
不由分说  bù yóu fēn shuō








  • 不由分说,我硬把蛋糕塞进她嘴里。
    I Buyoufenshuo, I forcibly cake into her mouth.

  • 我们全都不由分说地卷进了一场宏大的实验。
    We are all listening to volumes into a vast experiment.

  • 出版体制改革不由分说地影响着印企体制定位;
    Publishing system reform obstinately think of the impact on system lying enterprises;

  • 一个保安拉住那男人的胳膊,不由分说地将他赶了出去。
    A guard took the man by the arm and conducted him firmly out.

  • 李不俗还要争辩,那人不由分说,便将三人一齐推了下去。
    Li Busu wanted to argue some more, but needless to say the man had dubbed three of them down.

  • 阿泰在动物园发明海豚死死地夹着球,不由分说给了海豚一拳。
    In the zoo, Ron puched the dolphin in the face because it was holding a ball high.

  • 当他不想让你说话的时候,他会不由分说用他的嘴堵住你的嘴。
    When he does not want to let you talking, he would not say from cent that block up your mouth with his mouth.

  • 来开门的那个人一定以为我是个疯子,因为我不由分说冲到马厩里。
    The person who opened it must have taken me for a madman, for I rushed at once to the stable.

  • 那帮人哪里管许多闲话,不由分说,一路推推掺掺把刘景升推进了府堂。
    Where those people were many gossip tube, bu you fen shuo, erbium-doped pushing all the way up to Liu promoted the Church House.

  • 我们反对将一切日常生活媒体化,进而广告化,我们反对不由分说的入侵。
    We object changing all daily life media, then advertisement is changed, we object not by defend oneself inbreak.

  • 这时,有一名强盗闯进来,把小偷当成主人,不由分说地便把小偷绑起来了!
    At this moment, a robber is rushed into come, regard thief as master, do not bind thief by defend oneself ground rose!

  • 我知道她会恨吉姆逃跑,很可能会不由分说地把他卖到河下游的新奥尔良去。
    I knew that Jim would be hated for having run away and he would probably be sold down the river to New Orleans anyway.

  • 那些人不由分说,让人找来司机,将这几个睡眼朦胧的人塞进了汽车向山区进发。
    They foisted these Chinese, with eyes still heavy with sleep, into a car and set out for the mountain area.

  • 刚说完这话里面就冲出来几个人,不由分说把我拉到工地里面,关上门对我拳打脚踢。
    just finished saying they jumped out to several people, I stopped listening to the site inside, kicked doors to me.

  • 男孩瞪大眼睛,又惊又喜,高兴得扑到我身边,不由分说地就摘下我的帽子往窗外远远地扔去。
    The boy stares the big eye, is pleasantly surprised, is happy throws to me side, takes off my hat to throw by far rashly toward the window outside.

  • 我们都是附近安分守己的居民,几天以前,大法王突然出现了,不由分说的就把我们拘禁在这里。
    We are all law-abiding residents from around this area. A few days ago, the First Lord suddenly showed up and for no apparent reason, locked us up in this place.

  • 现在,还不等学者们七嘴八舌议论一番,财政部就不由分说地予以明确,公开表示“已成定局”。
    Now, do not make a lot of scholars back, the Ministry of Finance to be clear without publicly expressed "is a foregone conclusion."

  • 我还能不能做一次孩子,不由分说,我是又做了一回这样哭鼻子的孩子,还是一直都是这个孩子。
    I just keep waiting for the "right" one but no one can tell me who he is. Maybe that's why love is changeable and irony.

  • 他们不由分说地将历史、政治、经济、文化、宗教糅合在一起,似乎他们已经掌握了命运的水晶球。
    They are not together mix of the history, politics, economy, culture, religion by defend oneself ground, it seems that the crystal ball that they had mastered a destiny.

  • 就算我们不用4-4-2或是4-3-3阵型,我们也应该不由分说地知道用什么阵型来打这场比赛。
    If we do go to a 4-4-2 or a 4-3-3, we know exactly how to play it.

  • 见两个眼冒邪光的男人朝她走过去,一向木讷的林洪一机灵,几步跨过去,不由分说就坐到了女孩旁边。
    Sees the man who two eyes brave the evil light to face her to walk, always simple-hearted Lin Hong one smart, several steps bridges over, took a seat rashly nearby the girl.

  • 美术馆的人突然出现,他们说这张画是有史以来最伟大的杰作,不由分说从女孩手中夺走画像送去了美术馆。
    People from the gallery suddenly came. They said this picture was the greatest painting beyond the memory of men. They grabbed the picture from the girl and sent it to the gallery.

  • 但是,如果想充分获得白藜芦醇的好处,须每天喝大约100杯红酒,不由分说这对健康一定会造成负面影响!
    But to obtain the benefits of resveratrol, you'd have to drink about 100 glasses of wine per day—and this would lead to serious negative health consequences!

  • 是故,倘当事人之一方或证人为不通中文者或喑哑人士,则司法人员与诉讼当事人间语言沟通障碍之存在不由分说
    Language barrier exists between judicial officers, lawyers and the litigants when either litigants or witnesses are language-handicapped or hearing-impaired.

  • 老师走到后排座位,叫一名男生站起来,不由分说上手就给那名男生一个嘴巴,同学们见状都愣住了,谁也不敢出声。
    Teacher arrives at the back row seat, is called a male student to stand, began rashly gives a that male student mouth, schoolmates sees that has been shocked, nobody dared to make noise.

  • 金微心中冰冷,血液都快凝固了,FrancoBao拉着她的手,不由分说地向楼上走,她被动地跟着她,想不去也不行。
    Ice-cold hearts of the micro-payment, the coagulation of blood almost, Franco Bao held her hand, Buyoufenyue to go upstairs, she followed her passive, do not want them.

  • 她将我一把拖到洗脸架前,不由分说往我脸上、手上擦了肥皂,抹上水,用一块粗糙的毛巾一揩,虽然重手重脚,倒也干脆爽快。
    she hauled me to the washstand, inflicted a merciless, but happily brief scrub on my face and hands with soap, water, and a coarse towel;

  • 他对合众国际社说:“在一些抗衰老门诊,生长激素被不由分说的应用于未经核准的没有任何证据显示病人会因此获益的病症。”
    'In many anti-aging clinics, growth hormone is prescribed willy-nilly off-label, without any proof that patients are better off, ' he told UPI.

  • 汤姆-布坎农不由分说就把一只紧张的胳臂插在我的胳臂下面,把我从屋子里推出去,仿佛他是在把一个棋子推到棋盘上另一格去似的。
    Wedging his tense arm imperatively under mine, Tom Buchanan compelled me from the room as though he were moving a checker to another square.

  • 于是他就去了,谁知一到那里,“造反派”和“红卫兵”们不由分说,一边扭过老舍双臂让他做 “喷气式”“请罪”,一边对他拳脚相加。
    Who would have known what was going to happen to him there! No sooner had he arrived than he was grabbed by the Rebels and the Red Guards.

  • 不由分说造句相关
