
卑鄙龌龊  bēi bǐ wò chuò







  • “那是一部卑鄙龌龊的书,”教士说。
    "It is a filthy and vile book", said the priest .

  • 他叔叔卑鄙龌龊,不像他父亲那样为人正直。
    His uncle was as base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honorable.

  • 他的叔叔卑鄙龌龊,不象他父亲那样为人正直。
    His uncle was a base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honorable.

  • 他的叔叔卑鄙龌龊,不像他父亲那样为人正直。
    His uncle was as base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honorable.

  • 他那卑鄙龌龊的诡计要受报应的,还得多受些呢。
    He's had something to pay him for his dirty trick, and he'll have more.

  • 中国唯一的敌人就是日本这个龌龊卑鄙的死老鼠!
    The Chinese only enemies are the Japanese this dirty mean death mice!

  • 这真是个卑鄙龌龊、自私自利的世界,我真想脱离它才好。
    It's a sordid, selfish world, and I wish I was out of it.

  • 你只会干些卑鄙龌龊的事情,见不得干好事的人 受表扬。
    You can't do any but mean things, and you can't bear to see anybody praised for doing good ones.

  • 我来这就是要对一项考虑欠妥,卑鄙龌龊的计划表示抗议。
    I am here to protest an ill-conceived sordid scheme.

  • 它是卑鄙龌龊的,因为它完全是为金州电力公司赚取利润的。
    It is sordid because the objective is to make profits for Golden State & Light.

  • 她会灵活地顺着梯子爬上去,远远地躲开这些卑鄙龌龊的人。
    She would have steered agilely up the ladders and left the snakes alone.

  • 莫里亚蒂教授可以被说成是福尔莫斯故事中的行为卑鄙龌龊的人。
    Professor Moriarty could be described as the dirty dog of the Sherlock Holmes stories.

  • 龌龊之人;卑鄙之人。整句,(他)告诉我说目标是什么卑鄙的毒贩子。
    Told me the mark was some scumbag drug dealer, Scumbag.

  • 要是你竟敢说我卑鄙龌龊这一类的话,那你就是一个大胆无耻的叫化子。
    When you take the liberty of calling me mean or base, or anything of that sort, you are an impudent beggar.

  • 要是你竟敢说我卑鄙龌龊这一类的话,那你就是一个大胆无耻的叫化子。
    of calling me mean or base, or anything of that sort, you are an impudent beggar.

  • 奥瑟罗嗯,他最初告诉我这件事。他是个正人君子,他痛恨卑鄙龌龊的行为。
    Othello. Ay, 'twas he that told me first: An honest man he is, and hates the slime That sticks on filthy deeds.

  • 不论哪个民族,都有卑鄙龌龊的一面-因为他们超脱不了人的本性和自然之子的本质。
    Every Nation, which soever it be, has its own vile face, for they can never transcend their nature as being human and son of Nature.

  • 想想看,用力想想看,穿着体面、心地纯真的蔡主席,又如何能够与外表衣冠光鲜、内心卑鄙龌龊的陈水扁争斗。
    Just think, hard to think of it, wearing decent, pure-hearted Cai President, how can the appearance and dressed dressed, filthy dirty heart of the struggle between Chen Shui-bian.

  • 立陶宛是非常亲美的国家,很多人可能会认为,对该国最重要的盟友玩弄这套卑鄙龌龊的古怪把戏无异于一种癫狂症。
    Lithuania is a hugely pro-American country, and many might think that turning the odd dirty trick for the country's most important ally was nothing to get too excited about.

  • 现今在德国流行的一切所谓社会主义和共产主义的著作,除了极少数的例外,都属于这一类卑鄙龌龊的、令人委靡的文献。
    With very few exceptions, all the so-called Socialist and Communist publications that now (1847) circulate in Germany belong to the domain of this foul and enervating literature.

  • 卑鄙龌龊造句相关
