
礼贤下士  lǐ xián xià shì








  • 他任赵国宰相时,礼贤下士,门下宾客至数千人。
    Zhao prime minister when his term of office, Synod Corporal, subglottic guests to thousands of people.

  • 第三,刘备的礼贤下士只不过是他笼络人心的手段。
    Thirdly, Liu Bei's Rhenish corporal was his only means to win the hearts and minds. "The Three Kingdoms Mr."

  • 虽足智多谋,却不能明辨是非;不能礼贤下士,更不能任用贤将良才;
    He should keep his promises and be righteous so that he is able to make more friends.

  • 礼贤下士」是身为领导者成功的要素,「妒贤害能」是身为主管者失败的原因。
    Courtesy to the wise and scholarly brings a leader success. Jealousy of the wise and virtuous brings a leader failure.

  • 原指公元前3世纪,燕昭王为礼贤下士所置之土台,上面放着千金,聘请天下名士。
    The former refers to the 3rd century BC, the Yanzhao Wang Synod for the purchase of land by Corporal Taiwan, the daughter placed above, to engage the world famous.

  • 礼贤下士,延揽大量人才入幕、以为己用成为这一时期有成就的封建君主最常用的办法。
    It became usual for a successful feudal monarch in those period to employ a great many talents as their secretaries .

  • 袁世凯知人善用,礼贤下士不拘一格地提拔和笼络了一批政治、经济、军事、外交方面的人才,使之成为自己的部属,辅佐其统治。
    Yuan Shi-kai knew how to judge and use talents in politics, economy, military, diplomacy and made them his subordinates so that they can assist him loyally in governing the country.

  • 就是说袁绍凭借他“四世三公”的这样一个优势,一个家族的优势,结交了很多的人,做出一副折节下士、礼贤下士的样子,干什么呢?
    Yuan Shao is to say with his "Three IV" such an advantage, the advantage of a family, make a lot of people, to make a folded section Corporal, Corporal Synod of the way, what does?

  • 这种思想倾向寄托了罗贯中对“仁政”的理想,在罗贯中的笔下,刘备是一个好皇帝的形象,他为人忠厚,仁德爱民,礼贤下士,注重义气。
    Liu Bei is portrayed as an outstanding emperor, who sparkles with honesty and kind-heartedness, benevolence and loyalty as well as love for the people and the respect for the subordinates.

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