
刻骨仇恨  kè gǔ chóu hèn







  • 它对美国和美国的盟友怀着刻骨仇恨
    It has a deep hatred of America and our friends.

  • 我知道,你对我有刻骨仇恨
    I know your spiteful hatred towards me.

  • 仇恨,是我们对刻骨铭心、天理难容的伤害的自然反应。
    Hate is our natural response to deep and unfair hurts.

  • 在某些人身上这类事会引起他们对黑皮肤的人的刻骨仇恨
    It woke in some men a virulent hatred of a black skin.

  • 这可不是在家里做游戏,这种仇恨一定要刻骨铭心,最好是私仇。
    This is nt a parlor game he is engaged in. the dislike must be intense, and ideally it should be persoanl.

  • 我发现西方世界对共产主义有刻骨仇恨,常听到“共产党人都应该被枪毙”。
    From remarks like "every communist should be shot dead", I've noticed deep hatred against communism in the western world.

  • 但这些敌人是如此地遥远,我们对他们形成不了刻骨仇恨——这一点,最初很令我吃惊。
    But these enemies are so remote that our troops haven't worked up a fierce hatred of them —— and this, initially, was surprising to me.

  • 白花和被害的窦喜功的第二房老婆对窦马利怀有刻骨仇恨,在这场斗争中自然站在地老鼠一边。
    In this war, White Flower and the second wife of the murdered Tou Hsikung, nursing a bitter hatred, had quite naturally joined forces with the Field Mouse.

  • 戈塔尔人常常误解其他种族的感情变化,比如把好感当作爱意,把生气当作暴怒,把嫉妒当作刻骨仇恨
    Gotals often misinterpret the emotions of other species, occasionally mistaking affection for love, anger for imminent violence, and envy for murderous intent.

  • 由于瘦削,眼睛和嘴巴就大得不成比例,眼睛里似乎有一种对什么人或什么东西都怀有刻骨仇恨的恶狠狠神情。
    Because of its thinness the mouth and eyes looked disproportionately large, and the eyes seemed filled with a murderous, unappeasable hatred of somebody or something.

  • 好吧,他行事小心,永不栽跟头,斯帕斯又伸出舌头笑了,从那一刻起,巴克便对他怀有了刻骨铭心、永不消除的仇恨
    Spitz ran out his tongue and laughed again, and from that moment Buck hated him with a bitter and deathless hatred.

  • 将近40年后,他告诉我,当时跑出去喊救命让他觉得有多耻辱,阻止不了他的父亲的暴行让他觉得有多无助,此后他的仇恨又是多么刻骨铭心。
    Almost forty years later, he told me how humiliated he'd felt running for assistance, how helpless he felt that he couldn't stop his father, how irrevocable his hatred was after that.

  • 当耶稣反问法利赛人︰在安息日行善行恶、救命害命哪一样是合乎律法时,就把他们恶毒的心意当面指出来了。当耶稣正在拯救人的性命,使千万人蒙福之时,他们却以刻骨仇恨来寻索他的性命。
    When Jesus turned upon the Pharisees with the question whether it was lawful on the Sabbath day to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill, He confronted them with their own wicked purposes.

  • 刻骨仇恨造句相关
