
对答如流  duì dá rú liú








  • 所有报考者都能对答如流
    All the candidates are able to answer the questions without any hitch.

  • 小史密斯总能对每个问题对答如流
    Young Smith could always answer up to every question.

  • 好羡慕可以用英语对答如流的人们。
    I want to learn English, Somebody can help me?

  • 不论记者如何诘问,发言人总能对答如流
    No matter how the reporters heckled him the speaker always had an answer to come back with.

  • 米勒给医生的印象是神智清醒,机敏灵活,对答如流
    Miller impressed the doctor as being clear-minded, alert and oriented.

  • 在班级讨论会上迈克对老师提出的问题总是能对答如流
    In class discussion Mike is always quick on the trigger.

  • 只要提出的问题是他专业范围之内的,他就能对答如流
    So long as the questions are within the field of his specialty, his answers would come as quick as thought.

  • 史密斯先生的魅力和对答如流的口才实在使我为之倾倒。
    Mr. Smith's charm and easy flow of words practically took my breath away.

  • 对答如流,理想的性福时间是一小时以上,甚至于还要更长一些。
    She answer, such as flow, ideal xin fu time is one hour or more, and even longer still.

  • 托普西对文字的记忆力非常强,上课时对答如流,使她的教师感到十分鼓舞。
    Topsy had an uncommon verbal memory, and committed with a fluency that greatly encouraged her instructress.

  • 或者,艺术仅仅是健全人格的组成部分,为了能在晚宴上的知性谈话中对答如流吗?
    Or is it simply part of being a rounded personality, to be able to engage in enlightened conversation at a dinner party?

  • 在谋杀案审讯中,那位律师设想使主要证人感到谜惑,但是她有充分准备而对答如流
    In the trial for murder, the lawyer sought to confuse the principal witness, but she was armed at all points.

  • 只要掌握了这套系列的内容,无论面对什么场合,都能运用所学的知识和口语对答如流
    As long as one masters the contents of this series, one can respond fluently with the knowledge and oral expressions learned in whatever situations.

  • 当评委在现场评审的时候,他们发现这些孩子都对参展作品一无所知,只有丹尼尔对答如流
    As the judges went on their rounds, they found that these other kids couldn't answer their questions.

  • 当评委在现场评审的时候,他们发现这些孩子都对参展作品一无所知,只有丹尼尔对答如流
    As the judges went on their rounds, they found that these other kids couldn't answer their questions. Daniel answered every one.

  • (下午好,霍梅尼控制台。我是海皇号,明白,14频道。)”皇甫力维擎起话筒,对答如流
    Good afternoon, port control. this is Chinese vessel Sovereign, Roger. Change to channel 14 .

  • 这年,吴挺到京城呈送文件,宋高宗亲自召见,向他询问西边地势、兵事及战守情况,他对答如流
    This year, Miss Ting presented the paper in Beijing, Song Emperor personally summoned and asked him about lying to the west, and bing shi Shou-war situation, such as the flow of his answer.

  • 牛津才女盖尔率领小组参加竞赛,一路过关斩将,生僻问题也能一一对答如流,令全场观众震惊不已。
    Gail leads her team to compete in TV show, who is the Oxford University genius, with solving any unusual question, shocking the audiences.

  • 还要花上几个月的时间去记几百个缩写和拗口的政治人物名,以保证在应付那些刁钻的考试题时能够对答如流
    Months of studying, learning hundreds of acronyms and obscure politicians' names to be able to answer tricky quiz questions in seconds.

  • 韦翰凑巧坐在伊丽莎白身旁,便向她问起附近一带的熟人近况如何,问得极其和悦从容,弄得她反而不能对答如流
    and Wickham, who happened to sit near Elizabeth, began enquiring after his acquaintance in that neighbourhood, with a good humoured ease which she felt very unable to equal in her replies.

  • 韦翰凑巧坐在伊丽莎白身旁,便向她问起附近一带的熟人近况如何,问得极其和悦从容,弄得她反而不能对答如流
    Wickham, who happened to sit near Elizabeth, began enquiring after his acquaintance in that neighbourhood, with a good humoured ease which she felt very unable to equal in her replies.

  • 他的话讲得清楚吗?有没有任何歇斯底里、惶惑不安和前言不搭后语的现象?米勒给医生的印象是神智清醒,机敏灵活,对答如流
    Was the speech clear?Any sign of hysteria, anxiety, wandering?Miller impressed the doctor as being clear - minded, alert and oriented.

  • 韦翰凑巧坐在伊丽莎白身旁,便向她问起附近一带的熟人近况如何,问得极其和悦从容,弄得她反而不能对答如流。这一对夫妇俨然心安理得,毫无羞耻之心。
    and Wickham, who happened to sit near Elizabeth, began enquiring after his acquaintance in that neighbourhood, with a good humoured ease which she felt very unable to equal in her replies.

  • 对答如流造句相关
