
切切私语  qiè qiè sī yǔ







  • 我会转醒,我会再听到那切切私语
    I will recover, I will hear it whisper back.

  • 生命与你的心灵切切私语
    Life whispers in your soul and speaks to your heart.

  • 范小姐就缺少这样一个切切私语的盘问者。
    Miss Fan lacked such an interrogator with whom she could whisper intimately.

  • 这情景惹得在场的女人们切切私语,羡慕不已。
    He'd pose with it, whiskers twitching, wile the women cooed their admiration.

  • 我和他在他的梦中相会,梦想,切切私语,我来了。
    Wherein he dreams I am with him -- and, dreaming, whispers, "Follow !"

  • 人群中开始有人切切私语:“皇帝什么衣服也没有穿。”
    In the crowd, there was whispering, "The emperor isn't wearing and clothes."

  • 当我把乘下的酒喝完时,朱利雅和她的朋友彼此在切切私语
    Julie and her friend whispered to each other while I finished off the rest.

  • 赵高的一通胡说完全迷惑了大臣们,他们切切私语:赵高在耍什么阴谋,这不明明是一头鹿吗?
    The nonsense of Zhao Gao made the ministers totally at a lose, and they whispered to themselves: What tricks was Zhao Gao playing?Was it not obvious whether it was a stag or a horse?

  • 杰夫·撒切尔立即走上前,和这位大人物亲近,真让全校师生羡慕、嫉妒。听大家切切私语,他就像听见音乐一般,心情舒畅。
    Jeff Thatcher immediately went forward, to be familiar with the great man and be envied by the school.

  • 清教思想的魂灵仍旧在人们耳畔切切私语,告诫人们不要耽于这世俗的穷奢极欲,我也希望有更多的美国人不要想着去过他们负担不起的生活。
    Puritan ghosts still whisper their warnings against profligacy in my part of the world, and I certainly hope that more Americans live within their means.

  • 当中校得知拉兹鲁是犹太人,并且正在与安德斯切切私语时,他立刻充满了敌意。汉斯赶忙出来劝说中校,让他平静下来,从而阻止了他进一步冒犯。
    The Lieutenant Colonel's hostility emerged when he knew Laszlo was Jewish and saw Laszlo and Andras were whispering to each other, but Hans calmed him down and pretended him from making any offence.

  • 呼唤 那开始就是一种感觉 从希望传来 而后变成一种静静的思考 变成切切私语然后那声音愈来愈大 “直到那成为一次战争的叫喊” 我会回来的 当你呼唤我 不需要说再见 只因为一切都在变化 …
    Which then grew into a hope Which then turned into a quiet thought Which then turned into a quiet word And then that word grew louder and louder 'Til it was a battle cry I'll come back …

  • 切切私语造句相关
