
知书达礼  zhī shū dá lǐ








  • 优美的环境,让我们知书达礼,更加文明;
    beautiful, let us know the book of ritual, more civilized;

  • 知书达礼,善良贤淑,有爱心,有诚意,热爱家庭,喜欢音乐和旅行。
    I know the book to reach the ritual, good virtuous, has the compassion, has the sincerity, deeply loves the family, likes music and the travel.

  • 色,希望藉由各项课程,培育出术德兼修、知书达礼、心胸宽阔、体魄健全的孩子。
    Program combine physical, mental and spiritual aspects to form a learning environment where we educate kids to be open minded, healthy, have good ethics and get a good academic education.

  • 家庭阅读活动、访会与图馆三者环环相扣,相辅相成,共创知书达礼香社会。
    Family reading activities reading club and library each one relates to another. which make courteous and scholarly society.

  • 二十世纪三十年代,知书达礼的漂亮女人陈白露(徐帆饰)与诗人丈夫幸福地生活在一个海边渔村。
    In the 30s of the 20th century, Chen BaiLU, a young polite and pretty woman, lives a happy life with her poet husband in a seaside village.

  • “我想那是男的,”知书达礼的天王星答道,“男性的脸轮廓分明,一般来讲是短头发,女性正好相反。”
    "I think it is men, " that the ceremony of the Uranus replied, "men face contour clear, generally speaking, this was short hair, women just the opposite.

  • “我想那是男的,”知书达礼的天王星答道,“男性的脸轮廓分明,一般来讲是短头发,女性正好相反。”
    "I think that to is a male of, "knows the book reaches the Uranus of gift to answer a way, "the male's face outline is clear, speaking generally to is a short hair, the female is exactly the opposite.

  • 当尧舜治理国家的时候,天下百姓各得其所大家安居乐业。这时是不是每个人都知书达礼德性完备?我看不尽然。
    During Jie's and Zhou's governance, they made people suffer and live in destitution. Did all people lose their virtue? It is impossible.

  • 当尧舜治理国家的时候,百姓各得其所,大家安居乐业。这个期间是否每个人都是知书达礼,德性完备呢?我看也不尽然。
    During Jie's and Zhou's governance, they made people suffer and live in destitution. Did all people lose their virtue? It is impossible.

  • 肖洼村十里之外有个桃花镇,镇里有个叫冠秀的姑娘,是富甲一方苏员外的独生女,不但人长得如花似玉,且又知书达礼
    Xiao Wangsimniwa cun outside the town there is a peach, called crown town girl show is rich only child outside the Soviet Union members, not only grown hua si yu , qie you known ceremony of the book.

  • 知书达礼造句相关
