
  • 时而诚心悔过,时而目空一切,29岁的麦迪这一次也被自己糟糕的表现触动了,他相信8个月前的膝伤手术是他表现低迷的最重要原因。
    Sometimes contrite, other times defiant, McGrady, 29, said he has been shaken by poor play he believes to be brought on by his struggles to get over knee surgery eight months ago today.

  • 微软的自大自傲,微软的目空一切,微软的垄断地位竟一度使浏览器的发展陷入停顿,尽管网络环境在当时已经日益复杂,令人困惑和危机四伏了。
    Through arrogance or neglect, Microsoft all but ceased Explorer's development once it had monopoly status -- even as the Web became increasingly cluttered, confusing and dangerous.

  • 哪里还能找到2007版的比卢普斯呢,一个选秀时的高顺位,一个被交易过来交易过去的家伙,一个被时日损耗的人,然而,他也是一个满怀天赋,充满自信,而且能够目空一切的大家伙。
    Where was the 2007 version of Billups — a one-time high draft choice who was bouncing around out there, wasting away, yet still possessing the talent, the confidence and the swagger?

  • 这座城市(指纽约)里有的是最贫穷的百万富翁,最矮小的伟人,最目空一切的乞丐,最普通的美女,最低矮的摩天大楼,和最令人悲哀的欢乐,和我所见到过的任何城市相比,都有过之而无不及。
    It (New York) has the poorest millionaires. the littlest great men, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw. (O. Henry.

  • 目空一切造句相关
