
能说会道  néng shuō huì dào








  • 那个年轻小贩能说会道
    The young cheap-Jack had got the gift of gab.

  • 周向东能说会道,很会搞人际关系。
    Zhouxiangdong passed, will engage in a very personal.

  • 曾几何时,俺也曾经能说会道
    Once I was able to speak well.

  • 思特里克兰德不是一个能说会道的人。
    Strickland was not a fluent talker.

  • 为了孩子能说会道,鹌鹑嫁给了鹦鹉。
    For the child glib, quail was married parrot.

  • 会为他的能说会道头晕目眩;雄辩的言语。
    able to dazzle with his facile tongue; silver speech.

  • 我知道你能说会道,因此不要说服我去买它。
    I know you've got a smooth tongue, so don't talk me into buying it.

  • 行动促进心动,也许通过锻炼你会变得能说会道
    Motion creates emotion so you may even become a better speaker by doing this.

  • 格里菲思能说会道,对许多问题都有点一知半解。
    and has a lot of superficial information on a number of subjects.

  • 我很少遇到像李丽这样口齿伶俐,能说会道的女孩。
    Seldom have I met a girl who's had such a gift of gab like Lee Lee's.

  • 能说会道的推销员,向她推销了一套她根本不想买的书。
    A glib door to door salesman sold her a set of books that she did not want.

  • 他可真是唯一能说会道,做出各种保证,手腕很厉害的人。
    He's a real wheeler-dealer full of big talk and promises.

  • 克拉福德先生严肃而沉默,克拉福德太太却和善而能说会道
    Mr. Crawford is serious and quiet, but Mrs. Crawford is sociable and eloquent.

  • 我弟弟长的很英俊而且能说会道,他真的是那种受女性喜欢的男人。
    My brother is a good looking guy and a smooth talker, really he is a kind of ladies' man.

  • 又红又甜是西瓜,能说会道是胡瓜,呱呱乱叫是青蛙,正读短信是笨蛋!
    Is red and sweet watermelon, cucumber is the gift of the gab, was born shouting frogs, reading text messages is being stupid!

  • 在乌里韦之后有很多能说会道的后继者将会继续维持乌里韦的安全政策。
    There are several plausible successors who would maintain Mr Uribe's security policies.

  • 看起来能说会道的是,只要灾难性的危机还很小时,任何改变都不要采取。
    It seems plausible that, even if the risk of catastrophe is slight, no chances should be taken.

  • 这个短语的意思就是说这个人能说会道,而且他说的话大家都能听得进去。
    Helen: The gift of the gab. It means he speaks in a way that makes people want to listen to him.

  • 和一般的模特儿不同的是,“房模”不光是摆个简单的造型,还得能说会道
    And the general model is different, "the Housing module" is not a simple forms have passed.

  • 因为基金有专业知识、有管理经验、信息量充沛,能说会道,还有社会影响力。
    Because fund has professional knowledge, have government experience, information content is abundant, glib, still have social force.

  • 大约在我离开大学的时候,有一群被能说会道的政客们扇动起来的青年空想家。
    of idealistic youth who had been revved up by a bunch of articulate and persuasive politicians.

  • 他聪明、能说会道,因为曾经在邦珀斯手下做过事,所以在全州范围内有很多关系。
    He was intelligent and articulate and had contacts all over the state because of his work with Bumpers.

  • 威尔不仅能说会道,跟她丈夫谈得很投机,而且在她丈夫谈的时候,她总是洗耳恭听
    Will had a happier way of drawing her husband into conversation and of deferentially listening to him.

  • 她慢慢回忆说,当时的邱兴华头脑灵活,能说会道,曾吸引不少同村女子主动去其家里。
    She slowly recalled that Qiu Xinghua had a quick mind, he can talk and he got many village girls to go over to his house.

  • 双子座的宠物最“能说会道”,而且喜欢学一些小把戏。-------[光年网原创。
    Gemini pets are most "talkative" and love to learn tricks.

  • “听”要听到要义“说”更是人最常用的本领,培养学生能说会道是语文教学的重要任务。
    Listenning to" and hearing essential point"say" is also the most in common use skill of person, development student's being a good talker be a language teaching of importance mission.

  • 他说,如今民主、共和两党的政治家都被能说会道的全美步枪协会(NRA)“俘虏了”。
    Politicians on both sides, he says, have been "captured" by the vocal National Rifle Association (NRA).

  • 在影片的最后,汉娜更像是一种战利品,而非她角色所赋予的独立且能说会道的动物权利保护者。
    By the end of the film, Hannah remains more of a new breed of trophy than the independent-minded articulate animal rights activist her character is painted out to be.

  • 男孩说,“看,我是一个电脑程序员,我没有时间和女朋友约会,但有一只能说会道的青蛙可也蛮酷。”
    The boy said, "Look, I'm a computer programmer. I don't have time for girlfriends, but a talking frog is really cool. ""

  • 李占洋是个能说会道的风趣艺术家,跟他在一起总能被他的爽朗的笑声打动,以及他绘声绘色的跟你讲述一些他身边所发生的故事。
    With a sense of humor, Li Zhanyang can always drive your heart by his chipper laughter and his lively narrations on the daily stories happened around himself.

  • 能说会道造句相关
