
不得已而为之  bù dé yǐ ér wéi zhī







  • 法庭裁决医生是不得已而为之,他别无选择。
    The courts ruled that the doctors had no option but to kill.

  • 于是,节假日补觉成了都市人不得已而为之的选择。
    Therefore, the holidays fill McGREGOR became city people had to do this choice.

  • 只有到了迫于生计无法避开的时候,才会不得已而为之
    Only when demanded by livelihood, one has no other alternative but to do it.

  • 立交桥不能看成是现代化的象征,它是不得已而为之的办法。
    Overpass not be seen as a symbol of modernization, which is by default approach.

  • 王认,他过去的“不安”是国企的弊端使然,是不得已而为之
    Wang believes that his past" anxiety "is the state-owned malpractice result is default.

  • 另外一个原因在于,保险资金在逆境中仍要获取收益,不得已而为之
    Another reason lies in the fact that insurance funds in the face of adversity have access to income, a last resort.

  • 显然,这种调控的社会成本和经济成本都极其巨大,实属不得已而为之
    Apparent, the social cost of this kind of adjusting control and economic cost are extremely huge, solid belong to must not do it soon.

  • 他在本次危机中的决策未必是错误的,从许多方面来看,实属不得已而为之
    The decisions he made during the recent crisis weren't necessarily the wrong decisions; indeed, they were, in many respects, the decisions he had to make.

  • 纳塔尼亚胡先生承认武力打击“是既复杂且难度高,并且是万不得已而为之”。
    Mr. Netanyahu acknowledges that military strikes would pose "complications and difficulties" and thus "should be a last resort.

  • 所以,性情也变得冲融些。人总有躲不完的事情,尤其是不得已而为之的事情。
    I have become more sweet-tempered, due to the reason that one can hardly avoiding doing daily routine tasks and responsibilities, especially those which are against their wills.

  • 布什政府星期一表示,了避免一场财政危机,政府接管两房其实是不得已而为之
    The Bush administration says it took the action reluctantly to head off a fiscal crisis.

  • 所有这一切无疑培养了一种理智,一种极其冷静的设想——使用暴力是不得已而为之
    All this has no doubt bred a reasonableness, a remarkably quiet assumption that violence is the last ditch.

  • 科索沃宣布有条件的独立是不得已而为之的现实,但别自欺欺人地说这没有开了一个先例。
    Kosovo's declaration of dependent independence is the least worst way forward, but don't let us pretend it's not a precedent.

  • 奥巴马先生最好的办法,就是冷静耐心的做出解释,拯救银行和履行合同是不得已而为之
    Mr Obama's best course is to explain, calmly and patiently, why bailing out banks and honouring contracts are necessary evils.

  • 其实,对教育者自己来说,采取这些类似于“不会煮饭就扣发毕业证”的教育手段实属不得已而为之
    Actually, to pedagogue, adopts these to be similar in "will not cook a meal will issue the graduation card on the buckle" the education method will be really has to, but for it.

  • 此类承诺大都是投标人不得已而为之,使让利、给“好处”等不正当行摆到了明处,侵害了承包人利益。
    "Such commitment is big bidders default, allowing more profits, to the" benefits "and other irregularities placed in a know infringes on the interests of the contractor.

  • 另一方面,销售业绩惨淡,销售收入下滑,老总和营销总监的收入都大幅缩水,生存计,又不得已而为之
    On the other hand, sales going from bad to worse decline in sales, marketing director and manager of Revenues are shrinking significantly, for the survival of dollars, and last resort.

  • 但是小司是天妒英才,别人拿走了他的麦克风,只有我们两个忠实的歌迷欣赏,其实我们也是不得已而为之
    But the gods are always envious of the talented--someone walked away with his microphone. Alas, the two of us are his only faithful fans, and that's just because we have no choice.

  • 事实上,中央这一次的调控不是一刀切,是‘软着陆’,越来越多的开发商选择商业地产,也是不得已而为之
    In fact, this time the central control is not uniform, but 'soft landing', a growing number of commercial real estate developers to choose, also by default.

  • 美国国务卿鲍威尔平日一向是个“工作狂”,即便是放松一下的时候,比如唱歌,也是迫于形势不得已而为之的。
    Colin Powell has a hard time letting go of work, even when he's forced to play - and sing.

  • 在最富裕的国家里,比例再次上升,在这些地方,企业家的驱动力往往是他们觉察到了机会,不是不得已而为之
    It rises again among the richest nations, where entrepreneurs tend to be driven by perceived opportunities rather than necessity.

  • 若你还不能偿还,典当行最终将会出售抵押品。典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,他们特别依赖从回头客身上赚钱。
    If you cannot do this, as a last resort, the pledge will get sold off, it is generally not in the pawnbroker's interest to do so, particularly as many of them thrive on repeat customers.

  • 他们让我相信,轰炸是因我们的政府犯下了不可饶恕的错误,杀死我的家人是不得已而为之了制止更大的罪恶。
    They made me believe that bomb is an unforgiven mistake made by our government, they have to kill my family so that they can stop a bigger evil.

  • 如果说在发展初期是不得已而为之,那么当独立学院具备了一定的办学水平后仍不改革,势必制约其新一轮的发展。
    If the initial stage of development is the last resort, when an independent college with a certain level of education after the reform is still bound to the constraints of a new round of development.

  • 若你还不能偿还,典当行最终将会出售抵押品。但是典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,因他们非凡依靠从回头客身上赚钱。
    If you cannot do this, as a last resort, the pledge will get sold off, but it is generally not in the pawnbroker's interest to do so, particularly as many of them thrive on repeat customers.

  • 若你还不能偿还,典当行最终将会出售抵押品。但是典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,因他们特别依赖从回头客身上赚钱。
    If you cannot do this, as a last resort, the pledge will get sold off, but it is generally not in the pawnbroker's interest to do so, particularly as many of them thrive on repeat customers.

  • 通常你可以延长赎回期。若你还行最终将会出售抵押品。但是典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,因他们特别依赖从回头客身上赚钱。
    The credit crunch isn't positive for any pawnbroker because we lend money and make money from people repaying credit crunch continues it won't be good for any business.

  • 这种政治上的转变虽然可说是不得已而为之,但并不是偶然发生的,是在主客观两方面原因促成下,岑春煊一直能够与时变所导致的结果。
    Despite this change occurred for special incident, it was not completely accidental. Cen Chunxuan advanced with the political situation because of subjective and objective factors.

  • 虽然这些政策都是迫于压力不得已而为之,但它却成国民党自救对自身体制进行的一次大幅度调整,也使国民党进入了一个新的发展时期。
    Though they were implemented under the pressure, these policies were big scale adjustability for Kuomintang"s own system, which led it to enter a new development period. Part III."

  • 可是,它的缺陷是如此大,以至于大多数人会发现它只有在非同寻常的情形下才是合宜的,也就是只有当没有其它方法可用时,才不得已而为之
    However, its disadvantages are so serious that most people will find it appropriate only in unusual circumstances, when no other methods are available.

  • 不得已而为之造句相关
