
千方百计  qiān fāng bǎi jì








  • 我们要千方百计提高单位面积产量。
    We must do everything to raise the per unit yield.

  • 我们要千方百计提高单位面积产量。
    We must do everything to raise the per unit yield.

  • 理查德正千方百计的谋求升职。
    I think Richard is bucking for a promotion.

  • 我将千方百计满足你的需求。
    I will study to satisfy your needs.

  • 千方百计把女儿都嫁出去的她可是如愿以偿?
    That her machinations to marry off her daughters all work out?

  • 成名,然后千方百计维持并提高自己的名声。
    Fame, and then do everything possible to maintain and enhance its reputation.

  • 今天那些婴儿潮世代正千方百计想办法要留在家里。
    Today, those boomers are trying to figure out how to stay at home.

  • 斯托千方百计想使他的企业免于失败,但白费力气。
    Stowe tried every means to pull his business through, but all in vain.

  • 英特尔公司千方百计网罗走的工人大多数是男孩子。
    Most of the workers Intel walks away with are boys.

  • 尽管她头部受伤,但还是千方百计的从窗户爬了出来。
    She received head injuries, but managed to climb out of a window.

  • 他知道他们在千方百计地诈取他的财富,损害他的青春。
    He saw that they sought to prey upon his riches and his youth.

  • 你应该还清析的记得,小时候我是如何千方百计的哄你洗澡。
    Because you have fresh memory that how hard I was to persuade you to wash.

  • 从一开始;哈琪太太就千方百计表示她希望得到丽莉的好感。
    Mrs. Hatch showed from the first an almost touching desire for Lily's spproval.

  • 每逢一个船长用到一名名声特别高的掌舵者,他必须千方百计把他留住。
    When a captain got hold of a pilot of particularly high reputation, he took pains to keep him.

  • 而鉴于人类的本性,凡是能够做到的事情,人类总会千方百计地去完成。
    And, given the nature of man, if it can be done it will be done.

  • 那么对于拥有18%失业率的西班牙千方百计地限制移民就不值得惊奇了。
    It is hardly surprising that Spain, where unemployment is 18%, is looking particularly hard for ways to stop migrant flows.

  • 大多数人费尽心机想逃出监狱,而迈克尔·斯科菲尔德却千方百计想进来。
    Most men would do anything to get out. But Michael Scofield will do anything he can to get in.

  • 意识到这根本不是一条普通的鱼,那位渔民于是千方百计不让它受到丝毫伤害。
    Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made every effort not to damage it in any way.

  • 一是千方百计稳定就业市场,在非常时期采用一些非常措施,保障和促进就业。
    First, every effort to stabilize the job market, at a critical time to adopt some measures to protect and promote employment.

  • 在像意大利、丹麦和荷兰这些地方,奶农们千方百计地想要生产高于配额的牛奶。
    In places such as Italy, Denmark and the Netherlands, they yearn to produce more than the quotas allow.

  • 我们要千方百计,在别的方面忍耐一些,甚至于牺牲一点速度,把教育问题解决好。
    We should try every way to expand education, even if it means slowing down in other fields.

  • 现在,传统媒体都在千方百计吸引广告商,因为有大量的用户向互联网等其它媒体流失。
    Now, both in traditional media and tries hard to attract advertisers, because there are a large number of users to the Internet and other media.

  • 父亲是严厉的。当我做错事时,他总是很严厉的批评我。相反母亲却千方百计的维护我。
    Father is strict. When I did something wrong, he always criticized me sternly. In contrast, mother left no stone unturned to stick up for me.

  • 由于米老鼠创造了巨大而惊人的价值链条,所以迪士尼对米老鼠知识产权的保护可谓千方百计,不惜血本。
    Given the incredibly lucrative chain of add-on value, Disney has done everything possible to, at any rate, protect the IPR of Micky Mouse.

  • 食品科学兴起于20世纪,是食品公司千方百计不让产品在运送过程中变质,到超市依然美味可口的一门科学。
    Food science arose in the 20th century as food companies looked for ways to make their products survive the trip to the supermarket and remain palatable.

  • 在保证中碱玻璃球的质量的前提下,千方百计降低原料的成本,成为玻璃工艺技术人员下大力气去探索的课题。
    To reduce the raw material cost by every possible means under the premise of assuring the glass marble quality has become a subject for glass technologists to explore with intensive efforts.

  • 因为不是你的女朋友,我才会想要努力做到更好,千方百计默默付出,比你的女朋友对你好的多,生怕你受委屈。
    Cause I am not your girl, I want to work hard to do better, leave no stone unturned to pay in silence , better than your girlfriend , afraid you are aggrieved.

  • 从前他们确已图谋离间,他们千方百计地想谋害你,直到真理降临,真主的事业获得了胜利,同时他们是憎恶的。
    Indeed they had plotted sedition before, and upset matters for thee, until, - the Truth arrived, and the Decree of Allah became manifest much to their disgust.

  • 推进社会主义新农村建设,必须始终把发展农村生产力放在第一位,大力发展现代化农业,千方百计增加农民收入。
    To promote the building of new socialist countryside, must give top priority to the development of rural, develop modern agriculture, increase the income of the farmers.

  • 联邦主义者的胜利得不偿失,他们试图通过先制定宏伟的宪法然后千方百计通过《里斯本条约》来寻求欧盟一体化。
    Federalists who sought integration by pursuing first a grandiose constitution and then, by hook or by crook, the Lisbon treaty have won a Pyrrhic victory.

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