
红颜薄命  hóng yán bó mìng








  • 赞美着薄命红颜,多情的骑士;
    In praise of ladies dead, and lovely knights;

  • 有的线被风吹断了,就叫红颜薄命
    Line some is it break to blow, ask a beautiful girl has an unfortunate life.

  • 薄命红颜悲歌——论《玉米》中的人文关怀。
    Threnody for Women Wretches——on humanistic concern in the book "Corn""

  • 封建社会的爱情模式是才子多情红颜薄命:我们一起死;
    Feudal society's love pattern is the talented person full of affection pretty girls have hard luck: We die together;

  • 然而,即使是上帝也会嫉妒她们的容貌,使得红颜薄命
    However, even the God envies their beauty. It seems that beautiful women always have tragic endings.

  • 听了有关她的故事,我立刻想到中国的一句俗话“红颜薄命”。
    Her story immediately reminded me of a Chinese saying"The young beautiful lady will always be star-crossed. ""

  • 少说风凉话了!真可怜!前两天我还在电视上看见她的。真是红颜薄命
    Stop being mean! Poor woman! I saw her on TV several days ago. Pretty face, poor fate.

  • 少说风凉话了!真可怜!前两天我还在电视上看见她的。真是红颜薄命
    Mike: Stop being mean! Poor woman! I saw her on TV several days ago. Pretty face, poor fate.

  • 陈旭然红颜薄命,生前是一主持人,死后才发现她不仅有豪宅还有巨款。
    Chen Xu particularly beautiful woman born under an unlucky star, he was a host, they found that she was not only a huge house.

  • 古人说:‘红颜薄命’,我可要说祸害女子的不是红颜薄命而是聪明灵巧。
    The ancients said, 'Red cheek, harsh fate, ' but I say it was not the red cheeks but the clever heads that ruined women.

  • 公狗甲:真是红颜薄命。(义愤填膺)要是我知道谁是凶手,一定咬他几口。
    Male dog A:It is really a beauties are often ill-fated. (Fill with righteous indignation)if I know that who murderer is, certain bite him several.

  • 尽管,大自然在缔造万紫千红、五彩缤纷的同时,又在导演“红颜薄命”之结局。
    Although, nature in creating colorful, colorful the same time, the director, "Dam Street born unlucky" in the outcome.

  • 她身材好,脸蛋也漂亮,但她却分析说,身材好有时并不是好事,红颜薄命,反而害了她。
    Her figure is good, cheek is beautiful also, but she is analysed however say, the figure is not meddlesome sometimes very, the beauty v/arcs born under an unlucky star, killed her instead.

  • 就象中国谚语所说的“自古红颜薄命”。林黛玉如此,同样扮演者陈哓旭又重演了这一幕。
    As the old Chinese saying goes, "beautiful women suffer unhappy fates. " Lin Daiyu is so, and her impersonator Chen Xiaoxu re-acted the play in her real life.

  • 作品写了一个颇似“红颜薄命”的凄美感伤的故事,也是一出关于美的毁灭的几乎无事的悲剧。
    The novel tells a deplorable story of a beautiful but unfortunate girl ,  a tragedy about beaty destruction without any sensible cause.

  • 但是她并没有丧失固有的气质。她不停地呻吟着,哀叹红颜薄命,挣扎着想站直身子,伸爪乞怜;
    Yet her former disposition remained, and with continual groaning, she bemoaned her fate, and stood upright as well as she could, lifting up her paws to beg for mercy;

  • 难道真的“自古红颜薄命”,集万千宠爱于一身的女人,为什么就不能拥有一份踏踏实实的爱情?
    Is it true that all beauties have unfortunate destiny? A woman with so much talent, why could not get a true love life?

  • 迷恋、梦幻、纯美的过程;死亡、远走、心碎的结局。这是红颜的另一种薄命,这是美人的爱与哀愁。
    When a love comes to an end, weaklings cry, efficient ones instantly find another love and wise already had one in reserve.

  • 不过也正应了那句“红颜薄命”的老话,白玉莲的美貌并没有为她自己和家人带来什么好处,而是一连串的灾难。
    However, the sentence should also "be born unlucky roots" of old, Bai Yulian beauty as she did not themselves and their families any good, but a series of disasters.

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