
绿肥红瘦  lǜ féi hóng shòu







  • 悄立其后的是海棠花,肥绿,雨后清丽。
    Crab apple flowers stand besides Yulan flowers shyly, red plumb and green thin, cute after rain.

  • 个股上也是绿肥红瘦,超过八成个股以绿盘报收。
    Is also Lvfeihongshou units, more than 80% of stocks in the Green set a barrel.

  • 阳光下,肥绿,蝴蝶纷飞,人花共舞,令您如秋翁遇仙。
    Under the sun, the red thin green manure, Butterfly Fenfei, who spent dancing, so if you fall Weng met cents.

  • 而在离别时折柳相赠,失眠时听雨打枯荷。绿肥红瘦,花谢花飞。
    When folded in the separation of gifts Liu, insomnia play dead when the Dutch Machines. spent flower fly.

  • 花却又是美丽的战士,风雨中尽管渐渐绿肥红瘦,终究不曾低头。
    But beauty of the flower are fighters, in spite of wind and rain gradually, after all, did not bow.

  • 第三年,正值绿肥红瘦时节,我突然发现这满院的绿竟多半是无花果带来的!
    The third year, a time when Lvfeihongshou season, I suddenly found that the full House of actually mostly green figs bring!

  • 一年一度,凤凰花了,木棉花落了,看不尽的绿肥红瘦,为这里读书、工作、生活的人们装点着春夏秋冬。
    The annual Phoenix bonuses, Mu Mianhua charged, to see countless Lvfeihongshou, here to study, work and life of the people decorated the spring and summer autumn and winter.

  • 一年之计在于春,满山遍野布满着嫩芽的绿草,肥绿纷纷扬扬扑了我满怀,让你对这个世界充满着希望与期待。
    Yinianzhiji is spring, hill sides covered with buds of green, red green manure were numerous thin I am full of rushed, so you are right in this world full of hope and expectations.

  • 船儿到了三潭印月,s弃舟登岸。正是红瘦绿肥的幕春时节,西湖的花奔四时走过曲折的石桥,桥下的题莲沉睡未醒。
    Green manure is the thin red curtain of the spring season, when West flowers through twists and turns of the stone, sleeping under the bridge of the title Lin .

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