
鸟兽散  niǎo shòu sàn







  • 坦克附近德军士兵赶紧作鸟兽散
    Enemy infantry soldiers near the tank scattered like quail.

  • 那些支持者一看要有麻烦便作鸟兽散
    At the first sign of trouble, the supporters melted away.

  • 指挥官阵亡,燃烧军团的余党作鸟兽散
    With their commander gone, the remainder of the Burning Legion's army was cast into disarray.

  • 先是仪科惠光一颗老鼠屎坏了满锅汤,中小企业做鸟兽散
    First-Section-ray a lot of bad-pot soup, SMEs do since scattered;

  • 如果真是那样子,那麽耶稣的一小群「粉丝们」很快就会鸟兽散
    If that had been the case, then the little band of His "fans" would have quickly dispersed again.

  • 当他们对敌军的恐慌超过对自己长官之畏惧,整个部队即作鸟兽散
    When their fear of the enemy surpasses their fear of their masters, they will flee.

  • 一周后,数十名陌生人突临曼哈顿的一家珠宝店,站了一会儿,然后几近神秘地作鸟兽散
    A week later, scores of strangers descended upon a Manhattan jewelry shop, stood around for a bit, then dispersed just as mysteriously.

  • 一群参加婚宴的宾客,上周末从奥地利南部维拉奇镇一家餐厅鸟兽散,没有为他们吃的酒席买单。
    A wedding party fled from a restaurant in the southern Austrian town of Villach over the weekend without paying for their feast.

  • 站在旁边的就是我们魅力的主持,她看小孩不笨的时候,真的是情绪有起伏,还来不及跟她问清楚,她一结束就鸟兽散了,哈哈…
    Standing besides the stage is a very attractive looking emcee. When she was watching I NOT STUPID, she got really emotional. And even before I could ask her, she fled the moment the show ended.

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