
二把刀  èr bǎ dāo







  • 二把刀味道真好!
    The second piece has good flavor!

  • 你通过槽孔然后安置二把刀片在管的边在窗口之间。
    You then place two blades through the slots in the sides of the tube between the windows.

  • 第二名藏品成员在第二把刀片的反面被配置,分别。
    The second holding members are disposed on the opposite sides of the second blade, respectively.

  • 只有“二把刀”或者别有用心的人才把简单的道理搞得十分复杂。
    Only " have a smattering of a subject " or the talent of have ulterior motives makes simple sense very complex.

  • 再次,一个不可思议的姿态和它慢慢地击穿第二把刀片,滑下来对基地!
    Again, a magical gesture, and it slowly penetrates the second blade, sliding down to the base!

  • 我家数我小,加上我妈和爷爷很喜欢我,不让我干重活,也不让我玩,以至于我现在的手艺是“二把刀”!
    I have a small number of my house, together with my mother and grandfather are like me, will not let me do heavy work, do not let me play, so my skills are "the second hand"!

  • 二把刀片被配置面对第一把刀片,以便将被切开的板料形状的材料被安置在第一把刀片和第二把刀片之间。
    The second blade is disposed to face the first blade so that a sheet-shaped material to be cut is placed between the first blade and the second blade.

  • 如果你认为我在试探你的身份,那大可不必,骂拼音方案的人多了去了,语言文字网上专门有个拼音论坛,都是你这样的二把刀在推陈出陈。
    to your question, "i do not give you a fuck who you are"is a clue. answer will jump out when you understand what it represents.

  • 二把刀造句相关

