
力不从心  lì bù cóng xīn








  • 我想用英语来谈话, 但是力不从心
    I tried to carry on a conversation in English, but it far exceeded my ability.

  • 力不从心时,我回想过去的成就。
    If I feel incompetent I will remember past success.

  • 尽管阿纳金原力很强,却总感力不从心
    Despite being powerful in the Force, Anakin always found this difficult.

  • 结婚后,像鸭子,想飞,但已力不从心
    After the marriage, like a duck, to Fly, but has been unable to.

  • 第三,严刑峻法对保护无辜常常力不从心
    Third, harsh laws often do little to protect the innocent.

  • 假如给很多人承诺的话就会觉得力不从心
    This will be a very hectic day if you've made promises to too many people.

  • 他试图自己动手盖一所房子,结果是力不从心
    In trying to build a house by himself, he bit off more than he could chew.

  • 那次事故之后,简在车水马龙中开车感到力不从心
    Jean felt unable to cope with driving in heavy traffic after her accident.

  • 一想到厨房的油垢,家庭主妇们马上就感到力不从心
    The oil that thinks of a kitchen dirties, housewife people feel ability not equal to one's ambition immediately.

  • 他花了极大的力气想搬移那个沈重的家俱,但力不从心
    He makes manful effort to move the heavy furniture, but fail.

  • 被很多人劝说:趁着年轻做点事吧,老了就力不从心了。
    Many people have been persuaded: Taking advantage of the young to do something it, the old and insufficient.

  • 高等数学第一章是基础章节,但是现在自己已经力不从心
    The first chapter is the foundation of higher mathematics section, but now that I have powerless.

  • 这点事关重大,因为国会已经在缩减开支方面显得力不从心
    This matters, because Congress has shown it is incapable of making such difficult cuts.

  • 在本周三你会感到力不从心,过了周三,你会有实质性的进步。
    Your energy takes off on Tuesday, and you ought to be able to make some real progress through the middle part of the week.

  • 为了掩饰我的力不从心,下班后,我必须要去助于教授和老员工们。
    To cover up [my weakness], I had to ask professors and seniors for help after work.

  • 你可以能感觉对电脑方面比较自信,但是人际关系方面就会感觉到力不从心
    For example, you might be confident working on your computer, but less confident talking to new people you just met.

  • 也许他们不能。他们将要累得病倒。他们将力不从心。“嗨,卡罗斯,救命!”
    Probably they won't. They will get sick. They will ge"blocked. "Hey Carlos help!

  • 面对这项具有战略性和全局性的伟大工程,政府仅仅依靠自身力量显然力不从心
    Obviously, it is impossible for us to obtain the goal only depending on the strength of the government when faced to a strategic project like this.

  • 信息时代知识产权领域出现的新问题,使得原有的版权制度与法律条文显得力不从心
    In the information era, new problems emerging in the intellectual property field can no longer be solved by the traditional copyright systems and related laws.

  • 不断出现的城镇养老基金缺口大、筹资难等问题,已使现有的养老保险制度力不从心
    Emerging gap in the urban pension funds, and fund-raising and other difficult issues, has made the existing old-age insurance system fails.

  • 马丁也许会成为了不起的人物。究竟他会不会成为了不起的人物,预言者力不从心无法预言。
    Martin might be a remarkable man: whether he will or not, the seer is powerless to predict .

  • 奥巴马此前关于外交政策的见解是:在维护全球安全上,美国是至关重要、但力不从心的大国。
    The president's foreign policy insight had been that the US is the vital but insufficient power in safeguarding global security.

  • 但是,在放弃这习惯一个月,两个月,也许甚至一年以后,同城要重新开始就让我们显得力不从心了。
    But after a month, two months or possibly a year off, it can be hard to get started again.

  • 好久没上网了,聊天时竟然有好多朋友不认识我了…在家实习挺不错,就是有点力不从心,感觉很无聊…
    Not for a long time online, chatting with friends, there is a lot of not understanding me. . Very good practice at home is somewhat insufficient, I feel very silly. .

  • 也许你在为你公司的设计发愁,想招自己的设计师感觉有点力不从心,想找家设计公司感觉服务费用太贵。
    Perhaps you have designed for you to worry about the company, I would like to recruit our own designers feel a little bit unable to find design firms feel the cost of expensive services.

  • 在这个时候再考虑其他事情,总会让人觉得力不从心,因此要认真对待考试,就不得不放弃一些机会和活动。
    At this time to consider other things, there will always make people feel unable to seriously test, therefore, will have to give up some of the opportunities and activities.

  • 我总在问自己为什么会出现这样的状况呢?我想可能是我经历了一个高强度的赛季,身心上的疲劳让我感到有些力不从心
    "The Olympics have definitely had an effect on my form and my ability this season. "I should be playing better for Liverpool than I am at the moment.

  • 秋天似乎就这样接近尾声了,用力不从心的阳光投射下自己最后的身影,斜靠在走廊拐角的那团暗影,被风打磨得越发淡了。
    Days seems to be so close to the end, and with the sun unable to project their own shadow Finally, leaned around the corner in the corridor that Mission Shadow, by wind polishes the more faded.

  • 面对今天日益复杂、多元甚至是险峻的人居环境,尽管传统单一的建筑设计雄心勃勃,但却开始因孤立无助而显得力不从心
    Today, facing to the more complex and hard human environment, though the traditional architecture also has great ambitions, but it becomes to be weak for isolation.

  • 教师在班级授课制(尤其是人数众多的大班级)下对能力强的学生“吃不饱”,能力欠佳的学生“吃不消”普遍感到力不从心
    Teachers teach classes in the system (especially the large number of large classes), the ability of students, "food" and the ability of poor students, "too much" is too general.

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