
卓尔不群  zhuó ěr bù qún







  • 项目不俗,与卓尔不群的个性相匹配。
    Project decent, and clean personality to match.

  • 她早期的成就预示了她日后卓尔不群
    Her early achievements were prophetic of her future greatness.

  • 相信自己的经验,卓尔不群
    You are responsible for your own experience.

  • 又有多少人可以让你觉得是……卓尔不群
    How many people can make you feel… extraordinary?

  • 有两家公司首席执行官的个人小传卓尔不群
    Two CEO biogs stand out from the crowd.

  • 道德价值的引入和张扬。使卢梭的政法思想卓尔不群
    The introduction and publicizing of morality makes Rousseau's thoughts on politics and law transcend all the others.

  • 卓尔不群,因为她是第一个横渡英吉利海峡的女子。
    She had the distinction of being the first woman to swim the Channel.

  • 杨绛,中国现当代文学史上一位卓尔不群的学者兼作家。
    Yang Jiang is a particular scholar and writer in the history of contemporary literature.

  • 卓尔不群, 因为她是第一个横渡英吉利海峡的女子。
    She had the distinction of being the first woman to swim the Channel.

  • 卓尔不群,因为她是第一个游泳横渡英吉利海峡的女子。
    the distinction of being the English first woman to swim the English Channel.

  • 卓尔不群的最佳办法,也是唯一途径就是:尽力做好当下的事。
    And the best way - the only way - to get to the top is to do the best that you can in what you are doing right now.

  • 它以卓尔不群的气质傲立于香槟之林,几百年来坚持纯手工精制。
    Armand de Brignac, a larruping star in the champagne world, which insists on hand-forged champagne over centuries.

  • 艾米莉•勃朗特是19世纪初英国文坛上一位卓尔不群的女作家、诗人。
    Emily Bront is an unique female writer and poetess in English literature in the 19th century.

  • 艾米莉。勃朗特是19世纪初英国文坛上一位卓尔不群的女作家、诗人。
    Emily Bront is an unique female writer and poetess in English literature in the 19th century.

  • 而其红色的机身主色,更给其添加了一股时尚活力,显得高贵,卓尔不群
    But its red fuselage essential color, gave it to increase a fashionable vigor, appeared noble, outstanding.

  • 万象新园的建筑简洁、现代,线条流畅,体现出了一种卓尔不群的个性风范。
    Vientiane new park construction concise, modern, fluid lines, showed a clean personality style.

  • 蝴蝶由下等的毛虫变成花间的仙子,这种转变历来被誉为重生和卓尔不群的象征。
    Their change from lowly caterpillars into celestial flowers of the air is the reason they have been revered through the ages as metaphors of resurrection and transcendence.

  • 建筑及装修风格新颖别致、卓尔不群,中欧式装饰交相辉映,配套设施设备齐全。
    The construction and decoration style is novel and unique, which is one of the best in Shishi city.

  • 有多少人会让你觉得难能可贵,纯洁,特别的?又有多少人可以让你觉得卓尔不群呢?
    how many people can make you feel care and pure and special?How many people can make you feel extraordinary?

  • 作为珠宝商,我们致力于服务拥有卓尔不群生活态度的人,我们将为了这个目标不懈努力!
    As a jeweller, we try our utmost to service for people with an elitist attitude to life, also we keep working on our goal for ever!

  • 美国将领贝纳狄克.安诺德在美国独立战争初期表现英勇,卓尔不群,更因作战而瘸了腿。
    American general Benedict Arnold, who was crippled in battle, distinguished himself early in the American Revolution through acts of bravery.

  • 与世界上其他瀑布相比,伊瓜苏瀑布还有一卓尔不群的优势,那就是它的年径流是最大的。
    Iguazu has the distinction of having the greatest annual flow when compared to any other falls in the world.

  • 当你没有两个能够非常支持你的好父母时,你就要寻找和发现坚毅和卓越的源泉,这样你就变得卓尔不群了。
    When you don't have two nice parents who are very supportive … you seek out and find sources of resilience and transcendence -- and you become amazing.

  • 宽广大气的布局,加上樱桃木色的厨柜材料、实木雕刻及手工描金点缀,卓尔不群,一派沉稳贵重的王者之气。
    Broad and elegant arrangement plus cherry wooden material, solid wood engraving and golden manual painting show an outstanding nature and royal demeanor.

  • 作为女性个人化写作的代表,陈染以其卓尔不群的写作姿态和独特的话语方式在群芳争艳的女性作家中倍受瞩目。
    As the representative of female individual writing, Chen Ran is the focus of attention for her special writing gesture and particular narrative modes.

  • 企业对服务缺陷的积极修正,不仅使自己卓尔不群,还会变坏事为好事,化腐朽为神奇,产生意想不到的营销效应。
    Active improvement of service defect not only can make enterprise highly effective, but also can change bad to good, let enterprise freshly grow, unimaginable effects will be produced.

  • 一个新颖的想法可以提升产品的设计水平,同样,如果在设计上多花一点心思,就能令到产品的设计更加卓尔不群
    Any design is boosted with a creative tinge. Anything can look amusing if a little more effort is given on making it look unique and different.

  • 美国崇尚自己卓尔不群的天才——爱因斯坦、爱迪生、乔布斯,但如今,特立独行的梦想家们,应当学会与大众联手共事。
    America loves its solitary geniuses—its Einsteins, its Edisons, its Jobses—but those lonely dreamers may have to learn to play with others.

  • 正因有了大师们的精巧设计,和印钞工人的辛劳付出,被称为“国家名片”的人民币,才能以卓尔不群的身姿出现在世人面前。
    It is precisely because there is a great design, and smart money printing workers who pay, which is called the national business card " " RMB, an instructing stands out amongst appears in the world.

  • 娴熟运用欧美古典设计风格,孕育天成品质。宽广大气的布局,加上樱桃木色的橱柜材料,卓尔不群,一派沉稳贵重的王者之气。
    European classical style tells its inborn quality, Broad and elegant arrangement plus cherry wooden material, , all of these show an outstanding nature and royal demeanor.

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