
八仙过海,各显神通  bā xiān guò hǎi,gè xiǎn shén tōng








  • 他们大搞技术革新, 真是八仙过海,各显神通
    They have made great efforts in technical innovation and every one of them has shown his own art and skill just like the eight immortals soaring over the ocean.

  • 而其中的方法,就八仙过海各显神通了。
    And one way to Gexianshentongthe Eight Immortals crossing the sea.

  • 没有统一计划,你们就八仙过海各显神通吧。
    There's no unified plan,so you'll all be on your own resources and prove your worth.

  • 三是会员卡制作后设备“八仙过海各显神通”。
    Third,the membership card after each had its own specialty equipment "."

  • 一时间,八仙过海各显神通,房地产企业纷纷寻求突围。
    All of a sudden,Gexianshentong Eight Immortals crossing the sea,real estate companies are seeking to break through.

  • 一时间,八仙过海各显神通,房地产企业纷纷寻求突围。
    Suddenly,the eight immortals crossing the sea shows s special prowess,the real estate enterprise seeks in abundance breaks through.

  • 在互联网的布局上,各大运营商是“八仙过海各显神通”。
    The Internet's layout,the major carriers is "Eight Immortals crossing the sea,Gexianshentong."

  • 八仙过海各显神通”在汉英词典中的解释(来源:百度词典)
    Like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea,each one showing his or her special prowess.

  • 八仙过海各显神通:比喻个人都拿出自己的一套办法或本领,相互竞赛。
    "ba xian guo hai,ge xian shen tong" means everyone has a unique method of a skill to compete with others.

  • 有的经营议价粮油扩大工附营业务范围,真可谓“八仙过海各显神通”。
    Oil of some management bargain grain enlarge labour to add business Wu limits,true it may be said " eight saints go across the sea,each shows special prowess " .

  • 这个成语有八个字,大家一定要听清楚了。我们这里可是八仙过海各显神通
    This idiom consists of eight characters,so we our audience must hear it clearly. Here each of us has his or her own way of dealing with the situation.

  • 从现在看来,西部各省是“八仙过海各显神通”,且大都以资源为推介导向。
    Look from now,each province is western " eight saints go across the sea,each shows special prowess ",and direct to recommend with resource mostly.

  • 八仙过海各显神通,”一场由取消毛坯房而引发的建材业格局大变革悄然来临。
    "Eight,entertainment," a blank from the Housing and trigger major changes in the building materials industry pattern quietly arrived.

  • 这个项目到底怎么做,希望各位能够八仙过海各显神通,拿出自己的意见和方法。
    How should we manage this project? I hope all of you can show your own skills and give your opinion like the eight immortals.

  • 在喷墨打印机市场上,各大厂商八仙过海各显神通,服务也是其竞争制胜的一项法宝。
    On market of ink jet printer,each are big the manufacturer eights saints go across the sea,each shows special prowess,the service also is an a magic weapon of its competition get the upper hand of.

  • 为此,这些小公司可谓“八仙过海各显神通”,但总的来说,仍以让利、优惠为主要手段。
    To this end,these small companies could be called "Eight,entertainment," but on the whole,but still allowing more profits,the principal means for concessions.

  • 我们只有用一部分人起着先富起来,起榜样和鼓励作用,最终形成八仙过海各显神通的境界。
    We are only useful a the part of people rises to enrich first,rising model with encourage function,end become eight fairy over sea,each state that show the magical power.

  • 发展商八仙过海各显神通,促销手法异彩纷呈,打折、送家电、业主联谊会,以吸引人流、聚集人气。
    Eight developers,entertainment,marketing practices brilliant splendor and intricate,discounted,send home,owners associations to be attractive,gathered round.

  • 除了一些知名品牌,更多的是一些不知名的,或者是昙花一现的产品充斥在市场中,真是八仙过海各显神通
    Besides a few well-known trademarks,more be a few not famous,transitory perhaps product is full of in the market,it is to eight saints go across the sea really,each shows special prowess!

  • 作为交易会主角的发展商们,借机推销各自的楼盘,也确实是再好不过的机会,正所谓“八仙过海各显神通”。
    As a leading developer was fair and took the opportunity to sell their properties,but also is the best opportunity is the so-called "riots,entertainment."

  • 自然,最终谁能争取到房产企业的上市额度,既有国家产业政策导向因素,也有“八仙过海各显神通”的过程。
    Naturally,the ultimate listing of enterprises who seek to property lines,both national industrial policy orientation factors,there are also "eight,takes" process.

  • 自从去年广东召开了广东塑料门窗研讨会以来,外省很多型材厂家和设备厂家纷纷南下广东,他们八仙过海各显神通
    Since last held Guangdong Guangdong plastic windows seminars,manufacturers and equipment manufacturers to reach many other provinces have moved Guangdong,they receive,entertainment.

  • 八仙过海,各显神通造句相关
