
五里雾  wǔ lǐ wù







  • 简上几何课时简直如坠五里雾中。
    Jane was beyond her depth in geometry class.

  • 我对计算机技术如堕五里雾中--完全不懂。
    I'm in a complete fog about computer technology I don't understand it at all.

  • 他的解释使我如''。'堕'。''五里雾中。
    I am quite at sea in regard to his explanation.

  • 我对计算机技术如''。'堕'。''五里雾中--完全不懂。
    Plete fog about computer technology I don't understand it at all.

  • 文祥如坠五里雾中,如果真有这些困难,他今天为什麽主动现身?
    Wen Xiang seemed to have fallen into a thick fog. If such problems really existed, why did he take the initiative in coming here?

  • 波罗近距离自己观察玛丽的表情,但是,她如堕五里雾中,很茫然地摇了摇头。
    He watched her narrowly, but plainly she was at a loss. She shook her head wonderingly.

  • 缅甸的谚语这样说:「心神不一的人,不会注意到洞穴,心神专注的人,即使身陷五里雾中,还是可以发现到。」
    As the Burmese saying goes, "Those who are unmindful would not notice a cave. Those who are mindful would notice even the mist."

  • 也许我们一路走来像是身处在五里雾中般地摸不著头绪,但这位高瞻远瞩的解码者最终会替我们解开那一串串的生活密码。
    We may not understand fully what is going on, but it is this ultimate decoder that unlocks many of the secret codes in life.

  • 五里雾造句相关
