
有一搭没一搭  yǒu yī dā méi yī dā






  • 量尺寸,然后手起剪落,生活在有一搭没一搭的活计中。
    Estimate size, cut since the hand next fall, live in one take the handicraft work that did not take.

  • 和朋友们有一搭没一搭地在MSN上聊着,会故意地搞笑气下他们。
    Chatting with my friends causally on MSN, I would intentionally tease them for fun.

  • 以后时乘客少,戴芬妮得以坐在前边的位置时,他便会有一搭没一搭地和她聊聊天。
    Sometimes when there were few passengers, she would sit in the front rows, and the bus driver would talk to her.

  • 为了不把宝贵的时间浪费在法国大革命或文化大革命中,我试着用法语跟他有一搭没一搭的说话。
    To avoid wasting the precious time talking about French Revolution or Cultural Revolution, desultorily I tried to chat with him in French.

  • 王小强说,从咖啡厅的装潢来看,他估计这顿咖啡最多能喝掉100元左右,双方开始有一搭没一搭的聊天。
    Wang Xiaojiang says, from the point of the decorate of coffee hall, he reckons this coffee can drink 100 yuan or so at most, both sides begins to one build what did not build to chat.

  • 记得,在我儿时的记忆中,家家户户,就着昏黄的灯火,合扇编席,有一搭没一搭地闲话家常,不时传来温馨的笑语。
    I can recall from my childhood memory that one upon another household would sew palm fans and weave palm mats chit chatting freely, bursting with warm and cheerful laughters.

  • 我放弃了明亮整洁的厨房桌子,改在沙发上复习,开着电视,吃着点心,把脚放在茶几上,有一搭没一搭地翻着那本《学习指南》。
    I abandon the bright, orderly kitchen table and kick back on the couch. With the TV babbling, a snack in hand and my feet on the coffee table, I leaf through the Study Guide lackadaisically.

  • 恰好就有一趟去亚特兰大的火车,十分钟后开。她便上了,除了个手提网袋带任何行李,把韦德和爱拉留在旅馆里由百里茜照看着。
    There was a train leaving for Atlanta in ten minutes and she caught it, carrying no baggage except her reticule and leaving Wade and Ella at the hotel with Prissy.

  • 有一搭没一搭造句相关
