
精神焕发  jīng shén huàn fā








  • 他眉开眼笑,精神焕发
    His eyebrows danced; his spirits soared.

  • 什么样心情可以让人精神焕发?
    What kind of mood can let person mind coruscate?

  • 空气很清新,我觉得精神焕发
    I feel invigorated by all this fresh air!

  • 来到了海边,他祖母很快就精神焕发起来。
    His grandmother picked up soon after she got to the seaside.

  • 最后掩卷的时候,我已经完全精神焕发了。
    And when finally I put it down, my mind was totally refreshed.

  • 在英国人们吃早饭时努力表现出精神焕发的样子。
    In England people actually try to be brilliant at breakfast.

  • 发自内心的爱让你觉得充满活力、精神焕发和幸福无比。
    When you live from your Heart, you feel full, rich, and life seems to flow effortlessly.

  • 我们需要不时地放下压力,这样才能精神焕发,继续前进。
    We have to put down the burden periodically, so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on.

  • 此外,但我们疲劳时,喝茶可以使我们消除疲劳,精神焕发
    Furthermore, it can also cure us when we are tired and help making our body feel fresh again.

  • 他们搬到新居后精神焕发,比我上次看到他们时显得年轻多了。
    Their move to a new house has given them a new lease of life, and they look much younger than when I last saw them.

  • 爵士乐让聆听者时而忧伤,时而欢快,时而平静,时而精神焕发
    Jazz can make the listener feel sad or joyful, quiet or full of energy.

  • 柔软的沙发,容易使人昏昏欲睡,崎岖的山路,却能使人精神焕发
    Soft sofa tends to make one drowsy , while rugged mountain paths tend to boost one's morale.

  • 何时睡觉和何时起床是获得使人休息充分、精神焕发的睡眠的关键。
    When you go to bed and when you get up are keystones to restful, refreshing sleep.

  • 清晨,他们精神焕发,鸟儿让他们欢悦,花儿友好地在路边向他们点着头。
    They work refreshed in the morning when birds made them glad, and friendly flowers nodded their heads at them from the wayside.

  • 有些人睡了10个小时之后还是感到疲劳,而有些人仅仅睡6个小时精神焕发
    Everyone has woken up after 10 hours sleep and felt fatigue, as well as getting up after 6 hours of sleep feeling completely refreshed and rested.

  • 鞋是人们天天最亲密的伴侣,穿一双舒适的鞋子可以使人充满自信,精神焕发
    Shoes are people every day the familiarest yokemate, Wears a pair of comfortable shoe can make people be full of confidence, In good spirits.

  • 在家中和办公室燃点香味蜡烛或香油,利用热力散发一室清香,令你精神焕发
    candle of fragrance of office burning point or balm are counteracted in the home, use heating power to send out one room faint scent, make you mental coruscate.

  • 保持自己对外界新事物的新鲜感,有这样的生活态度和情调能令人显得精神焕发
    The new move of bound new thing outside maintaining oneself to be opposite, such life manner and emotional appeal can make a person appear mental coruscate.

  • “就要一个,”老人说。老人从来都没有失去过希望和自信。而随着微风渐起,老人更是精神焕发
    One, " the old man said. His hope and his confidence had never gone. But now they were freshening as when the breeze rises."

  • 员工们小睡(15至20分钟),出来后精神焕发……你可以对豆荚进行设置,通过振动将你唤醒。
    Employees power-nap [for about 15 to 20 minutes] and come out refreshed…you can set the pod to vibrate to wake you up.

  • 设有室内游泳池,夜总会美容美发厅,健身房及其它娱乐设施,服务完善,舒适惬意,使您精神焕发
    The recreation center offers swimming pool, nightclub, beauty care, gymnasium and other amusement, everything makes you telexing.

  • 这回让你的大脑不疲劳,让大脑有机会处理任何信息,这样,再会过来处理任务时你会感到精神焕发
    this will both keep your brain from getting tired and give it a chance to process any information, so that you can return to your project refreshed.

  • 第二天早上,约翰下来吃早饭,看起来精神焕发。当问及他昨晚睡得怎样时,他答道:“从没这麽好过。”
    The next morning, John came down to breakfast bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. When asked about how he slept, he replied, "Never better. ""

  • 自从与他开始后,我的精神焕发,脸色也红润了,而且比原来更加注重穿戴,朋友们都说我越来越漂亮了。
    Since after beginning with him, my mental coruscate, complexion is ruddy also, and apparel than be being paid attention to more so, friends say I am more and more beautiful.

  • 朋友是能使你表现出自己最佳品质的人,和他在一起你就会精神焕发,并且变得更具有友谊所要求的种种内涵。
    A friend is someone who draws out your own best qualities, with whom you sparkle and become more of whatever the friendship draws upon.

  • 当他再碰到马丁而旁边无人的时候,他精神焕发,显然他有什么重要的事情要告诉马丁,而且是相当得意的事情。
    When he and Martin met again, and were alone, he was in high spirits, and evidently had something to communicate; in which he gloried very much.

  • 在浴室里,我点燃了一支蜡烛,它具有使环境安静的自然魔力,我涂了点减压的紧致矿物质护肤霜,使自己精神焕发
    In the bathroom I light a Natural Magic "tranquillity" candle and freshen up with some "intense mineral destress body polish".

  • 对我而言,只要洗个澡、刷牙、穿上休闲装就能精神焕发。过去我常常整天穿着睡衣工作,不洗澡,但是却从没完成多少事务。
    For me this is just taking a shower, brushing my teeth and putting on casual clothing, I used to work all day without taking a shower in my PJ's, but I never got much stuff done.

  • 阿波罗,在古罗马神话中是掌管光明的太阳神。他给人类带来光明、带来灵感,让人信心百倍、精神焕发、身体健康、体格强壮。
    Apollo, the ancient Roman mythology, is in charge of a bright sun god. He brought light to mankind, inspired, confident people, Jingshenhuanfa, good health and physical strength.

  • 发自内心的爱让你觉得充满活力、精神焕发和幸福无比。这种感觉能激伐你的灵感,攀升生活的高度……这是你以前从没想到过的。
    When love radiates from your Heart you feel vibrant, energized and blissful. The feeling of being on purpose inspires you to new heights… some you never dreamed possible.

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