
卑鄙无耻  bēi bǐ wú chǐ







  • 做出那种事真够卑鄙无耻的。
    That was a mean and dirty thing to do!

  • 做出那种事真够卑鄙无耻的!
    That was a mean and dirty thing to do!

  • 将中文“我会原谅那些卑鄙无耻的人!”
    I will be forgiving those people who are nasty and shameless.

  • 卑鄙无耻,残忍好战就是你们民族的优点!
    Mean and shameless, cruel militant is your nationality's merit!

  • 我是这世上唯一的小人,最是卑鄙无耻。啊,安东尼!
    I am alone the villain of the earth, And feel I am so most.

  • 第二,J在校园里散布谣言,说M是卑鄙无耻的人。
    Second, J on the campus spread rumors that the M is despicable, shameless people.

  • 人们并不认为当一名半路抢劫的海盗是非常卑鄙无耻的事情。
    Men did not think it was so very wicked to be a sort of half-way pirate.

  • 那个卑鄙无耻的人撒了那麽多的谎,不管他说什麽都没人听。
    The scoundrelly person has lied so much that people turn a deaf ear to whatever he says.

  • 那个卑鄙无耻的人撒了那麽多的谎,不管他说什麽都没人听。
    The scoundrelly person have lied so much that people turn a deaf ear to whatever he say.

  • 他不喜欢他的叔叔,因为他父亲正直可敬,而他叔叔卑鄙无耻
    He did not love his uncle, who was as base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honorable.

  • 他们用卑鄙无耻的手段占用我们已经使用五年的频率进行播放。
    In an unsportsmanlike and provocative move, they have chosen to broadcast on the same frequency that we have been using for the past five years.

  • 白烟浑身忽然颤抖起来,扬手就给了我一个耳光:“你卑鄙无耻!”
    White smoke suddenly trembling all over, Yang Shou gave me a slap in the face: "You're despicable, shameless! ""

  • 说明你们日本人的骨子里根本就是一个卑鄙无耻,残忍好战的野蛮民族!
    Explained in your Japanese's bone is radically one mean and shameless, the cruel militant barbaric nationality!

  • 我遗憾陶维极用这种错误的解释来满足那些在联合报工作的无耻卑鄙小人。
    It's a shame that Talovich gave such an erroneous interpretation for the bottom feeders at UDN to feast on.

  • 你记得那些愤怒的头版吧——用黑体大字喊出的“病态”“卑鄙”和“无耻”?
    You remember their outraged front pages, right?All their cries of SICK and FOUL and VILE in huge black text?

  • 为了金钱,无数的卑鄙无耻的人竟然去残害婴儿的生命,残害我们中国人的健康。
    In order to make more money, billions of impure ppl would rather to destory the babies lives, destory our health.

  • 可喜可怕的考验,通过它,意志薄弱的人能变得卑鄙无耻,坚强的人能转为卓越非凡。
    Admirable and terrible trial from which the feeble emerge base, from which the strong emerge sublime.

  • 但是,我们附带说一句,那种人和城市中那些卑鄙无耻的杀人犯比较起来总还有天壤之别。
    Nevertheless, we will remark cursorily, there is still an abyss between these races of men and the hideous assassin of the towns.

  • 但是,我们附带说一句,那种人和城市中那些卑鄙无耻的杀人犯比较起来总还有天壤之别。
    there is still an abyss between these races of men and the hideous assassin of the towns.

  • 他对她送秋波,清嗓子,哼哼哈哈,嬉皮笑脸,把小流氓所干的一切卑鄙无耻的勾当表演得维妙维肖。
    He made eyes at her, was taken with sudden coughs and "hems, " smiled, smirked, and went brazenly through the impudent and contemptible litany of the "masher.

  • 到这时候大家才恍然大悟了:挂在我们头顶的那些玩意儿哪是来造访,分明是公然的入侵,卑鄙无耻的入侵。
    By now it was perfectly clear to everybody that what was hanging above our heads was no visit but a crude invasion. Crude and treacherous.

  • 捷克发表公报对全世界说:“我们别无出路,因为孤立无援。”贝奈斯说,“有人卑鄙无耻,把我们出卖了。”
    Czech communiqué explained to the world: "We had no choice, because we were left alone. " Benes said, "we have been basely betrayed. " (Ibid. )

  • 电视,经济,警察局,下议院,还有最近的新闻界……全都充斥着骗子、混蛋、恶霸和贪婪、卑鄙无耻之徒。
    Television, the economy, the police, the House of Commons, and, most recently, the press … all revealed to be jam-packed with liars and bastards and graspers and bullies and turds.

  • 一打听我才知道,他们的名字都没有记载下来,仅有的几个历史却又都把他们写成了最卑鄙无耻的恶棍和卖国贼。
    Upon inquiry I was told, "that their names were to be found on no record, except a few of them, whom history has represented as the vilest of rogues and traitors."

  • 1861—1865年一场空前酷烈的国内战争,结束了这种“有史以来最卑鄙、最无耻的奴役人类的形式”①。
    An unprecedented inclement civil war ended this "the most vile and shameless form of enslaving humans throughout its history".

  • 我实在宁可你没有利用我的存在作为手段用来压迫、征服、惩罚、把人开膛破肚,以及/或者,你知道,对别人卑鄙无耻
    I'd really rather you didn't use my existence as a means to oppress, subjugate, punish, eviscerate, and/or, you know, be mean to others.

  • 读者投票的结果也表明,几乎没有一个人选择“加内特膝盖报废”这个选项,或许就连读者们都对这么无耻卑鄙的问题感到惊恐。
    At least poll results showed that almost no one chose the Garnett option. Perhaps even readers were scared off by the question's mean-spirited nature.

  • 即使在最好的情况下,在小说中白手起家的角色往往被塑造成肤浅、卑鄙无耻、不值得同情的人,就算他们的财富最终导致悲剧和毁灭。
    AT THE best of times, the self-made rich are usually held up in fiction as shallow, contemptible and undeserving of sympathy even when their wealth leads to misery and ends in ruin.

  • 鉴于日本12月7日星期天对我国进行的卑鄙无耻的无端攻击,在此我请求国会宣布,美利坚合众国与日本帝国之间已经处于战争状态。
    I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December seventh, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.

  • 给予他帮助的是他的最佳损友巴尼(尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯饰),作为一名不折不扣的王老五,巴尼的点子层出不穷,甚至卑鄙无耻,这位西装狂以他所向披靡的手法泡女人。
    Helping him in his quest is his friend Barney (Neil Patrick Harris), a confirmed bachelor with endless, sometimes outrageous opinions, a penchant for suits and a foolproof way to meet women.

  • 卑鄙无耻造句相关
