
今朝有酒今朝醉  jīn zhāo yǒu jiǔ jīn zhāo zuì







  • 他们一个座右铭:今朝有酒今朝
    They have a motto enjoy yourselves today without concerning tomorrow.

  • 今朝有酒今朝,成为一种体制性行为。
    Getting drunk when there is some liquor available this is our institutional behavior.

  • 它不是今朝有酒今朝,只顾现在,不顾将来。
    It doesn't mean having wine today to inebriate today, only caring now, not worrying the future.

  • 明天就可能死,何不吃喝玩乐;今朝有酒今朝
    Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.

  • 的人说:“今朝有酒今朝,哪管明日是和非!”
    The person who also has say:"Have wine today to inebriate today, which tube tomorrow is with not! ""

  • 人人自色不迷人人自迷今朝有缘来相会明日你东我向西。
    Liquor does not intoxicate; one intoxicates oneself. Lust does not blind; one blinds oneself. This morning we met by fate. Tomorrow you go east and I head west.

  • 那些一心要“今朝有酒今朝”的人们,往往对潜伏期较长的危害不放在心上。
    Those with a mind to "live for today" are apt to be indifferent to health risks that have a very long incubation period.

  • 他们的想法是钱就花,今朝有酒今朝,买不起的东西可以借钱买,今天可花明天的钱。
    Their idea is richly on the flower, the present has the liquor the present to be drunk. If they cannot buy the thing , they may borrow money to buy it. today they might spend the money of tomorrow .

  • 他们的想法是钱就花,今朝有酒今朝,买不起的东西可以借钱买,今天可花明天的钱。
    Their viewpoint is rich for the flower, have the wine today to inebriate today, the thing that can not afford to buy can borrow money to buy, can spend money of tomorrow today.

  • 但是爱挥霍的人知道享受生活,今朝有酒今朝,他们花的钱常常就是节省的人省下来的钱。
    But the spendthrifts may be enjoying themselves more, at least now if not tomorrow, and often at the expense of the savers.

  • “许多人认为你不能不把这种‘今朝有酒今朝的观点'的消费观念与影响深重的金融危机联系起来”解说到。
    "After the U. S. financial storm spread around the world, some Americans are making self-criticisms and reflecting on their spending ideas and behaviour, " it said.

  • “许多人认为你不能不把这种‘今朝有酒今朝的观点'的消费观念与影响深重的金融危机联系起来”解说到。
    "Many people think that you cannot delink the consumer concept of 'eating the corn while it is still on the stalk' and this financial crisis which has had a deep impact, " the commentary said.

  • “他深谙今朝有酒今朝的道理。”就是说他是个鬼。“他看重自己的私生活。”同性恋。“他很享受自己的私生活。”龙阳泣鱼。
    "He was a convivial fellow. " Meaning he was an alcoholic. "He valued his privacy. " Gay. "He enjoyed his privacy. " Raging queen.

  • 过去是一张已经消费了的支票,未来是尚未兑现的支票,今天才是我们手上的现金,所以应该好好享受今天。是不是点“今朝有酒今朝”的意思。
    The past is a check already cashed, the future is a check waiting to spend and today is cash on hand, so should spend the cash today.

  • 我们是用短短限的光阴去追求名利或是像个赌徒那样孤注一掷铤而走险地高唱“潇洒走一回”,还是像个鬼那样今朝有酒今朝,那怕明日做鬼魂。
    We are limited by a short period of time to pursue fame and fortune or to take risks like a gambler desperate to sing as or live for today, as like a drunkard, even if the ghost to do tomorrow.

  • 早安美国投资公司顾问美勒迪-霍伯森说许多年龄在18-35岁之间的女性过着“今朝有酒今朝'的生活,美勒迪-霍伯森认为这些人应该减少在诸如dkny这些世界名牌服饰上的花销,而把一部分的收入投向共同基金。
    Good Morning America's investment advisor Mellody Hobson says too many women between 18 and 35 live in the here and the now. She says they need to start spending less on DKNY and more on an IRA.

  • 今朝有酒今朝醉造句相关
