
不甚了了  bù shèn liǎo liǎo








  • 他对这个会议的重要性不甚了了
    Little does he realize how important this meeting is.

  • 他对股市的游戏规则不甚了了
    He doesn't know much about the rules of game.

  • 就连她的真名实姓也不甚了了
    Even her real names are not too clear.

  • 但是,人们对多样性的演化过程却不甚了了
    But the way that diversity evolved is unclear.

  • 记者问起三年后的打算,这位老总也不甚了了
    Three years after the reporter asked to, this mister also lost.

  • 他随心所欲地泛泛而读,故对许多经典书籍不甚了了
    haphazard reading left him unacquainted with many classic books.

  • 但由于业务有别,我对地产行业不甚了了,也就没有看过。
    But because business are different, I understand the real estate industry, also have not read.

  • 相信绝大多数民众对这两个经济学最常见的术语是不甚了了的。
    believe the majority of the people of the two most common terms of economics is not too clear about the.

  • 因为我对韩国历史不甚了了,原本向来对韩国历史剧集是太感兴趣。
    Originally I was not interested at this style of korean drama because of my poor knowledge about korean history indeed.

  • 由此看来,我们大部分人对韩国经济的了解都是浮光掠影、不甚了了
    By this token, we are major the person is skimming over the surface to the understanding of Korea economy, not very know clearly.

  • 宗教狂热分子通常对他们的信仰不甚了了,有一些则是利用宗教来掩饰政治目的。
    So-called religious fanatics typically have a shallow understanding of the religion they claim to profess or may (mis)use religion to mask their political ambitions.

  • 近年来,许多开发商纷纷以“绿色住宅”为招牌,而对绿色住宅的内涵却不甚了了
    In recent years, many developers have to "green residential" signs on residential green content is poorly understood.

  • 而此后的教学又无笔形的进阶课程,以至于大多数学生对此书写基础知识,仍然不甚了了
    in the lack of advanced curriculum in calligraphy strokes thereafter, the great majority of students are short of the fundamental knowledge in writing.

  • 要知道,一旦它发现了任何错误,它就会怪到我头上,尽管我连它的磁盘在何方都不甚了了
    You just know that if it finds any errors, it's going to blame me, even though I don't even knowswheresits disks ARE.

  • 说起来或许很傻,但我得承认,身为《金融时报》的一员,我对有些商业和财经问题却不甚了了
    It is probably a silly thing to admit when you are employed by this newspaper, but there are quite a few things I don't understand about business and finance.

  • 质的描述表明,幼儿积累了一些关于个体元认知的有关知识,但对自己是如何掌握这种知识的不甚了了
    The qualitative description shows that children have accumulated some concerned knowledge about individual metacognition, but they are ignorant of how themselves get the knowledge;

  • 但究竟什么是“健康住宅”,大多数人不甚了了,而众多打着健康住宅旗号的房地产项目则令人莫衷一是。
    But what is a "healthy residential, " Most people understand, and many of the health of the residential property he is a consensus item.

  • IBM的一位执行官抱怨,大多数跟踪IBM的分析师“有太多硬件产业的烙印,而对软件业不甚了了”。
    An IBM executive complains that most of the analysts who follow the company are "legacy hardware guys who don't get software".

  • 虽然详情起初不甚了了,但人们很快发现分裂的根源在于罗伯逊和勒基特对马修•诺尔斯执掌乐队逐渐满。
    Though details were at first sketchy, it soon emerged that the root of the split lay in Luckett's and Roberson's growing discomfort in regard to Mathew Knowles' management of the group.

  • 虽然详情起初不甚了了,但人们很快发现分裂的根源在于罗伯逊和勒基特对马修·诺尔斯执掌乐队逐渐满。
    Though details were at first sketchy, it soon emerged that the root of the split lay in Luckett's and Roberson's growing discomfort in regard to Mathew Knowles' management of the group.

  • 我说过对于地产业我本不甚了了,但就受制于同一个法律系统之下的各种合同而言,其共同的东西也应该少。
    I said I had nothing to the real estate industry, but subject to the same legal system under various contracts, the common things should be a lot.

  • 远远舞台上的音乐剧,不甚了了,但处在满山坡或躺或坐或蹲的三三两两的观众群中,我念着雅克·卜列维的诗。
    Among people covering the large slope, either reclining, sitting, or squatting on the grass in twos and threes, I intoned lines by Jacques Prevert the French poet.

  • 看来,虽然《成长的烦恼》和《神探亨特》已经引入中国十七、八年了,我们对美国电视是如何运作的还是不甚了了
    It seems even though Growing Pains and Hunter were introduced to the Chinese audience some 17 or 18 years ago, we are still quite ignorant about how American TV works.

  • 由此,一个富有的慈善家可能会在听说远方国度发生了不甚了了的疫病后投资于那种疫病的研究,尽管在他所处的社会上事态还太紧迫。
    Thereby, a wealthy philanthropist may hear of an obscure disease in a distant country and invest in its research, although the matter is not entirely pressing within the community that he resides.

  • 说逻辑化的辩证逻辑“是意识形态的产物,其基本原则相当程度上是似是而非的”,或者是对辩证逻辑的严重歪曲,或者是对辩证逻辑不甚了了
    The argument that "logicalized dialectical logic is the product of ideology with specious principle" is the distortion or ignorance of dialectical logic.

  • 虽然我们对马利亚当时的想法不甚了了,但我们却知道心是「人的宝座」,人的真正性格---论好与坏,都是由心发出的(马太福音15:18-19)。
    Though we are not given much of a glimpse into Mary's thoughts, we do know that the heart is the "seat of one's being" from which people express their true character—good or bad (Matthew 15:18-19).

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