
功德无量  gōng dé wú liàng








  • 这是最默默无闻却功德无量的艰苦劳动。
    This is the most obscure and yet greatest service and painstaking work.

  • 摄人心扉的是真正有爱的灵魂,功德无量
    Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.

  • 如能这样,法师功德无量无边,如虚空不可得比。
    Dharma master like this has immeasurable and boundless merits and virtues, beyond any comparison like the empty space.

  • 国王说道:“太好了,这真是功德无量的事啊。”
    The king said, "Wonderful. What a boundless beneficence! ""

  • 在此团结之处,同志的功德也是无量无边地倍加。
    Where there is such unity, members receive benefit that increases boundlessly.

  • 闻是音者,自然生起佛法僧念,作意等无量功德
    Having heard those sounds, sentient beings give spontaneously rise to numerous meritorious acts, such as mindfulness of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

  • 以广大心皆得无尽无量功德,是即名为檀波罗蜜。
    As the mind is extensive, so the merit is boundless. Such is named the paramita of giving.

  • 促成该国互相竞争的地区合作投资,本身功德无量
    Getting the country's rivalrous regions to co-operate in the venture was a feat in itself.

  • 人类能够通过用钟表读数得时间是薄伽梵慈悲无量功德
    Human can get time by using watch, straightly get the reading of time, that is the maitri boundless benevolence of Bhagavan.

  • 法本一生志操孤洁,梵行清贫,苦力虔修,深入佛海,功德无量
    Law of the solitary life Jie Cao Zhi, xing poor, coolies xiu , in-depth Buddhist sea, boundless beneficence.

  • 第二个大问题,是 把我们所有修行的功德,回向给无量的众生。
    The second key issue is to return all our merits and virtues of practice to all beings.

  • 学术翻译是一件功德无量的事业,柏拉图著作的汉译尤其嘉惠学界。
    Academic translation is an enterprise of boundless beneficence, while the translation of Plato's works could be the most beneficial one to our academia.

  • 敬请各界善信踊跃参加,诵经念佛共结善缘,同沾法喜,功德无量
    You and your family are cordially invited to participate in this meritorious Dharma Assembly.

  • 如此你的生活平静,普天之下百姓的生活也同样安宁平静,那就功德无量了。
    If your life is peaceful and the life of people under the sun is peaceful too, you are boundless beneficent.

  • 中国的名山古刹不少,佛事香火堪为旺盛,也做了很多功德无量的慈善事业。
    China's famous mountain temple on a large number of Buddhist practice and a strong interest in the xianghuoyan, or hambin to do a lot of venerable of the charity.

  • 在此,深表感恩原图作者的慈悲分享,让更多人与诸佛众菩萨结善缘,功德无量
    Express deep appreciation to the original creators for sharing their photos or images that make it possible for more people to know about Buddhism.

  • 修行者绕湖而行,便可得到无量功德和渊博的知识,并能舍去自身的恶习和痛苦。
    Walking around the lake, the Buddhists can gain immeasurable meritorious, beneficent deeds and erudite knowledge. In this way they can also get rid of their bad habit and pain.

  • 因为这盏灯是以无比的恭敬心和清净心所供养的,这个出发点使它产生无量功德
    Because this lamp was offered with devotion, and with purity of heart and mind. And that motivation has made it of tremendous benefit.

  • 如果能绕湖而行,便能得到渊博的知识和无量功德,并舍去恶习及痛苦,最后获得正果。
    If you walk around the lake, you can gain wide knowledge, countless meritorious and beneficent deeds, give up the bad habits and pain, and reach enlightenment.

  • 美国国防部高级研究计划署为必要软件的开发买单,并公开源码免费提供,此举功德无量
    To its lasting credit, DARPA paid for the necessary software to be developed and made it open-source and freely available.

  • 他甘愿与这些非佛教徒分享他的无量功德,从而使他们能够享有阿弥陀佛西方极乐世界的加持。
    Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu. He was willing and able to share his boundless of Amitabha Buddha's Western Paradise.

  • “白雪康天使”的神圣之责就是一切为了患者的健康,宣传白雪康胶囊祈福健康,您将会功德无量
    The sacred duty of "Paixuekong Capsule" is all for the patient's health, and to publicize "Paixuekong Capsule" and pray for health, you will have boundless beneficence.

  • 藏传佛教认为,持颂”六字真言”越多,越表对佛的虔诚,可带来平安喜乐、并能累积无量功德
    The Tibetan Buddhists believe: the more "Mani" being read, the more devotion expressed toward the Buddha, which also serves to bring along peace and happiness and to accumulate immense blessing.

  • 而且无子息者,求男得男,求女得女,求财得财,长寿福贵,皆能逐愿,成就极速,其功德利益无量
    He or she will live a long life and have boys and girls as he or she wishes. His virtue and achievements will be unlimited.

  • 贝内泽本人并不富裕,为了这个功德无量的造桥计划,他和他的会友坚持不懈地募捐,得到很多人帮助。
    Benezet I am not rich, in order to bridge this infinite plan, he and his friends make unremitting efforts to collect donations to help get a lot of people.

  • 尽管文章对本站的运行描述得并不详尽,但为全世界了解本站的内容打开了一扇大门,实在是功德无量
    Despite the article was quite incomplete about what we are doing here, it was very useful to reveal Cucumis to the entire world.

  • C++标准可不想成为其中一员──把现有实作拉近到一起,标准就功德无量了──我们不希望将来ISOC++标准被人忽略。
    The C++ standard is not one of those - it is doing immeasurable good by pulling the implementations closer together - and we don't want the ISO C++ standard to be an ignored standard in the future.

  • 仔仔不懂过马路,更饿著肚子,相信现在十分惶恐及凄凉!请大家帮帮忙,如发现或怀疑发现请立即通知我或交回渔护署,感激万分,功德无量
    bo bo doesn't know how to cross roads, in hunger, he's now very poor, pls call Mr Chung at 93778511 or take the dog to AFCD if you found him. thank you very much for your help!

  • 海地发生里氏7。0级地震造成至少10万人丧生, 请大家一起来祈祷迴向。功德无量。 但愿众生得离苦,令之众生得安乐, 阿弥陀佛。
    Haiti magnitude 7. 0 earthquake killed at least 10 million people, let us pray together for the one who has unfortunately lost their…

  • 现存最早的日本印刷物《百万塔陀罗尼》(theonemilliondharani)或者四部已译成汉文的梵语经诵流通到全国主要寺庙,而且翻刻经书是有着无量功德(adinfinitumformerit)的。
    The earliest extant Japanese printing was "the one million dharani, "or four Sanskrit charms translated into Chinese, distributed to leading Buddhist temples, and copied ad infinitum for merit.

  • 功德无量造句相关
