
穿针引线  chuān zhēn yǐn xiàn








  • 科学技术协会发挥了穿针引线的作用。
    The Science and Technology Association served the function of a go-between.

  • 穿针引线对我祖母来说可不容易。
    My grandmother can't easily thread the needle.

  • 穿针引线时,总是眯眼蹙额。
    She frowns when she's putting thread into a needle.

  • 科学技术协会发挥了穿针引线的作用。
    The Science and Technology Association served the function of a go-between.

  • 海军上将否认替儿子走后门穿针引线
    Admiral denies pulling strings for son.

  • 科学技术协会发挥了穿针引线的作用。
    served the function of a go-between.

  • '穿针引线'。''本身就是一种技巧。
    Threading a needle is an art in itself.

  • 两位作者把一些随处可见的智慧穿针引线
    The authors skewer a few pieces of lazily received wisdom.

  • 你看见座位上的钥匙了吗?三次穿针引线,他很孤独。
    Do you see the key on the seat?

  • 正是乔文科出色的穿针引线,为尤文获得了多次破门良机。
    Joe is an excellent liberal arts go-between for Ewing was a good opportunity to break many times.

  • 典型的圈内小“果”的性格,在全剧中起穿针引线的作用。
    She has the typical "little" Groupie's personality and acts as a go-between in the movie.

  • 你看见座位上的钥匙了吗?三次穿针引线,俗称爱的大嘴音。
    Do you see the key on the seat?

  • 有了德隆的穿针引线,爵士在近两个赛季已找回了失去的荣耀。
    With D-Will running the show, Utah has returned to glory the last two seasons.

  • 当代青年,指尖可以迅速敲击电脑键盘,但未必能够顺利地穿针引线
    Nowadays, they could use computers neatly, but it's hard for them to thread a needle.

  • 莫吉认为尤文在中场囤积了太多的工兵,而缺乏能穿针引线的指挥官。
    Moggi that Juventus midfielder in the accumulation of too many engineers, and the lack of go-between to the commander.

  • 威廉:我看过日出日落,却全无你的美丽容颜。我的心碎了,碎到能穿针引线
    William:I have seen sunsets and sunrises, but nothing of your beautiful face.

  • 保罗身边还有一位全明星,但没有保罗的穿针引线黄蜂也许连季后赛也进不了。
    Paul also played along side another All-Star, but New Orleans might not have reached the postseason if Paul wasn't there to lead the way.

  • 天主教耶稣会在中国:耶稣会在东西方科学、军事科技及哲学所扮演穿针引线的角色。
    The Jesuit interlude in China: role of Jesuits in science, military technology, and philosophy East and West.

  • 僵尸可以挥舞球棒,但是哪怕最好赶尸人也难以让一个死人穿针引线,或者开口说话。
    A corpse could swing a mallet, but even the best handler couldn't make a dead man thread a needle, or speak.

  • 在局方和我方工程师之间。起到穿针引线的作用。以便将局方的需求做得更好更完善。
    at square in bureau with our a function for. rising acting as go-between. in order to make out the square need in bureau better and more perfect.

  • 以历史美人西施穿针引线,并对西施与将军范蠡之间欲言又止的感情有细腻感人的描述。
    Furthermore, the famous beautiful spy Xi Shi and her repressed affection for General Fan Li also get detailed depiction in the film.

  • 老人不爱说,更不爱笑,不声不响地修鞋,或叮叮当当地打钉,或穿针引线缝帮、换底儿。
    The old person does not love to say, do not love to laugh more, mend shoes silently, or bite dingdong place hits a nail, or do sewing work upper sewing, refoot.

  • 如果没有他的穿针引线,火箭阵容里的天赋将无法充分地融合在一起,发挥出最大的攻击力。
    Without his go-between, the rocket team's talent will not be able to fully integrate with the biggest play of the offensive power.

  • 为了让大家相信他们年龄大,但身体好,记者决定做一个小实验,让他们穿针引线,考考他们的眼神。
    In order for us to believe that they age, but the body is good, reporter decided to do a little experiment, let them go-between, test their eyes.

  • 服装的生产者,不再是聚在一起穿针引线、张长李短的女工,而是阴森工厂里日夜动作的自动化机器。
    Clothing was no longer produced by groups of women sewing and gossiping together, but by down-trodden automation's operating machinery in grim factories.

  • 通过林微的穿针引线,我在我们城市的晚报上看到了你的照片,上面还有一大段文字介绍,很可爱,很不错。
    Hello, Rob, I'm a reader of Zhoushan Evening Newspaper, and also a follower of Zhoushan Forum, which is an internet forum of our city.

  • 但加利福尼亚州的规模影响深远(加州公务员退休系统是美国最大的养老金机构),对其他各州起着穿针引线的作用。
    But California's size matters—CalPERS, one of its pension funds, is the biggest in the country—and it is inspiring others.

  • CAT实验室开发了多种技术,与纽约大学计算机科学、图书馆到医学、牙科等多个部门合作,发挥穿针引线的作用。
    The CAT Lab has developed a wide range of technologies, working with NYU departments ranging from Computer Science and the Library to Medicine and Dentistry, often acting as a cross-pollinating agent.

  • 义乌市昌盛针带厂将一如既往的奉行“质量第一,诚信为本”的宗旨,最大限度地为客户提供方便,为您的成功穿针引线
    We will as always adhere to the quality first integrity-oriented purposes to provide customers with maximum convenience go-between for your success.

  • 演奏员时而正经八百的在演奏,忽而以滑稽搞笑的肢体语言演绎他们的集体创作,一位叙述者穿针引线,引领观众进入他们的音乐魔幻空间。
    Performers will present their collective Creation with their comedy funny body language . And also a narrator will lead you into a magical music space .

  • 穿针引线造句相关
