
不生不灭  bù shēng bù miè








  • 一个孤立系统的物质不生的基本经典物理原理。
    a fundamental principle of classical physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system.

  • 能所二。意识与现象世界同,故两者是一体两面。
    Consciousness and the world appear and disappear together, hence they are two aspects of the same state.

  • 我击杀埃及地头的时候,灾殃必临到你们身上你们。
    and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.

  • 我击杀埃及地头的时候,灾殃必临到你们身上你们。
    No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.

  • 从无限法界整体来看,则万法皆是去、不生减。
    From the point of view of the dharmadhatu as a totality, all dharmas are neither coming nor going, neither born nor deceased, and neither increasing nor decreasing.

  • 科学家们仍清楚,为何“使用则用则”的道理适用于肌肉。
    Scientists still don't know why the "use it or lose it" adage holds true for muscles.

  • 物其实并没有什麽与死的问题,因为物质是的,有的只是聚散而已。
    Creatures, in fact, have no problem about living and death. Material is eternal. There is nothing but integration and dispelling.

  • 物其实并没有什么与死的问题,因为物质是的,有的只是聚散而已。
    Creatures, in fact, have no problem about living and death. Material is eternal. There is nothing but integration and dispelling.

  • 想使事物起是贪欲,排斥那正起的是嗔恨,知道那正起或去的是愚痴。
    Trying to create something is greed. Rejecting what is happening is aversion. Not knowing if something is happening or has stopped happening is delusion.

  • 所谓命真谛,真谛就是不生,谛就是真实变本自拥有的性质无有欺惑的意思。
    The essence of the so-called life, the essence of immortality is not of Health, Matisse is the same true nature of the self-owned there is no confusion of the meaning of bullying.

  • 这个学派的主要诉求是:自性、佛性、妙用、气、灵才是人不生,永远存在的部分。
    The school's main aim was that they deem the immortal part of life is self-nature, Buddha-nature, Qi, calmness, refinement and soul.

  • 我一见这血,就越过你们去。我击杀埃及地头的时候,灾殃必临到你们身上你们。
    And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you, when I strike the land of Egypt.

  • 灵魂是不生的,永恒的,无始无终的,当肉体被毁的时候,灵魂永远也会被毁
    The soul is birth less, eternal, imperishable and timeless and is never destroyed when the body is destroyed.

  • 如果你知道如何谛观,如何感触,你就会变得不生,因为任何事物的本性都是不生的。
    If you know how to look, how to touch deeply, you will become birth less and deathless, because the nature of everything that is, is without birth and without death.

  • 上一原理已经阐明,时间相继的一切显象全都只是变化而已,实体本身的或者成立的。
    The preceding principle shows that all appearances of succession in time are alterations, not coming-to-be.

  • 如果你能够审慎观察、感触这样的体性,你将变得不生,你可以随你的意愿随时感触到佛陀。
    If you are able to observe, to look deeply, and touch that kind of nature, you will become birth less and deathless, and you will be able to touch the Buddha at any time you want.

  • 要深刻而直接地理解这一点,就要以无挂碍之心如实观察事相,由此也可以使各种我执、贪欲、私念断不生
    To understand this deeply and directly is to see things the way they really are, the practical repercussion of which is a complete cessation of egoistic grasping, attachment, and self-concern.

  • 阿诸那啊,如果一个人懂得了灵魂是永恒的,不生的,可被毁的,那他又怎么会使人死亡呢?他杀死了谁呀?
    Arjuna, one who knows the soul as eternal, unborn, undeteriorating and indestructible; how does that person cause death to anyone and whom does he slay?

  • 阿诸那啊,如果一个人懂得了灵魂是永恒的,不生的,可被毁的,那他又怎么会使人死亡呢?他杀死了谁呀?
    O Arjuna, one who knows the soul as eternal, unborn, undeteriorating and indestructible; how does that person cause death to anyone and whom does he slay?

  • 尽管不生,永恒存在,作为所有灵的主,我是由于我内在的力量决定的,要以我初始的超然形态出现在这个世界上。
    Although being birth less, imperishable and immutable, the Lord of all living entities; being so situated I appear in this world in My original transcendental form by My internal potency.

  • 这血要在你们所住的房屋上作记号;我一见这血,就越过你们去。我击杀埃及地头的时候,灾殃必临到你们身上你们。
    And the blood will be a sign on the houses where you are: when I see the blood I will go over you, and no evil will come on you for your destruction, when my hand is on the land of Egypt.

  • 这血要在你们所住的房屋上作记号、我一见这血、就越过你们去、我击杀埃及地头的时候、灾殃必临到你们身上你们。
    The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.

  • 这血要在你们所住的房屋上作记号、我一见这血、就越过你们去、我击杀埃及地头的时候、灾殃必临到你们身上你们。
    And the blood will be a sign on the houses where you are: when I see the blood I will go over you, and no evil will come on you for your destruction, when my hand is on the land of Egypt.

  • “天之天”是指--自性、佛性、挫火、妙用等--。这个本性是超乎物质世界,是我们人死后,唯一存下来,不生的妙用。
    2"Nature disposition" is self-nature, Buddha-nature, Qi, kuntanili and refinement. The nature is beyond material world. It is refinement that exists forever after human death.

  • “我”并向所有的人展示,被“我”的藏在外在能量中的幻化力量所遮蔽的实相。世上无知的人无法理解“我”是不生的。
    I am not manifest to everyone, being veiled by My illusory potency in the external energy. The ignorant in this world cannot understand Me, the unborn and imperishable.

  • 13这血要在你们所住的房屋上作记号,我一见这血,就越过你们去。我击杀埃及地头的时候,灾殃必临到你们身上你们。
    And the blood will be a sign on the houses where you are: when I see the blood I will go over you, and no evil will come on you for your destruction, when my hand is on the land of Egypt.

  • 这也是对我们进行培训的原因,通过培训,我们可以取得突破,学会从事物互即互入的体性上观察事物,感触事物不生的体性。
    That is why the training is for us to break through, to know how to look at things in their interbeing nature, to touch the nature of no birth and no death.

  • 帕金森一千定律:一个拥有千人以上雇员的企业会成为一个自的帝国,提供的实习工作机会多得使公司再需要与外界人员签订合同。
    Parkinson's Law of 1000: An enterprise employing more than 1000 people becomes a self-perpetuating empire creating so much internal work that it no longer needs any contact with the outside world.

  • 从古希腊到近代,西方占主导地位的宇宙观是实体论,认为神所创造的宇宙是一个不生、无盈无缺、单一完满的存在,宇宙之本原或始基是实体。
    From the ancient Greece to the modern age, western dominant world view was ontology, which thought the world was created by God and an eternal universe, whose origin was substance.

  • 我将听到夜莺的啼唱,彻夜诉说心中的苦悲。我住在不生的混沌世界,没有黑夜,也没有日出的光辉。也许我偶然想起谁,也话我偶然忘记了谁!
    I shall not hear the nightingale Sing on, as if in pain:And dreaming through the twilight That doth not rise nor set, Happly I may remember, And haply may forget.

  • 不生不灭造句相关
