
礼义廉耻  lǐ yì lián chǐ







  • 礼义廉耻国之四维,四维不张国将不国!
    Dailly honor the country's four-dimensional, not four-dimensional Zhang States will not!

  • 历史的国粹道德理念是:忠孝仁爱,礼义廉耻,信义和平,讲究博爱的呀?
    National essence of the history of moral philosophy is: Chung love, honor justice, faith of peace, love about you?

  • 儒家思想也提倡礼义廉耻,这种思想有几千年的历史,在东方社会根深蒂固。
    For thousands of years the values of propriety, righteousness, integrity, and honour as advocated in Confucianism have well taken root in Eastern societies.

  • 由此我们会更明白,传统文明的价值,是在人心深处养育仁义道德、礼义廉耻
    From this we will be clearer, the traditional civilization's value, will be raises the benevolence, the sense of propriety in the will of the people deep place.

  • 练习者也学习一些跆拳道基本原理,例如:“礼义廉耻,克己复礼,百折不屈”。
    They also receive instruction in principles such as courtesy, integrity, perseverance, and self-control.

  • 还是孙中山先生制宪缔造的自由民主法制的,以忠孝仁爱,信义和平,礼义廉耻为国魂的中华民国?
    Sun Yat-sen's constitution to create a free and democratic legal system, Chung to love, faith of peace, justice sense of shame for the country soul of the Republic of China?

  • 事务所冠名“四维”二字。“四维”一词源自中国古代政治家管仲的治国之纲“礼义廉耻,国之四维”。
    The name of the firm in Chinese, "Si Wei", refers to the four pillars of society that were developed by the ancient statesman Guan Zhong.

  • 跆拳道经历了沧桑岁月,花开花落,如今枯木逢春展开新页,不论宗教与种族,在礼义廉耻、忍耐克己、百折不屈的崇高信念下,迅速普及到全世界。
    Taekwon-Do has blossomed again after long hibernation and it has been fast spreading everywhere regardless of religion, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control, and indomitable spirit.

  • 礼义廉耻造句相关
