
牛头不对马嘴  niú tóu bù duì mǎ zuǐ







  • 你会答的问题很牛头不对马嘴
    The question that you will answer is very irrelevant.

  • 他那解决问题的愚蠢倡议牛头不对马嘴
    How silly his stupid proposal to solve the problem is!

  • 也许他正在偷听她这些牛头不对马嘴的话呢。
    He might be overhearing her inconsistent remarks.

  • 他立刻牛头不对马嘴地说:“难道你知道我是罪犯?”
    He said bluntly and out of left field, "You know that I was a criminal, right?"

  • 那家外国通讯社对此事件的报导简直是乱说一通,牛头不对马嘴
    That foreign news agency report hashed up the account of the accident.

  • 那家外国通讯社对此事件的报导简直是乱说一通,牛头不对马嘴
    That foreign news agency report hashed up the account of the accident .

  • 只有始终不忘“语境化”的方法,文化研究才不会牛头不对马嘴
    only always never forget, "Context-based" approach, cultural studies will not irrelevant.

  • 那位夫人身躯肥大,过于苍白,冷若冰霜,同索弗罗妮的雅号简直牛头不对马嘴
    One flight up Della ran, and collected herself, panting. Madame, large, too white, chilly, hardly looked the Sofronie.

  • 说他写的歌多,而且都是自己写的,可他写的那些歌,歌词大多是牛头不对马嘴
    Said that he wrote many songs, but also for his own writing, but he wrote those songs, the lyrics are mostly irrelevant;

  • 将一个孩子的死和公司的核心价值观联系起来,不但牛头不对马嘴,也缺乏可信度。
    The sheer ineptitude of trying to link the death of a child to the firm's values beggars belief.

  • 我国在环保上有令人骄傲的纪录,这与政府不关心环保的指控,明显地牛头不对马嘴
    But, we have a record on the environment that we can be proud of and that sits starkly at odds with claims that this Government doesn't care about it.

  • “由于不同牛头不对马嘴”是一个古老的谚语一语表明,两件事,表面上一样,是完全不同的品质。
    "As different as chalk and cheese" is an old proverbial phrase to suggest that two things, superficially alike, are totally different in their qualities.

  • 这贺词写得简直太可怕了。将一个孩子的死和公司的核心价值观联系起来,不但牛头不对马嘴,也缺乏可信度。
    The sheer ineptitude of trying to link the death of a child to the firm's values beggars belief.

  • 到了此时,前线屡战屡败,法西斯头子的牛皮虽然照样厚颜无耻地吹,然而已经空洞无力,有时候牛头不对马嘴
    To this time, the battlefront suffered a defeat again and again. The fascist heads beat the drum for their war impudently, but their advocacy was devoid of content, even inconsistent sometimes.

  • 例如,某项目定位是“CBD白领的家”,但位置却远在丰台,显然“牛头不对马嘴”,如果不积压那就奇怪了。
    " For example, a project regarded as a "white-collar CBD home, " but the location was far away in Fengtai, apparently "characters", the backlog would be strange if not.

  • 在整个故事里,柴郡猫不时冒出来和爱丽丝进行牛头不对马嘴的谈话,然后慢慢消失,只留下一抹淘气的露齿微笑!
    Throughout the story, the cat pops up to carry on silly conversations with Alice, and then he slowly disappears, leaving behind only his mischievous grin!

  • 最近在老公爵命名日和她会面时,他试图和她谈情说爱,但是她对他说的话回答得牛头不对马嘴,显然她不想听他说话。
    In his last conversation with her, on the old prince's name-day, she had met all his attempts to talk of the emotions with irrelevant replies, and had obviously not heard what he was saying.

  • 开始上课了,你一直眉头紧锁,忽然叫起一个正在开小差的同学回答问题,那个同学丈二和尚摸不着头脑,答得牛头不对马嘴
    The beginning of the school, you have been locked brow, is suddenly got a desertion of students to answer questions that students Zhangerhushang Greek, and the answers given were irrelevant.

  • 虽然病人有可能因滑稽动作发笑,可要让他们理解书面笑话,困难就大了;如果让他们来选择漫画的对应文字介绍,就会“牛头不对马嘴”。
    They would laugh at slapstick, but they had trouble grasping written jokes, and when given a choice of captions for a cartoon, they would often pick the wrong punch line.

  • 一个词也许听起来音节嘹亮,长度不同凡响,其本身的学术性和新奇感也令人叹赏,然而,把它放在某个句子中联系上下文来看,说不定倒会牛头不对马嘴
    A word may be a fine sounding word, of an unusual length, and very imposing from its learning and novelty, and yet in the connection in which it is introduced may be quite pointless and irrelevant.

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