
勤能补拙  qín néng bǔ zhuō







  • 所以哲人讲:勤能补拙,成败励志。
    So, philosopher say: Qinnengbuzhuo, inspirational success or failure.

  • 勤能补拙。不断练习才会进步。
    Practice only makes for improvement.

  • 勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才;
    Diligence can fill the dull is a good model, one pains one abilities.

  • 勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才。
    Qinnengbuzhuo is good training, a hard one before.

  • 天道酬勤能补拙!关键在于毅力!
    Nothing but perseverance can lend a man to the way of success.

  • 勤能补拙,我相信我会是一名好的员工。
    Hard work can make up for lack of talent, my believing me will be a good employee.

  • 莎莉:胡说八道!妳不知道勤能补拙吗?
    Sally:Nonsense! Don't you know practice makes perfect?

  • 进度不快,相信勤能补拙
    Progress of the unhappy, I believe Qinnengbuzhuo.

  • 勤能补拙,只要你努力,坚持不懈,你会成功的!
    How long_ does it take to go there by bike?

  • 勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才。--华罗庚。
    Diligence makes up for want of ability. Pains brings about gains. --Hua Luogeng.

  • 天道酬勤能补拙是年轻的菲尼克斯人的处事之方!
    Inf, Phoenix Qinnengbuzhuo young people doing things the party!

  • 相信自己吧,也许我不够聪明,可是我相信勤能补拙
    Well, I should believe in myself. Maybe I am not very clever, but I hold firmly that diligence can make up my slunpness.

  • 华罗庚教授说“勤能补拙是良训,一分辛劳一分才。”
    Professor Hua Luogeng said: Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence and no pains, no gains.

  • 我相信,天道酬勤能补拙,相信有付出就会有收获。
    I believe that Tiandaochouqin, Qinnengbuzhuo, I believe there will have to pay gains.

  • 我相信勤能补拙,我会不断提高自己,努力取得良好的业绩…
    I believe I can work hard to make up for lack of intelligence, and promote myself, and get good performance.

  • 体坛明星姚明也非常信奉“勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才。”
    Sports star Yao Ming also believe in "is a good training a hard one before."

  • 勤能补拙。(直译:劳的愚人取得的成就是懒惰的智者的两倍)。
    The work of a diligence fool doubles that of a lazy wit.

  • 他的同僚月球漫步者阿尔·比恩决不是最有天资的宇航员,其成功完全靠勤能补拙
    His fellow moonwalker, Al Bean, never the most naturally gifted astronaut, compensated with sheer hard work.

  • 是如何用以补拙的办法来成就后来的佳誉的?勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才。
    Is how to emulation approach to success was the excellent reputation of? is a good training and a hard one before.

  • 和他一起登月的伙伴阿兰;比恩,绝对不是最有天赋的宇航员,完全依赖于勤能补拙
    His fellow moonwalker, Al Bean, never the most naturally gifted astronaut, compensated with sheer hard work.

  • 意思是,一个才级别为0的球员,将会比才级别为4的球员花费更多的时间才掌握新技勤能补拙啊……=||)。
    It means if a player is a talent 0 he will have a harder time learning new skills than a talent 4 player.

  • 目前来说,我们的重心就是不断发展、扩大自己的业务,用投入的更多时间来弥进入中国市场较晚的劣势,相信勤能补拙这个道理。
    Currently, our focus is still on developing and enlarging our business. We need to spend more time to speed up our business in China.

  • 爱因斯坦发现相对论,轰动世界,但他小时候连一个板凳也做不好,这些活生生的例子,不正说明勤能补拙是良训,一分辛劳一分才吗?
    Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, shocked the whole world, but he is not even a bench a child can be done, these real-life examples of errors that is a good training, a hard one to do?

  • 勤能补拙造句相关
