
祛病延年  qū bìng yán nián







  • 人要祛病强身,延年益寿,需要食补。
    People to illnesses and physical, longevity, the need to Sibu.

  • 通过练习可以达到祛病、养生、延年的目的。
    Through practising can reach Que the ill purpose, that keeps health and prolongs year.

  • 我发现,不论你年龄多大,散步有可能使你祛病强身,矫形正体,延年益寿。
    I found that it is possible to walk your way to better health, a trimmer body and a long life ----no matter what your age.

  • 我发现,不论你年龄多大,散步有可能使你祛病强身、矫形正体、延年益寿。
    I found that it is possible to walk your way to a better health, a trimmer body and a longer life ----no matter what your age.

  • 尤其是子夜做津三咽数次,有开胸理气、增强内脏器官的功能,可以祛病延年益寿。
    Especially Midnight done several pharyngeal Zimbabwe 3, thoracotomy Qi, and enhance the function of internal organs, illnesses and prolonging life. OBJECTIVE: To investigate.

  • 两者均为仿效胎儿之呼吸状态,激活和积聚体内之气,从而产生强身祛病延年增寿的目的。
    Both all be imitated and fetal breath condition, the gas inside activation and accumulative body, produce disease of powerful body dispel thereby, delay year of destination that adds life.

  • 9:经常适当地进行体育运动,能达到锻炼身体、祛病延年的目的,但如运动过度则对人有害无益。
    often due to sports the purpose of illnesses, but excessive movement will do more harm than good to the people.

  • 太极拳是祖先在长期生活实践中创造和逐步发展起来的拳术,它具有祛病强身,延年益寿的保健功能。
    Taiji was created and has gradually developed in the ancestors' living practice and it has the functions of dispelling diseases, strengthening health and helping to live long.

  • 祛病延年造句相关
