
流年不利  liú nián bù lì







  • 流年不利,国安真是剪不断理还乱。
    The unlucky year, the country peaceful really does not shear the principle to be also chaotic.

  • 流年不利的携程又出错了。
    Fleeting time carried Cheng adversely to make mistake again.

  • 相反,哥本哈根成了戴利市长任期流年不利的顶点。
    Instead, Copenhagen was the culmination of the worst year of Mr Daley's tenure.

  • 都说本历年要穿红辟邪,我不信这东西,不过还真是流年不利
    I don't believe that, but I'm not all right in this year.

  • 会展经济不景气的同时,拉斯韦加斯的赌博主业更是流年不利
    Exhibition of economic recession at the same time, Las Vegas, gambling is seen none of the main industry.

  • 在民主党最是流年不利的时候,楼市和金融市场下滑的可能都依然切实存在。
    In both the housing and financial markets, the chances of a dip back down, at the least-opportune time for Democrats, remain very real.

  • 俗话说的好,“邻居丢了工作叫做流年不利,自己丢了工作叫做时运不济。”
    There's an old saying that goes, "It's a recession if your neighbor loses his job. It's a depression if you lose your job. ""

  • 2007年对中国的玩具制造业而言流年不利,这一年里外国公司出于安全因素召回了数以百万计的中国玩具。
    2007 was a bad year for China's toy industry, when foreign companies recalled millions of Chinese toys over safety concerns.

  • 心情焦虑的人通常并不知道到底该责怪自己还是别人,他说不出自己这份无名的不安,到底应该算在谁的头上,是流年不利,是上司不好,是气候多变,还是原子炸弹。
    He isn't sure whether it is the current year or the Administration or a change in climate or the atom bomb that is to blame for this undefined sense of unease.

  • 但是我想告诉我的支持者的是,世界上每天都在发生着可怕的事,但是这不会是我足球生涯的完结,我相信现在医学的昌明,今年我确实流年不利,不过我一定会再回来。
    It is strange to think that my farewell yesterday was the last I might see of Sven, a manager who has picked me whenever I have been available and for whom I have scored a lot of goals.

  • 流年不利造句相关
