
红男绿女  hóng nán lǜ nǚ







  • 这大街上来来往往的红男绿女
    This is the street coming and going of Guys and Dolls.

  • 令多少红男绿女为之倾倒,为之陶醉!
    Guys and Dolls to make the number of whom dumped whom revel!

  • 都市里的红男绿女,有点越轨行为的恐怕不是个别。
    Guys and Dolls of the city, some of the transgressions of individual, I am afraid not.

  • 节日(五月二十三日)清晨,街上红男绿女,熙熙攘攘。
    Festival (May 23) morning, Guys and Dolls on the street, bustling.

  • 但是她也承认这乡下地方经那些红男绿女一点缀,就好像特别有股味儿。
    Yet at the same time she had to admit that the gaily-dressed people who came here did help to liven the place up and give it a touch of colour.

  • 红男绿女》是适合于全家一起欣赏的一场玩闹的,快乐的,有趣的百老汇音乐剧。
    A rollicking, happy, fun, Broadway musical for the whole family. The Guys and Dolls of New York sing, dance, and gamble their way to love and redemption.

  • 不难想象,在一场鸡尾酒会上,红男绿女们如果不谈谈西藏等时髦话题,会是多么的没品。
    It is not difficult to imagine, at a cocktail party, Hongnanlvnv if they do not talk about Tibet, and other fashionable topic, is not how the goods.

  • 坐快速大巴回家,空调开的很高,车又平稳快捷,所以非常舒适,满车的红男绿女都疲惫地倒在座位上。
    A silent fart. Rapid bus ride home, opened the high air-conditioning, fast cars and a smooth, so very comfortable car full of exhausted Guys and Dolls are back in their seats.

  • 这个时候,暖昧便隆重登场,以它特有的姿态游走于红男绿女之间,既满足了对情感的一种渴求,又不必为此而背负情感的负担。
    This time, it was solemnly登场ambiguous, with its unique attitude in Hongnanlvnv between migration, not only satisfy the emotions of a desire, but do not have to carry this emotional burden.

  • 也许你也会像我一样经常地抱怨说,这些制片人只会将一些经典剧目比如《吉普赛人》或是《红男绿女》一轮一轮地重新搬上舞台,这样做太没有创意。
    Yes, you can complain — as I often have — about unimaginative commercial producers who keep recycling surefire classics like Gypsy or Guys and Dolls.

  • 2006年在伦敦上映的音乐剧《红男绿女》(GuysandDolls)中扮演一个机敏的赌徒NathanDetroit让大多数人大为震惊。
    In 2006 he surprised many by starring in London as the streetwise gambler Nathan Detroit in the musical "Guys and Dolls."

  • 红男绿女造句相关
