
旁征博引  páng zhēng bó yǐn







  • 作者旁征博引以证明自己的观点。
    The writer illustrates his point by quotation from a number of sources.

  • 不仅考辨《伏乘》中讹误之处,亦旁征博引,以求得真相。
    We not only research the mistakes in The living of Fu, but also quote others in order to get the truth.

  • 二是通过旁征博引对共同担保中的相关法律问题进行阐述、探讨。
    then discussing and arguing the legal issues related to joint guarantee with comprehensive references.

  • 为了听他旁征博引、激动人心的演讲结束语,那些听众甚至能等上一整天。
    He would make audiences wait, even for a day, for his stirring perorations, laced with classical allusions.

  • (肖伯纳)题目选好了,就需要旁征博引,写作意图一突出,文字就成立了。
    When your topic is selected, you need to identify things and ideas that support the purpose of your writing, a reason for being.

  • 讲课风格灵活并且旁征博引,互动性强,在轻松愉快的环境中提高学员的英语能力。
    Her class is very relaxing and flexible, full of interactions to improve students' English level in free and easy atmosphere.

  • 有的作者旁征博引,介绍国际上的有益经验,旨在促进我国政府统计与国际通行做法接轨;
    Some authors introduce international useful experience to promote China's governmental statistics to be geared to international standards;

  • 商家的刻意炒作,往往是一种欺骗,他们先是旁征博引,继而指鹿为马,让消费者难辨其踪。
    Merchants often deliberately speculation, is a form of deception, they start out by many, and consequently a stag a horse which will enable consumers to its riches since then.

  • 她花了一整页来描写自己少年时对“好莱坞浪漫世界”的痴迷,旁征博引谈论着自己喜爱影片。
    She devotes a whole page to her adolescent immersion in "the romantic world of Hollywood", discoursing knowledgeably on her favorite films.

  • 他非常博学,言辞中旁征博引,他的微笑非常友善愉快,目前他正周游全国,交谈、劝诫和禁食。
    Very learned and full of apt quotations, he had a smile that was genuinely kind and pleasant, and he was currently travelling all over the country talking, persuading, and fasting.

  • 历史系旁征博引:自古以来就有洋为中用,我们现在只是借用洋发色微微一用,心仍然是爱国心的。
    The history fasten a side to advertise for Bo to lead:From time immemorial there is ocean for convenient, we now just use ocean hair color tiny on use, the heart be still a patriotism.

  • 不久,接到了许多答案,其中大多旁征博引,洋洋洒洒地分析论证各人的功过轻重,然后拿出自己的看法。
    Before long, received a lot of results, among them mostly quote copiously from many sources, ground of at great length analyses the desert weight that proves each one, take out oneself view next.

  • 有位同仁最近向我吹嘘,他最得意的弟子正在就中世纪神学家DunsScotus如何旁征博引做论文。
    A colleague recently boasted to me that his best student was doing his dissertation on how the medieval theologian Duns Scotus used citations.

  • 如果老板都没意见,我们做马仔的又何必之乎者也旁征博引追究呢?无奈,做沉默的使者,静观事态更迭。
    So, if bosses had nothing to complain. Why we should say something about this. Better to be a quiet staff, and watch how the status goes.

  • 最直接的表现就是:京城楼市庞大的市场容量中,旁征博引励精图治者有之,跟风冒进,仓促应付者也有之。
    The most direct expression is : capital market huge market capacity, substantial, good persons, the follow the trend of rash, hasty who have to cope with it.

  • 此次演讲为这场学术界的高峰会议画上了一个圆满的句号,环境与城市学院的耿旭院长称之为旁征博引,才华横溢。
    This very informative, original and talented speech, as Shu Geng, Dean of the School of Environment and Urban Studies said, wrote the end of this summit meeting perfectly.

  • 扬州人李善在吸引前人成果的基础上,重新注释的《文选》,旁征博引,为后人保存了大量已经散失的重要文献资料。
    Who attract Yangzhou Li in the previous results on the basis of the notes to the "Selected Works", Pangzhengboyin, in order to save a lot of people have lost important documents.

  • 如不善求同,不善以一物阐证另一物,可令读律师之案卷。如果他不善于推此知彼,旁征博引,他顶好研究律师们的案卷。
    If he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyers' cases.

  • 要意识到在场的人们希望你成功。听众希望你的讲话兴味昂然、催人向上、旁征博引且风趣幽默。他们不愿看到你把事情搞砸。
    Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They don't want you to fail.

  • 要意识到在场的人们希望你成功。听众希望你的讲话兴味昂然、催人向上、旁征博引且风趣诙谐。他们不愿看到你把事情搞砸。
    Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They don't want you to fail.

  • 要意识到在场的人们希望你成功。听众希望你的讲话兴味昂然、催人向上、旁征博引且风趣幽默。他们不愿看到你把事情搞砸。
    Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, entertaining. They don't want you to fail.

  • 如不善求同,不善以一物阐证另一物,可令读律师之案卷。(王译)如果他不善于推此知彼,旁征博引,他顶好研究律师们的案卷。
    If he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyers' cases.

  • 曹德和教授深受语言学界南派影响,在《语言应用和语言规范研究》中展示的学术个性是:寻根究源,旁征博引;站在学术前沿,勇于作理论上的探索;善于发现问题和敢于碰“难题”。
    This article introduces the professor Cao Dehe's learning spirit, and discusses the learning personality exhibiting in his work "Studies on the Language Application and Language Criterion".

  • 旁征博引造句相关
