
危言耸听  wēi yán sǒng tīng







  • 上述结论并非是我在危言耸听
    I just was not in the above conclusions.

  • 唉,这个观点并不是危言耸听
    Alas, this view is not crazy.

  • 也许读者认为这是危言耸听
    Perhaps readers think that this is an alarmist.

  • 同时,一组数据也证明这并不是危言耸听
    At the same time, a group of data also proved that it is not alarmist talk.

  • 有人认为我们是在危言耸听,事实却是如此”。
    We were accused of alarmism, but now I think they believe us.

  • 起初,有一些危言耸听的人预言战争会重新再起。
    At first the alarmists prophesied a renewal of the war.

  • 这可能听起来令人震惊,但是这绝不是危言耸听
    This may sound alarming but this is not alarmist.

  • 这不是什么危言耸听的谬论,而是客观存在的必然一幕。
    It is no exaggeration to say that a fallacy, but the objective existence of a natural scene.

  • 担心第二季度的经济表现只不过是昙花一现并不是危言耸听
    It is not scaremongering to worry that the second quarter was just a blip.

  • 此话绝非危言耸听,物业管理市场收费难的现象颇引人深思。
    This remark has not alarmist, property management fees for market phenomenon rather food for thought.

  • 人大金融研究所副所长赵锡军认为潘泰博的观点并非危言耸听
    Zhao Xijun, deputy director of the NPC Financial Institute think Pantaibo not alarmist view.

  • 这不是危言耸听,如果你知道海盐有着什么作用就知道它的厉害了。
    This is not an alarmist. If you know the role of sea salt, you will know its formidablity.

  • 我亲爱的先生,我希望我在危言耸听,但这些确确实实的中国发生。
    My dear sir, I wish I had this is not an alarmist, but it is now occurring in China.

  • 没有经历过那段历史的人或许认为,吴南生的说法过于危言耸听了。
    Perhaps has not experienced that phase of historical person to believe that Wu Na the fresh view too said things just to frighten people.

  • 以上绝不是危言耸听,任何研究过上两个世纪历史的人都清楚这一点。
    This is no fiction, as anyone knows who has studied the history of the last two centuries.

  • 谢是摩根士丹利(亚洲)经济学家,向以“好作危言耸听之语”而着称。
    Xie is the Morgan Stanley (Asia) economist to "good things for the language" and known.

  • 公司尽管很不情愿,感到这是追求危言耸听的有害浪潮,但还是提供了有关情况。
    Though reluctant to respond to what was felt to be a wave of harmful sensationalism, the information was given.

  • 公司尽管很不情愿,感到这是追求危言耸听的有害浪潮,但还是提供了有关情况。
    reluctant to respond to what was felt to be a wave of harmful sensationalism, the information was given.

  • 如果你认为笔者所说的对路由器、交换机的危害是“危言耸听”的,那么网卡你相信了吧。
    If you think I said on routers, switches, the harm is "alarmist, " then you believe that the bar card.

  • 与一些危言耸听者的担忧相反,美国长期利率并未出现相反走势,只是其下跌幅度不算太大。
    Contrary to some alarmist fears, long-term rates did not move in the opposite direction, although they did not fall very much.

  • 有些科学家声称对于全球变暖的怀疑已经烟消云散,而有些科学家则指责气候委员会是危言耸听
    Some scientists claim that sceptics about global warming get frozen out of the process. Some accuse it of alarmism.

  • 如果政府不能承担起保障食品安全的责任,那么一点都不危言耸听的是,中国未来将面临新的生存危机。
    If the government cannot undertake the safeguard food security responsibility, what a little does not say things just to frighten people, China will face the new survival crisis in the future.

  • 根据中央情报局的世界概况,也许仅仅是危言耸听,美国的估算总出生率是2。05(每位妇女的孩子数量)。
    Perhaps just as alarming, though, is that, according to the CIA's World Factbook, America's estimated total fertility rate is 2. 05 (children per woman).

  • 问:(不要找那些在线翻译啊!)面试是一场“没有硝烟的战争”,这话可能有点危言耸听,但是面试中考验确实无处不在。
    The interview is "does not have the gunsmoke war", this saying possibly a little says things just to frighten people, but interviews tests truly ubiquitous.

  • 如果不努力提升大学的大文化底蕴,不加强大学生文化素质和人文精神的培养,未来的他们将成为迷惘的一代决不是危言耸听
    If done little to enhance the university's major culture or increase students's cultural qualities of the human spirit and culture, they will become a lost generation in the future.

  • 作者还认为,试图提高儿童的生活环境,比如说危言耸听的反凌辱运动,儿童协会提议设立的育儿课程,都很可能起到负面效果。
    She thinks many attempts to improve children's lives, such as alarmist anti-bullying campaigns, and the parenting lessons proposed by the Children's Society, are likely to be counterproductive.

  • 如果我做出修正使地图上的更多地方变蓝,那就可能会有让大家认为这件事是我有意制造出来危言耸听的,从而对事情本身失去信任的危险。
    If I were to make corrections that make more bits of the map shaded blue, then I would run the risk of having the whole thing discredited as alarmist.

  • 这种危言耸听一定程度上反映了诸如埃及和沙特这些与美国同盟的逊尼派国家的政府想要遏制他们所见到的伊朗影响力不断上升的趋势的愿望。
    Such alarmism reflects, to a degree, a desire by the Sunni, American-allied governments of countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia to staunch what they see as a rising tide of Iranian influence.

  • 可是这绝非危言耸听,有媒体上报道的那么多惨烈的教训,有那么多被打得头破血流的业主,别人把房地产市场描绘得多么险恶,我们都该相信。
    But this is not just a multi-media coverage of the tragic lessons, so many owners were hit badly beaten, others depict the real estate market and how dangerous, and we all believe that.

  • 为了阻止悲剧发生——切记,这并不是经济凶事预言家的危言耸听,是经济预测家的共识——要防止出现这种后果——我们急需进行新一轮的经济刺激计划。
    To head off this outcome — and remember, this isn't what economic Cassandras are saying; it's the forecasting consensus — we'd need to get another round of fiscal stimulus under way very soon.

  • 危言耸听造句相关
