
无可奈何花落去  wú kě nài hé huā luò qù







  • 无可奈何花落去, 似曾相识燕归来。
    Flowers fall off [will die], do what one may. Swallows return, no strangers they.

  • 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。
    Flowers fall off, do what one way, Swallows seem to be no strangers return.

  • 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。
    Flowers fall off [will die], do what one may. Swallows return, no strangers they.

  • 11无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。
    Flowers fall off, do what one may , swallows return, not strangers they .

  • 无可奈何花落去
    Flowers fall off, do what one may.

  • 第一章“无可奈何花落去”——父权渐衰的家长群像。
    Chapter One. "Disappear like a falling flower "------Fathers with authority gradually declining .

  • 无可奈何花落去”,在经济波动时期,有钱人同样被钱的问题困扰。
    All kidding us aside, in these shaky economic times, the rich have money problems too.

  • 无可奈何花落去,是一个人为自我的个人自由选择而付出的沉重代价。
    Is reconciled to Whispering go, is an arbitrary choice of the personal liberty of self-paid a heavy price.

  • 无可奈何花落去——从高鹗续书中宝钗黛的婚姻描写看《红楼梦》的主题。
    Flowers fall, do what one way From Bao Chai Dai's marriage and loving to see the theme of Hongloumeng.

  • 一千年前的某日,一位长衫男子曼声而吟:“无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来,小园香径独徘徊。”
    a millennium ago, a man included an Mansheng and moan : "nothing seems to, familiar Yan return, the small park incense Drive independence around."

  • 到了一九四七年春天,比较识时务的地主意识到,要想继续保留他们的财产已是不可能的了,也只好无可奈何花落去
    By the spring of 1947, the more farsighted landowners saw they could not hope to keep their estates. They did not even try to.

  • 无可奈何花落去造句相关
