
别开生面  bié kāi shēng miàn








  • 一场别开生面的面试在厕所里进行。
    We had the interview in the toilet.

  • 作品简介:一场别开生面的视觉游戏。
    Synopsis :The whole works is just like a visual game.

  • 一次别开生面的迎圣诞聚会,希望认识更多的朋友!
    What's your New Year resolution? Mine is to meet more new friends.

  • 优秀的包装装潢设计贵在创新,必须别开生面有独到之处。
    The outstanding packing decoration design is valued in the innovation, must have the originality entirely new.

  • 逢年过节,还要举行别开生面的烛光晚餐,送上美好的祝福。
    During holidays, a candle-lit dinner will be arranged to offer the most sincere greetings to the soldiers.

  • 与你的最佳拍档一起,参加别开生面的香港教育学院师生慈善跑;
    Join the HKIEd Charity Run now to experience a unique running-in-the-dark adventure together with Henry Wanyoike, an Olympic gold medalist.

  • 最近,志工为五所难民学校的家长和小朋友策画了一场别开生面的运动会。
    Recently, volunteers came up with a fun sports day for parents and students from all five schools.

  • 它是那样地别开生面,生气勃勃,激动人心,百老汇的观众和评论家无不为之倾倒。
    Broadway audiences and critics were struck by its originality, vitality , and excitement.

  • 因此近日家和家美家居商城举办了一场别开生面的家具、建材类产品破坏性演示活动。
    So home and home U. S. home Mall recently organized a spectacular furniture, building materials products devastating demonstration activities.

  • 然后一天这一逻辑是错误的,因为所有证明浪潮冲了进来,给了我一个别开生面的机会。
    And then one day that logic was proven all wrong because the tide came in, gave me a sail.

  • 不过,同样引人注目的是私营的X奖基金会在这次车展上举行的一场别开生面的比赛活动。
    Also on hand are representatives of the private X Prize Foundation, which is sponsoring a competition to create a vehicle that is both super efficient and appealing to consumers.

  • 6月16日下午,一场别开生面的“丫丫的美丽世界”幼儿舞蹈展演,在市青少年宫举行。
    On the afternoon of June 16, an entirely new baby dance performance was held in the city young people palace.

  • 天河区部分民间艺术家举行了一场别开生面的“摆七娘”展览,来庆祝中国的“情人节”。
    " Tianhe District, some civil artists held a unique "place Qiniang" exhibition, to celebrate China's "Valentine's Day.

  • 周日,各种外形,种类和大小的狗会聚在哥伦比亚的波哥大来参加一场别开生面的马拉松比赛。
    All shapes, breed and sizes of dogs converged on Bogota, Colombia Sunday for a special fundraising marathon.

  • 这一场别开生面的“读懂青春、今生无悔”性教育课程中,专心扮演“学生”角色的是青少年家长们。
    This is a fascinating "read their youth, life no regrets" sex education course, to concentrate on playing, "Student" role of the parents are teenagers.

  • 值得注重的是,画册仿古本线装书以布面装帧,别开生面,将女红文化与传统经典文化做了完美的结合。
    Notable is, archaize of an album of paintings this thread-bound book with cloth cover binding and layout, having sth new, made needlework culture and traditional and classical culture perfect tie.

  • 说实话已经把这件事情抛诸脑后,谁料跟随其后,却在天安门长安街上看到了吴尊一场别开生面的生日会。
    To tell the truth of this matter has been forgotten, Shuiliao followed, but in Tiananmen Square on Chang An Avenue to see a statue of Wu's birthday special.

  • 球迷们还将欣赏到一项别开生面的展览,是由曼彻斯特晚间新闻组织的“足球对你意味著什么”的照片展。
    Visitors can also see a special presentation of some of the best entries in the Manchester Evening News's What Football Means to You photo competition.

  • 鲁迅的“古典情怀”,正是建立在这种视野开阔,学养深厚,融合新机,别开生面的基础之上的一种自然表现。
    Lu Xun's "classical sensibility, " was built on such a broad vision, deep cultivation, integration of new machines, spectacular based on a natural expression.

  • 这会儿,她想要趴在地上,把半个脸儿埋在河水里喝水,这可不是因为她觉得口渴,而是因为这样喝水别开生面
    Just now, she chose to drink from the creek, lying prone on the ground, her face half-buried in the water, and this was not because she was thirsty, but because it was a new way to drink.

  • 圣火将以跑步、骑马、龙舟和渡轮等多种别开生面的形式穿越尖沙咀文化中心、青马大桥、维多利亚港等多个著名景点。
    The flame will be passed by running, on horseback, dragon boats and ferryboats by such scenic spots as Tsimshatsui, Tsing Ma Bridge and Victoria Harbour.

  • 别开生面之理疗部,由平遥南良村范增光先生执事,以“分筋走穴”奇术,理疗不适疑难杂症,祛风湿、强筋骨、健体魄。
    The physical therapy department is managed by Fan Zengguang from Nan Liang village of Pingyao. He has mysterious method to cure your discomfort.

  • 为了让报名的新会员能更深入的了解俱乐部,我们在国庆长假之后的第一周的周五晚上举办了一次别开生面的新会员大会。
    In order to made the new members have a better understanding of the club, we have held a special new members of the General Assembly at the first week of the Friday night after long National Day.

  • 简短的介绍和发言之后,居民们在社区广场上举行了一场别开生面的演出。尽管天气寒冷,精彩的演出还是吸引了大量观众。
    After a short introductory session and several speeches, an exciting show by local inhabitants has been shown in the community square. Though cold and snowing, a large audience was attracted.

  • 以利亚不需要用任何别开生面的仪式、花巧的说话或强烈的意像去吸引神的注意力,他只是向那位独一真神作出简单的祷告。
    Elijah did not need wild rituals, fancy words, or vivid mental images to get God's attention. He prayed a simple prayer to the one true God.

  • 近日,中山大学内举行了一次别开生面的“少年大学”活动。70名本地学生以及23名德国学生在广州体验了一番大学生活。
    Recently, a speical Youngsters' University was launched in Sun Yet San University. 70 local and 23 German middle school students had chance to experience the university life in Guangzhou.

  • 近日,芬兰举行了一场别开生面的“扔手机世界锦标赛”,想扔掉手机的人可以来此一试,如果扔得有创意,还可能赢得奖牌。
    Anyone wanting to throw away their mobile phone can do it in style and may even win a medal -- at the Mobile Phone Throwing World Championship, Finland's latest contribution to offbeat athleticism.

  • 此次比赛层次较高,竞争激烈,代表着女子高尔夫球一线技术水平的球手们,尽使浑身解数,向观众展示有一场别开生面的比赛。
    The higher levels of competition, fierce competition, represent the frontline woman golf skills player who, for all he could do to the audience with a spectacular display of the competition.

  • 这就使他的小说为当代文坛开创了一种别开生面的景象,本文主要从“儿童视角”方面来论述莫言小说对传统叙事视角模式的颠覆。
    From the "children perspective", this article attempts to discuss how Mo Yan overthrows the traditional narration perspective in his novels.

  • 日前,在肯德基丽影餐厅里,一场别开生面的“均衡营养小专家”的餐厅讲座受到了小朋友的欢迎,也引发了小朋友对“均衡营养”的强烈兴趣。
    A few days ago, Ji Li Ying restaurant in Kendall, a special "small balanced nutrition experts, " the restaurant talks were children and the children led to the "balanced diet" of interest.

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