工欲善其事,必先利其器 gōng yù shàn qí shì,bì xiān lì qí qì
Certainly "the labor wants the friendly its matter,must benefit first its."
Confucius: "work desire to get work done,must first need its equipments."
As the saying goes: "Sharp tools make good work".
He can ill pipe that lacks his upper lip.
Some cautions must be mentioned─for example good tools are essential to do the job well.
Gongyushanjishi,must first sharpen his tools factory with advanced printing equipment.
There is an old Chinese saying,"Efficient tools are prior to good harvests. ""
A high-quality fishing tackle will be much helpful for you to get a better fishing result.
Sharpen your tool before achieve your work. A high-quality fishing tackle will be much helpful for you to get a better fishing result.
Answer:Gongyushanjishi,must first sharpen his tools. study and professional knowledge,and then the courage to practice.
"Labour desire be apt to its thing,surely first benefit its implement ",had " edge tool " ability rises efficiency,much achieve gain.
As the Chinese saying goes,"if a craftsman needs to do a fine job,he must sharpen his tools first",advanced and fine equipment is a must for high quality.
Another Xu takes it as the best time to repair his propeller,It did work well for a while.
The craftsman's dependence upon his tools prompts the saying:"The workman who would do his work well should first sharpen his tools."
"We have to sharpen our edge to succeed". To have the success tasted,you should persistently endeavor to chase your goal.
"¹¤ÓûÉÆÆäÊÂ,prerequisite of its devices" and therefore,the installation of a full set of printing and packaging Linmao first-class production facilities.
"¹¤ÓûÉÆÆäÊÂ,prerequisite of its devices" and therefore,printing and packagingºè¿installation of a full set of first-class production facilities.
Some cautions must be mentioned—for example good tools are essential to do the job well.
"¹¤ÓûÉÆÆäÊÂ,prerequisite of its browser," Limin glass profound understanding of this ancient through this theory of enterprise development.
Financial institutions have taken advantage of information technology (IT) to improve their operation efficiency.
As good supports enhance the quality of work,it is essential for teachers to examine all resources in hand before conducting an activity.
Besides,we are fully aware of the importance of advanced equipment,and have successively imported large quantities of program-controlled processing equipment from overseas.
"You cannot make bricks without straw. " Our factory is on the edge of the same field with high-tech and newest equipment and we has brought in the most advanced auto product line as well.
We are concerned about the products and services of every detail to provide you with a comprehensive full-value products and services. ¹¤ÓûÉÆÆäÊÂ,prerequisite of its browser.
But like any good craftsman we do need tools,and the particular tool in this discussion is a well-organized set of long-term continuation charts.
During her several years of practicing law,lawyer Zhao always adheres strictly to the principle of "A workman must sharpen her tools if she is to do her work well."
Automatic Binding Machine,Mucilage binding Machine and Sewing Machine make out various kinds of professional manual to customers.
Adhering to "Better tools make for good work",by holding modern advanced equipments and professional technicians,we have created the glory with numerous leaders of color printing!
Of course,each key of chromatic will have certain things it does well and certain things it does less well,but for me at least,selecting the appropriate tool is the most important part of the job.
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