie Haughey, a self-made Glasgow businessman and big donor to the Labour Party.

  • 没有木栓质叶颈秆自力更生,节的鞘痕;小穗不下垂;上部的正面的竿箨粗糙。
    Culms self-supporting, nodal sheath scars without corky collar; spikelets not pendulous; culm sheath adaxially distally scabrid.

  • 我们的建设方针是以自力更生为主,资金积累是社会主义性质的,软件服务外包。
    The policy in our construction is to rely mainly on our own efforts, so the accumulation of funds is socialistic.

  • 人民解放军坚持以自力更生、自主创新为主,并积极借鉴国外先进技术发展武器装备。
    The PLA persists in stressing self-reliance and independent innovation, and actively develops military equipment with advanced foreign technology.

  • 自力更生,艰苦奋斗,真正把立足点放到充分发挥自身的积极性、主动性和创造性上来;
    It is essential to rely on your own efforts, work assiduously, truly depend on your own enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and bring them into full play.

  • 其利用外资思想的主要原则逐渐形成,如利用外资要立足于自力更生,讲求互惠互利,等等。
    Along with the development of China's revolutionary course, Mao Zedong gradually formed the main principle of utilizing the foreign capital.

  • 但是报告指出,越来越多的农民发现政府所管理的灌溉资源匮乏,他们正在采取措施,以求自力更生
    But the report notes that increasingly, farmers are finding government-run irrigation lacking and they're taking matters into their own hands.

  • 内审人员最大程度发挥团队合作精神,为集体的成功分享自己的知识和专长,同时内审人员又要自力更生
    Auditors maximize the synergy that comes from team effort, sharing their own knowledge and expertise for collective success, while maintaining their unique individualism.

  • 因为太阳和冥王星之间相处得如此友好,你会有很大的机会认识某个有趣、自力更生并财务稳定的人–要抓住了!
    With the Sun and Pluto being so friendly, you'll have a good chance of meeting someone intriguing, self-made, and financially stable -a catch!

  • 我们钦佩他,并非因为他能自力更生,而是因为他孤身一人在瓦尔登湖畔生活,他喜欢这样──独居在湖畔的树林中。
    We admire him, not for his self-reliance, but because he was all by himself out there at Walden Pond, and he wanted to be—all alone in the woods.

  • 根据该中心的领导人道格•勒舍尔所说,目前最大的挑战之一就是,许多城镇这些年来都在尝试自力更生,但是收效甚微。
    One of the biggest challenges, according to Doug Loescher, the centre's director, is that many towns have been trying for years to revive themselves, with little success.

  • 提高我国的科学技术水平,当然必须依靠我们自己的努力,必须发展我们自己的创造,必须坚持独立自主,自力更生的方针。
    Of course, to raise China's scientific and technological level we must rely on our own efforts, develop our own inventions, and adhere to the policy of independence and self-reliance.

  • 加上我们的文化向来着重教育,我们传统精神,强调自力更生,重视企业才能,因此我们亚洲人也就成为区内十分宝贵的资产。
    Together with our cultural emphasis on education, our traditional spirit of self-reliance and entrepreneurial ship, the people of Asia has become an invaluable asset to the region at large.

  • 自力更生造句相关
