
比上不足,比下有余  bǐ shàng bù zú,bǐ xià yǒu yú








  • 个人技能评价认为比上不足比下有余
    Evaluation skills that fall short,better than the surplus.

  • 相士说:“看您的胡须,比上不足比下有余。”
    " physiognomist says: "See your beard,more insufficient than going up,more superabundant than falling.

  • 我爱我现在所拥有的一切,平平凡凡,比上不足比下有余
    I love all I have now! Nothing in my life is extraordinary but my life is still better off than that of many.

  • 去学会自己和别人攀是不好的,比上不足比下总是有余
    To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others. There will be others better or worse than they are.

  • 去学会把自己和别人攀是不好的,比上不足比下总是有余
    To learn that the shortest distance they could be from Me is the "the distance of a prayer."

  • 去学会把自己和别人攀是不好的,比上不足比下总是有余
    To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most,but is one who needs the least.

  • 去学会把自己和别人攀是不好的,比上不足比下总是有余
    To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others. There will be others better or worse than they are.

  • 因此我们要学会知足常乐,常言道:“比上不足比下有余。”
    Therefore,we must learn,saying: "If you fall short,more than than the next."

  • 有人喜欢用“比上不足比下有余”来安慰别人,这句话其实很残忍。
    Someone like to comfort other people with"ratio top shortage,ratio descend enough to spare" and this sentence be in fact and very cruel.

  • 也许你现在比上不足比下有余,但是中国有句古话:三十年河东,三十年河西;
    perhaps less than you are now than under the previous surplus,but an old Chinese saying goes: three decades to Hexi Hedong;

  • 而爸爸,虽说不上什么好日子,但终究是比上不足比下有余,过着安定、幸福的生活啊!
    But daddy,although not on any auspicious day,but is eventually compared to on insufficiency,has compared to under -odd,stability,happy life!

  • 家里该有的都有了,比上不足比下有余,兜里有钱,但还没有多到年年更新换代的程度。
    This some had in the home,more insufficient than going up,more superabundant than falling,there is money in bag,but the level that has not reached to change year after year more.

  • 他想,“我是比上不足比下有余。”去了巴黎,他知道了什么是可能的,踏出国门前是不可能知道的。
    when he went to paris,he learned what was possible. there was no way to really know that until he left china. then when he went to the u. s.

  • 多想想自己拥有的东西了,我们就算受了很大的挫折,还是起很多人幸福的,比上不足比下有余的。
    I think I am lucky enough to have a lot of things already,though there's always something I want but I don't get it easily.

  • “人人,气死人。”这本是一句安慰人不要盲目与人攀的老话,可它却应在了我的一位朋友身上。我这位朋友在某镇任镇长,按理说已是比上不足比下有余
    this is an adage that comforts a person to vie not blindly with the person originally,but it should be in however on body of my a friend.

  • 比上不足,比下有余造句相关
