
卷帙浩繁  juàn zhì hào fán






  • 中国传统道德卷帙浩繁,博大精深。
    There are many kinds of traditional moral rules in China.

  • 关于言辞如何影响我们的书本卷帙浩繁
    Volumes have been written about the way words affect us.

  • 长达932页,已经是之前卷帙浩繁的草案的一半。
    At 932 pages, it is half as long again as an already-bloated previous draught.

  • 还有人说他写下卷帙浩繁的作品,等待在他身后出版。
    Or he has volumes and volumes just waiting to be published posthumously.

  • 该提案长达932页,还只是先前卷帙浩繁草案版的一半。
    At 932 pages, it is half as long again as an already-bloated previous draught.

  • 卷帙浩繁的有关文献曾在帕梅尔的《美国杂种目录》中得到概述。
    Much of the voluminous literature is summarized in Palmer's Catalogue of United States Hybrids.

  • 关于洁食律法的著述可谓卷帙浩繁,其中许多成书于两千多年前。
    Many of these books date back as far as two thousand years ago.

  • 然因该书卷帙浩繁,字数众多,在征引文献资料时,难免造成一些讹误。
    However it is hard to avoid mistakes when citing literatures of files because of numerous reels and words.

  • 《阿含经》是卷帙浩繁的佛教经典中最早形成的一部分,为最初的佛经。
    Source: is a huge amount of books and papers are form a part of the earliest Buddhist scriptures from the time time of the origin of the scriptures.

  • 在边沁卷帙浩繁的著作里,《论一般法律》属于曲折打捞出来的偏僻一种。
    Bentham books in the voluminous book, "On the general law" belongs to salvage out of the twists and turns of a remote.

  • 这种传统不仅表现在卷帙浩繁的彝文典籍中,而且深深积淀在彝族人民的心灵里。
    This tradition is not only embodied in the vast classics in Yi Language, but also deeply rooted in Yi people's mind.

  • 《三国演义》是一部卷帙浩繁的人类情感和理想的史书,其魅力在于相宜各类读者。
    Romance of Three Kingdoms is a rolling panorama of human passions and ambitions.

  • 在苏轼卷帙浩繁的散文作品中,文学散文尽管数量不多,却有极高的艺术成就和审美价值。
    Of Su Shi's voluminous prose works, his Iiterary prose, though not so large in number, is credited with superb artistic accomplishments and aesthetic value.

  • 元、明、清三代,蒙古族汉文作家队伍逐渐强大,创作出了体裁多样、卷帙浩繁的文学作品。
    During the Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties, the ranks of Mongolian writers who wrote in Chinese were gradually getting stronger and created vast and numerous literary works.

  • 纳西族在其社会历史发展过程中创制了独特的象形文字,产生形成了卷帙浩繁的东巴经历史档案。
    During its process of social historical development, the Naxi People invented the unique pictograph and wrote a vast literature of history archives.

  • 然而由于卷帙浩繁,成于众手,《总目》中的讹误和疏漏又比比皆是,已经极大地影响了它的学术价值。
    However because it is vast, completesd by many people, the error and the oversight of"The Catalogue of Siku Quanshu"also are too many, already enormously affected its academic value.

  • 然而由于卷帙浩繁,成于众手,《总目》中的讹误和疏漏又比比皆是,已经极大地影响了它的学术价值。
    However because it is vast, completed by many people, the error and the oversight of "The General Catalogue of Siku Quanshu" also are too many, already enormously affected its academic value.

  • 中国的制片人正试图把卷帙浩繁政治经济学论著资本论,变成一出由上口的曲调和漂亮舞步组成的通俗舞台秀。
    Chinese producers are attempting to transform Das Kapital from a hefty treatise on political economy into a popular stage show, complete with catchy tunes and nifty footwork.

  • 因为它内容丰富、卷帙浩繁,被称为世界最大的百科全书。这部书编成于16世纪,在当时的确可以称为世界第一。
    When it was finished in the 16th century, it was known as the biggest encyclopedia in the world for its rich content and vast collection.

  • 巧的是,纳博可夫自己卷帙浩繁的《尤金•奥涅金》英译本也是一场非凡的技艺表演,译本只有一册,注解倒有三册。
    Nabokov, as it happens, went on to perform an Olympian feat of annotation in his mammoth translation of "Eugene Onegin, " with three volumes of notes to one of text.

  • 《格萨尔》是藏族人民集体创作的一部伟大的英雄史诗,历史悠久,结构宏伟,卷帙浩繁,内容丰富,气势磅礴,流传广泛。
    Gesal as a collective great heroic epic of Tibetan, with its long history, rich contents, grand structure, is widely spread.

  • 其历史之悠久,卷帙浩繁,使得今天政府的决策后果,很可能要冒让未来的中文使用者深受其害的风险,尽管今天的政府到那时早已不复存在。
    Given the language's long history, future Chinese readers and writers may have to live with the consequences of current decisions long after today's powers and regimes have ceased to exist.

  • 卷帙浩繁造句相关
